Gu World

“Destroy planets…”

Seeing the might displayed by the cosmic-level strongman, the three venerables fell silent.

They already understood the horror of the supreme system. Even if they achieved a little, it would be of great benefit to the path they were going to take!

But such a strong man, in the supreme world, could not even be ranked! He would even be treated as a slave!


“Those who possess such power will be treated as slaves, and those so-called powerful forces”

“How huge would it be?”

The Great Sun Immortal Venerable murmured.

But even if he used all his imagination, he really couldn’t imagine such a scene!

“In the final analysis”

“Or maybe our vision is too narrow”

“It’s ridiculous that I used to think that the destruction of fate was the beginning of a great era.”

“But I never thought”

“The real great era is the arrival of the heavens!”

“If our world could be so vast that it could treat all cosmic creatures as the lowest level creatures without hesitation,…”

Xingxiu Immortal Venerable stood up.

He looked outside the room, which seemed to be a vast world.

He spoke softly.

At the end of his speech, Xingxiu Immortal Venerable suddenly stopped.

He came back to look at Juyang Immortal Venerable and Fang Yuan.

“Such a great era”

“The so-called venerable is no longer high and mighty, and the so-called good and evil are just narrow prejudices!”

“If only we could cooperate sincerely!”

“In the future, the Gu world will definitely have a brighter future!”

After the words fell, the Great Sun Immortal Lord nodded.

Fang Yuan was just in a daze.

“Universe level, you can live for an era”

“There is no so-called reincarnation in our world, so doesn’t that mean we can live forever without going through so-called suffering?….”

Star World

“What a waste!”

Hong Meng slapped the table in front of him with a slap!

As the first controller of Hong Meng Space, what did he desire most?


Every living being, as long as they have enough faith and opportunity, has a small chance to become a Hong Meng controller! Wasn’t the technique practiced by Qin Meng, the third Hong Meng controller, just created by Lei Wei in the Great Perfection Period?

But now, this Devouring Star Universe World actually treats the strong people who have finally walked out of the galaxy as slaves!

Even if the population is large, it can’t be wasted like this!

“Brother, brother, calm down!”

“That’s their world, we have no right to interfere!”

Seeing that Hong Meng was very angry,

Lin Meng hurried forward to comfort him.

“Big brother also cherishes talents”

“These strong people who can struggle out of small places step by step”

“Who among them doesn’t have extraordinary luck and character?”

“But if you become a slave”

“A life is ruined”

“Fortunately, we have our world to protect us, so it won’t be like this!”

Qin Meng understood Hong Meng’s idea very well.

Just like the Great Thousand World, Yan Emperor and Wu Zu who were able to walk out of the lower plane.

They can fail in the competition.

That only means that they are not qualified to go to the end.

But if the two have the qualifications to leave their names on the Sky List, but become slaves because of the so-called big forces, ruining their future path.

That is indeed a waste!

“Damn it!”

“I don’t know who is in charge of this devouring world?”

“How can you just sit back and do nothing?”


Hong Meng was very angry.

He had no choice but to wave his hands to indicate that he had no problem.

At the same time, the Zhutian Communication Network was also in an uproar!

Universe level, even in the countless worlds where there are many supreme systems that can be cultivated now, it can be regarded as a strong one!

After all.

Which cultivation system does not need a long time to settle?

Many creatures even thought that they could reach such a realm in their lifetime when they saw the introduction of the universe level.

It is already a death without regrets!

As a result, in the world of Devouring Stars, they are actually”slaves”?

One Punch Two Little Pancakes: No, buddy, this universe level is still a slave, isn’t it a bit too much?

One Punch Two Little Pancakes: That is an existence that can cross the universe and suppress a planet by itself!

The leader of the Exploding Heaven Gang: In fact, Devouring the Universe is just that the law of the jungle is more obvious. Aren’t there strong people of a similar realm in other worlds who are regarded as dead soldiers?

There is nothing good about eternal life: After all, the theory of the Three-Body World is actually the most correct.

There is nothing good about eternal life: Wherever there are living beings, it is a”dark forest”. The weak can only pray that the strong are kind!

Goulan Tingqu: The words are rough but the truth is true. It is not so bad in a place like the world. There are big forces guarding it, and there are crises that need to be united against the enemy!

Luo Chengzhu: This kind of thing is not difficult to explain. What the living beings in our world need to face is a path of”must become stronger”.

Luo Chengzhu: And there is no so-called big force that can suppress the whole world, so it will naturally be more chaotic!

Bu Yao Bilian: The progress of civilization level does not mean the progress of civilization!

Dragon Talisman is the best in the world: In the final analysis, there is no strongest person to suppress it! Dragon Talisman is the best in the world: In a world like Dragon Talisman, there is such a majestic existence as Mr. Gu, how could such a thing happen?

Gold Finger is down: Come on, do you think I don’t know about Dragon Talisman?

Gold Finger is down: No world can avoid the law of the jungle, okay!

Spare my life, my king: That’s right, all we can do is try every possible way to make ourselves stronger!

My name is not Bai Xiaofei: Now we are competing for the speed of cultivation!

My name is not Bai Xiaofei: In front of the supreme world, everyone is on the same starting line. It depends on who can seize this opportunity and soar into the sky!

For the dignified universe-level strongmen, there is a risk of being treated as a”slave”.

Instantly alerted countless creatures in the heavens!

Although there may not be such a crazy guy in their own world.

But as everyone begins to cultivate the supreme system, it is hard to guarantee that such people will not come out!

So, practice! Get stronger! As long as you are strong enough, no one will catch me, and I will be the only one who catches others!

On the other hand, the video began to introduce the next realm of the universe!

【Devouring the starry world, domain lord level!】

【The lifespan of this realm reaches one hundred epochs, and at the same time, one has some understanding of a certain basic original law!】

【The strong men who have reached the realm of domain master are all in the ninth realm, and any one of them can dominate a region! For creatures of lower realms, their aura can be directly suppressed!】

【At the same time, starting from this level, you can no longer be controlled by the biochip and become a slave! If you want to control it, you must use the powerful soul slavery secret method!】

【The nebula that was originally born at the cosmic level will collapse into a strange life core.】

【The soul is hidden in the life core, and its breath cannot be detected! It is also the beginning of the birth of the world!】

【A domain lord-level creature can cause a planet-scale flood with just one punch!】

【It can easily cut through the universe and will not be hurt even inside a star!】

【It is enough to make ordinary civilized countries in the universe dare not provoke easily! They will also be enthusiastically wooed! At the same time, after the division of regions, they can be recognized by the universe!】

【Devouring the Universe World, Realm Master Level】

【At this realm, the lifespan reaches one thousand epochs, and one has a deeper understanding of a certain lower-level original law, and can even be recognized by the lower-level original law!】

【The power of laws can be added when attacking!】

【You can also rely on your own laws to comprehend the laws of a higher realm!】

【Usually only one galaxy is born in a thousand. Just join an empire and you can get a galaxy as your territory!】

【At this level, one can open up a world of at least 10,000 kilometers in the inner body! Any substance can be formed!】

【At the same time, you can release world projection!】

【In terms of power, one strike can wipe out a planet with life! It can absorb external energy to prevent the body from aging! It can fly at sub-light speed!】

【Just one look can cause a star-level soul to collapse!】

【In the world inside your body, you can open up another”world within a world”! Hide precious treasures! 】

Three-Body World

Although the Wallfacer Plan was directly broken because of the emergence of the Supreme System.

All the people on Earth began to practice the Supreme System.

But after all, the”Earth Gravekeeper” who appeared in the video still proposed the existence of the Dark Forest Theory. (To read the violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

So the manor of logical life was preserved

“Shit! How can I still be treated as a slave after I become a Territory Lord?”

“The Dark Forest Returns to the Dark Forest”

“This is too dark!”

At this time, Shi Qiang, who came to visit, stood on the grass outside the manor.[]

Open your mouth with curse words

“This is not the Dark Forest Law”

“But it is the most basic law of life: the survival of the fittest!”

“The realm of the Devouring Star Universe, the surge in power is just a comparison with the previous realm”

“Compared with the previous two supreme systems, it is not so exaggerated”

“So in the early stage, the realm was weak and was bullied by others.”

“It’s normal.”

Logic said calmly while teasing the child.

“Yes, the weak will be beaten”

“The words left by our ancestors!”

“However, this method of swallowing the starry sky is actually also about opening up the world”

“But their world is so vast, with three thousand cosmic seas and the origin universe.”

“Can it really be controlled?”

Shi Qiang nodded.

Then he looked at Logic and asked curiously

“how could I know?”

“In addition, the Star Devouring Technique is not necessarily the type of technique that controls the sky!”

“Devour…Maybe you can practice till the end”

“It might be that the creatures swallowed the entire origin world!”

Shi Qiang’s question made Logic stunned at first.

Then he shook his head and spoke casually.

Damn! That God King has a really good appetite!

“The Domain Master level cannot be controlled by that chip”

“But can still be enslaved by the law of soul?”

“What a good idea!”

Inside Tianmen,

Emperor Shitian was overjoyed!

He was the master of Tianmen, and he relied on his own force and means to rule his subordinates.

He had no dignity at all.

But Emperor Shitian didn’t need it! He just wanted his subordinates to be obedient!

But with the continuous exposure of the supreme cultivation system,

Emperor Shitian, who had no qualifications in cultivation, immediately panicked! He could n’t compare with others in terms of qualifications.

In terms of lifespan, everyone now has the opportunity to live forever! If it really comes down to it, he still relies on the mere phoenix blood, and he might not live longer than others!

“But now it’s different!”

“As long as I can buy this method of soul enslavement!”

“Then go around the world and take control of all qualified people!”

“Then I can practice with peace of mind! They will eliminate anyone who wants to practice!”

“”Hahahaha! What a perfect plan!”

Thinking of this,

Emperor Shitian laughed crazily.

Then he couldn’t wait to open the Zhutian Communication Network and sent a private message to City Lord Luo.

After all, he was the only one who was exposed as the one who devoured the world!

Xianjian World

“Wait, I can’t calculate!”

“How many years can this world master live?”

Li Xiaoyao counted on his fingers.

He started to calculate according to what he said before: one era equals 10,081 years.

But as he counted, he became confused. He felt a bunch of zeros flying around in his mind.


“Ten million years!”

“How come I have a disciple like you!”

“You can’t even count them!”

The Drunken Swordsman was helpless.

He had seen Li Xiaoyao learn the sword-controlling technique after just one look.

He thought he was a genius, but what happened? Apart from cultivation, he was just a small hoodlum!

“Ten million years?”


“If I earn one tael of silver every month”

“”Isn’t it just 100 million taels?”

Hearing the answer from the Drunken Sword Immortal,

Li Xiaoyao was stunned at first, then he jumped up excitedly.

The next second, he was kicked out by the Drunken Sword Immortal!

“You bastard! Give me back the money! If you can really cultivate to the level of a Realm Master!”

“All the silver as big as the stars is yours!”

“What else to earn!”

���Seeing that when they reach the Domain Lord level, they no longer have to risk being a slave, but they still have the possibility of being enslaved by the strong.

People can’t help but shed bitter tears for the practitioners of the Devouring Star Universe World.

A peerless genius can only come out of a thousand galaxies.

After making it to the Supreme World, he is just a random slave!

How miserable!

However, at this time, a higher level has also emerged in the video!

Everyone’s attention was immediately attracted!

【Swallowed Star Technique, Immortal Level】

【The Immortal level is also known as the eternal strong, and in some areas of the universe, it is also called a god!】

【If you want to achieve immortality, you need to fully understand a certain lower-level original law!】

【And gradually began to comprehend the upper origin law! According to the different levels of comprehension, it is divided into three small realms!】

【As long as you reach this level, you will be immortal and indestructible, and it will be extremely difficult to kill you! So most of the time, the defeated immortals will be sealed!】

【The first small realm of the immortal level is called the Immortal Monarch!】

【The energy is comparable to that of a peak Realm Master by a hundred to a thousand times! With an infinite lifespan! The body will transform 5.1 into an immortal divine power with a unique nature!】

【The inner world will be promoted to the kingdom of God! You can use your own great power to open up a teleportation channel to the top!】

【But it usually needs to be kept extremely secret, because if the spatial location of the Kingdom of God is exposed, the Immortal level will suffer heavy losses!】

【The Immortal Monarch is powerful enough to overthrow the entire star field! Powerful enough to pluck the stars and play with the stars!】

【The speed exceeds the speed of light! The body can withstand the torrent of space debris!】

【The second small realm of the immortal level, the immortal title of marquis!】

【Possessing a power of one thousand to ten thousand times that of a Realm Lord! Recognized by the higher origin law! The universe is extremely fragile to it! Its attack can penetrate thousands of miles in an instant!】

【Possessing an immortal body, even if the soul is scattered and turned into ashes, as long as a trace of cell fragments remains, the body can be quickly restored to its original state!】

【But there are too few surviving bodies, and the time it takes to recover to peak condition will gradually increase!】

【The primary civilizations in the universe are like ants in front of such a powerful being!】

【Intermediate civilizations also need to be treated with respect! Looking at the universe, the immortal marquis is already a guest of honor for all major forces!】

【The third small realm of the immortal level, become the immortal king!】

【Possessing 10,000 to 1,000,000 times the power of a Realm Master! Begin to comprehend the mysteries of the higher origin laws! As your strength increases, you will comprehend more mysteries!】

【You can treat stars as dirt and dust! Each strike can easily penetrate the stars!】

【The space was easily broken! The aftermath of the battle shattered the starry sky for millions of miles!】

【Frontal teleportation can easily teleport a distance of one or two light years! But it will cause space fluctuations!】

【If one reaches the realm of immortality, goes very far, or comprehends the profoundness of the higher laws, and possesses a valuable treasure】

【Then you can become the invincible king!】

【It can even rival the newcomers of the next realm! A desperate fight can seriously injure the newcomers! 】

Instantly, all the worlds were shocked!.

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