Chapter 38 Goku Piccolo vs Raditz! Little Gohan doubles his combat power! Unlimited potential?

Facing his past, Sun Wukong does not have any nostalgia.

He doesn’t recognize himself as a Super Saiyan.

I don’t think I’m here to destroy the world.

He identifies himself as the grandson of Son Gohan and identifies himself as an earthling.

The choice has already been made with these words.

It’s a bit of a surprise now.

“Star: Have you completely rejected your evil origin?”

“March 7: I really didn’t expect it, there was no entanglement.”

“Cat again: That’s great! Isn’t this a good way to protect the earth?”

“Hanabi: Hehehehe, that’s hard to say.”

“Funina: Goku’s combat power should be stronger than Vic’s.”

“Funina: But what will be Raditz’s combat power?”

“Feixiao: From beginning to end, he didn’t have the slightest intention of being afraid, it should be that his combat power is far exceeded.”

“Feixiao: If you really fight, you may not be able to win.”

“Pepperhill: That’s true.”

“Jiaoqiu: I’m afraid this battle will be difficult to win.”


On that exposure screen.

Raditz after listening to Goku’s words.

He wasn’t going to leave like that.

“I can’t just go back.”

“The number of Saiyans is already small.”

“Planet Vegeta has been hit by a meteorite and exploded again.”

“Almost all three of them turned to dust and disappeared into the depths of the universe ……”.

“Our parents …… too”.

Raditz didn’t finish his words, but his tone was still very contemptuous.

Subsequently, Raditz broke the news even more.

“There are Saiyans currently alive, plus you are only four.”

“One of them and I was sent to an alien planet and survived.”

“The other one is just like you, lucky to be sent to another planet.”

Raditz is here this time.

It’s because they’ve found a planet that can sell for a very high price.

That’s why I remembered Kakarot now.

“Wake up, Kakarot!”

“The Saiyan blood in you is boiling, and it will make you extremely excited!!”

Raditz shouted at this moment.

However, Goku is not willing to do such a thing anyway.

“Star: The Saiyans are all bad things.”

“March 7: Indeed, it’s not the same idea as the current Goku.”

“Feixiao: The Tao is not the same, this is destined to be impossible to go the same way.”

“Pepperhill: But can this guy in front of you really stop it?”

“Funina: The strength is not an opponent at all, in addition to him, there are two Saiyans, one of which should be Vegeta.”

“Kamisato Ayaka: So if you arrive at that time, you will also arrive on Earth?”

“Danheng: This is the previous prophecy.”

“Hotaru: The battle …… Bardock saw before.”


On that exposure screen.

Seeing that Goku disagreed.

Raditz directly took Goku’s son Gohan hostage.

He asked Sun Wukong to kill 100 earthlings in one day.

Otherwise, he will kill Gohan with his own hands.

I have to say, it was absolutely very brutal and bloody.

As for Goku, he can’t even catch a punch from Raditz right now.

Not only that, but he also proclaimed an even more terrifying message.

The next planet that the Saiyans will destroy is Earth.

The crisis has arrived, and this time there is no possibility of retreating.

Just when everyone was thinking about how to deal with Raditz.

Vic has quietly arrived.

Arriving Vic, he decides to join forces with Monkey King to deal with Raditz.

As for the reason for joining forces, it is that Vic wants to unify the world, and the Nasaiyans are the obstacles.

And so.

The two of them had already passed the dragon ball on Gohan’s hat and went to the place where Raditz was.

“Funina: I really didn’t expect the two of them to join forces.”

“Kamisato Ayaka: I guess it’s because of an external crisis, the Saiyans want to destroy the earth.”

“Star: If the two of them can’t join forces to deal with the Saiyans, they will die in the end.”

“March 7: So in this case, teaming up is the best option.”

“Hotaru: That’s a …….”

“Poeon: But can their power really be defeated?”

“Placer: Judging from the current situation, you can’t win.”

“Dust: But I really didn’t expect that Vic’s combat power is only three hundred.”

“Black Swan: But this kind of power is enough to rule the world, and even the gods are no match.”

“Poetio: In this way, there really isn’t anything high in power on Earth.”

“Feixiao: That’s why I sent the newborn Wukong here, but although it doesn’t have too high combat power, it’s really not something that Wukong can solve alone.”


On that exposure screen.

After Raditz locked Son Gohan in a space capsule.

He was just about to look for something to eat, but he was surprised to find that the fighting power of the crying Son Gohan was actually approaching 710!

This number made his whole person startled, thinking that there was a problem with the combat effectiveness detector.

“Star: 700? Isn’t that twice as much as Vic?’

“March 7: It’s really twice the combat power! But isn’t Son Gohan only four years old now?’

“Feixiao: Speaking of which, Goku said that Gohan has a powerful power in his body, is that the potential contained in the son they born?”

“Dark Tower: That’s another interesting subject.”

“Screwg: Indeed, this kind of thing is still very rare.”

“Hanabi: Hahaha, interesting, could this kid be the key to winning in the end?”

“Cat again: But now the combat power is 700 meows! Isn’t that an exaggeration!’

“Star: So now there is a reasonable suspicion that the Saiyan race, the son’s fighting potential, should be linked to the father.”

“Black Tower: It doesn’t seem to apply to Bardock, it’s limited to Saiyans and Earthlings, right?”

“Hotaru: I don’t know if I can win in the end.”


On that exposure screen.

Raditz also discovers the arrival of Goku and Vic through the Combat Power Detector.

The combat strength of the two is 322 and 334, respectively.

The gap is still quite large.

It’s just that the potential of Sun Gohan is simply terrifying.

Raditz looked at the two of them, and he still wanted to convince Kakarot to join forces with him.

After all, there are only a few Saiyans left.

Inevitably, there will be a battle between the two sides.

Vic also took off the heavy cultivation uniform on his body.

After this, the combat effectiveness was directly increased to 408.

Wukong was also raised to 416 at this time.

I have to say that weight-bearing cultivation does seem to have some effect.

“Star: Has it increased its combat power by nearly 100 points?”

“March 7: Isn’t this ascension too intuitive? Can we win or not?’

“Poetio: Perhaps, only to the extent of Son Gohan will make Raditz afraid.”

“Dusty Gold: If you estimate it according to this range, Raditz’s combat power may be between 500 and 800.”

“Dust: But in reality, the greater the gap in combat power, the more it cannot be bridged by quantity.”

“Black Swan: This battle, they will definitely lose, if there are no surprises.”

“Black Tower: Well, so, is the key really in Sun Gohan?”


On that exposure screen.

Goku teamed up with Vic, and at this time he was already facing Raditz.

Fighting between the two sides was on the verge of breaking out.

Raditz showed much more speed than the two men.

At this time, Goku was still thinking about using the tail grabbing tactic to make Raditz lose his strength.

And at this time.

Raditz also ruthlessly announced another news.

The other two Saiyans were much stronger in combat than him.

That said, Raditz is just an appetizer.

It’s really impressive.

Once again, the fighting between the two sides was on the verge of breaking out.

Goku and Vic rushed forward at the same time, and there was a burst of Ora punches.

But all of these attacks were easily blocked by Raditz.

Under the absolute power and speed gap.

The two are not opponents at all.

Raditz easily defeated two men, and Vic lost his left arm outright.

Within two minutes of the battle, they had fallen into despair.

“Hahaha, your death is coming soon!”

Raditz laughed wildly.

In fact, he does have this capital.

“Star: It’s so strong, is this the crushing of combat power?”

“March 7: Although combat power is only a reference value, if there are a lot of them, they will not be an opponent at all.”

“Flying: Indeed, the difference in speed and strength is obvious, and there is no possibility of winning in this situation.”

“Flying: Unless there’s a new turn.”

“Huang Quan: But in this situation, it should be very difficult.”

“Hanabi: Hahaha, interesting, so interesting.”

“Hanabi: That’s really exciting.”

“Cat again: It’s over, it’s over, shouldn’t it really fail this time!!”


On that exposure screen.

Vic also begins to ask Goku if he has any tricks.

However, in the past five years, Wukong has really not practiced any tricks.

However, Vic has one.

“Hmph, do you have to perform my trick so soon?”

“This is a new move that I have worked so hard to cultivate.”

“Originally, I kept this trick for you to kill.”

“If it doesn’t work, we’re doomed.”

Vic is also a little nervous right now.

And this move takes a while to gather qi.

Goku immediately agreed to delay Raditz alone.

Vic began to gather his breath.

“Demon Light Killing Cannon!!”

Vic immediately raised the fingers of his right hand.

The qi in the body is accumulating frantically at this moment.

Goku alone delayed Raditz and was kicked into the sky.

Wukong immediately prepared to perform the Turtle School Qigong.

At this moment, Wukong’s combat power instantly increased to 924.

Raditz was already completely shaken.

“What! His combat effectiveness has increased? ”

“Combat power 924!!”

“This kid has condensed his energy and improved his combat effectiveness!!”

Raditz was just getting ready to deal with it.

But from Vic’s body, he sensed that the combat power had increased to 1020.

Not only that, but the combat effectiveness is rising at an incredible rate.

This instantaneous change is simply surprising to the extreme.

“Black Tower: This is …… Is this the condensation of qi?’

“Screwgrunt: But it can be seen that when the combat power reaches 1000, it will already be able to pose some threat to Raditz.”

“Feixiao: To be precise, if you can break a thousand in combat power, you will definitely be able to win.”

“Dustgold: It looks like something went wrong with my previous guess.”

“Topa: After all, gathering energy to increase combat effectiveness is quite surprising in itself.”

“Cat again: I can win meow!! This time I feel like I can really win!!”

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