63. Terrifying Cell! The perfect form is coming soon! Vegeta surpasses Super Saiyan!!

on the exposure screen.

A terrifying spotted humanoid monster that has just absorbed a person.

At this time, he followed and looked at Vic.

“Now it’s your turn, Big Demon Vic!!”

He said Vic’s name directly.

It seems that he knows a lot of people.

And immediately after.

He directly released the breath from his body.

After this aura erupted, it instantly made Vic’s face even more frightened.

“I’m your brother……”

He said so.

And in the far away Trunks, Gohan and others.

They all felt the horror too.

“This ……”

“Frieza…… And his father……”

Gohan couldn’t believe it at all.

Trunks was the same at this time.

“And Goku’s ……”

“Vic’s gas… and my dad’s anger…”

So much qi mixed together makes people feel the horror of despair.

Star: It’s over, it’s over, maybe we’ve guessed it right, right?

March 7: Isn’t this guy supposed to have absorbed all of Frieza, Goku, Vic Vegeta, and them all on another plane?

Feixiao: Judging from the current situation, the qi that erupted from his body is unusual in itself.

Jiaoqiu: It looks like it can be absorbed and turned into its own power.

Kamisato Ayaka: That’s terrifying, isn’t it? What kind of creature is this guy?

Funina: It doesn’t matter what creature it is, the point is that he’s probably stronger than the Android and the One.

Danheng: In other words, did you meet an opponent this time who can’t be solved no matter what?

Dusting: The guy who appeared this time is a combination of everyone.

Poetio: Baby, if that’s the case, it would be terrible.

Poeto: However, when this guy was absorbed, what exactly was the period when Goku and Vegeta were absorbed? Didn’t you change “Eight One Seven” into a Super Saiyan?

Star: He may not have become a Super Saiyan, but not necessarily, he came in a time machine after all.

Lingsha: This is the most terrifying thing right now, is it from the enemy of the future?


On that exposure screen.

At this time.

The warriors of the earth could not believe that such a thing could happen.

Vic, who finally assimilated and became one, also questioned his identity at this time.


The monster in front of him looked extraordinarily calm.

“There’s no need for that, you’ll be my food in no time.”

In this way, he actually intends to absorb all of them.

Vic was particularly excited about this.

Because in this way, he can let go of his fists and feet and show his skills.

When he was in Namek Star before, after assimilating with Danlu, his strength approached Frieza.

Now there is also a shortage of opponents.

After finally becoming one with the gods, the current combat power is also soaring.

Vic blasted a bolt of light and blasted the monster away.

The energy that erupted in it was no weaker than that of No. 17 and No. 18.

But this trick didn’t work.

After the two sides fought, Vic was already aware of the horror of the other party.

“My kung fu is good, once I finish the ……”

The monster said so.

Vic sensed an even greater threat.

“That’s why you attacked humans?”

“Yes, I want to absorb the essence of life as my energy.”

The monster responded.

At this time, he also talked about how he got here.

“The time machine container is too small to fit my body, and I have to degenerate into an egg before I can get in.”

Actively degraded, and then traveled specifically to this plane.

This was a real surprise.

Star: So why did this guy come here?

March 7: I don’t know, does it mean that in the future world, he has not become a complete body?

Kamisato Ayaka: It feels like this, but it’s also possible that it’s not……

Feixiao: It doesn’t make sense to think so much now.

Feixiao: The point is on this guy, I’m afraid no one will be able to deal with him.

Jiaoqiu: Indeed, purely from the perspective of strength, he has become too much stronger.


On that exposure screen.

Monsters at this moment.

As if showing off, he stretched out his hands.

“Turtle …… …… pie”

“Gas… Merit!! ”

The genuine turtle school qigong bombed out.

Vic was shocked on the spot.

In the midst of the chaos, the monster has entangled Vic.

And, the spike in his tail had landed on his left arm.

“I’m going to suck your super energy!”

The monster absorbs this at this time.

Vic immediately knocked it out of the way.

But in a short moment, his left arm was already useless.

The monster was very happy about this.

“As long as you absorb your life essence and become a complete body immediately, there is only one step left!”

His words were terrifying.

Star: This guy really knows how to move the people before! It’s over, maybe you can’t really win.

March 7: That’s a …… How could such a thing happen?

Feixiao: The situation is more delicate, and now the key is to know his identity as soon as possible.

Feixiao: Maybe after knowing the identity, there is a way to deal with it.

Jiaoqiu: Indeed, there is no way to do it now.


On that exposure screen.

At this time.

The monster also stated its identity.

His name is Sharu, and he is an artificial human.

It was also made by Dr. Gero with a computer

Monkey King, Vegeta, Vic, Frieza, and Frieza’s father were all harvested for the battle.

After 24 years after cell collection.

In the basement of Dr. Gero’s research institute, he was manufactured.

However, since the power is the power of the cells collected, the power exerted is average.

And the reason why he came here from the future.

It is to complete the complete body.

In order to achieve perfect first, two important special lifeforms must be synthesized.

That’s the 17th and 18th.

And in the future, the 17th, the 18th were killed by Trunks.

Shalu later kills Trunks and travels to this era in a time machine.

The news is terrifying.

Star: It doesn’t look like things are yet to reach the point of complete despair.

March 7: But it’s hard to say, he will be able to kill Trunks in the future, and his strength should not be ordinary.

Hanabi: The key point is that he knows the moves of everyone before him.

Hanabi: Does that mean he can hide his powers?

Flying: Shalu has plenty of time to prepare, and if he deliberately hides his powers, there will be even greater horror at that time.

Pepperhill: It’s the worst-case scenario for everyone.

Spirit Sand: A powerful enemy hiding in the shadows is far more terrifying than an enemy in the light.

Dust: And if he absorbs No. 17 and No. 18, he will be invincible at that time.


On that exposure screen.

At this time.

Sharu faced the approaching crowd.

After casting the Sun Fist, he immediately fled.

And then, Vic also told everyone everything.

Vegeta’s heart was shattered in an instant, and she felt extremely angry.

He decided to overtake Super Saiyan.

And the others immediately began to fight.

Sharu in this world was directly destroyed.

Blueprints for 17 were sent to Boomer for study.

They want to destroy the 17th ahead of schedule and stop Sharu’s fusion plan.

I have to say that this is indeed a way. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!) )

Goku has finally recovered, and he also wants to train in order to surpass Super Saiyan.

Goku takes Gohan, Vegeta, and Trunks, and the four of them to the Spirit Time House.

Cultivating here for a year, only one day will pass in the outside world.


The day passed. []

Vegeta and Trunks are done.

And No. 16, No. 17 and No. 18 have already found Vic.

They want to know the whereabouts of the Monkey King.

Vic fought.

In that day, Sharu has killed hundreds of thousands of people.

The battle between Vic and No. 17 has already caught the attention of Sharu.

Sharu immediately rushed over.

And the controller that was able to stop No. 17 and No. 18 had been handed over to Klin.

However, the appearance of Shalu has completely crushed No. 17 and Vic.

Vic’s qi is also rapidly declining, and it looks like he is already dying.

Star: It’s over, it’s been only a day, it’s grown to this point, and you can’t win at all.

Funina: The power gap is too big for anyone to be an opponent.

Kamisato Ayaka: It’s come to this point, how did it get to this point?

Feixiao: Judging by the current situation, it is impossible to win at all.

Poeto: Baby, it’s a mess now.

Pepperhill: I don’t know if Vegeta and Trunks will be able to handle it when they come out.

Dusting: But if the two of them are accidentally absorbed, then it will only get worse.

Kamisato Ayaka: That’s really …… This is indeed the case.

Star: What’s next?


On that exposure screen.

Seeing that Sharu was about to absorb the 17th.

Number 16 has already stepped forward, and he is completely machine-type.

Again, he felt that his strength was about the same as that of Sharu.

Number 16 ripped off Salu’s tail, but because of Vic’s cells, he was able to regenerate instantly.


The 16th had already crushed Shalu and bombarded him directly underground.

However, the 17th and 18th did not leave.

Sharu, who suddenly emerges from the ground, appears behind 17.

In the end, the 17th was directly absorbed.

It all happened too fast.

A terrifying power erupted from Sharu’s body.

His appearance also changed dramatically at this moment.

The body became even taller, and the aura it emitted was unmatched.

Now, he’s ready to absorb the 18th.

Xing: This situation is difficult to deal with now, you can’t win at all.0

Feixiao: If you absorb it again, then you won’t be an opponent at all.

Kamisato Ayaka: The gap between the powers is too great, and now I can only hope for Vegeta to come out of the Spirit Time House.

Jiaoqiuka: But if it were him, what would it be? It’s hard to say.

Star: Is there any salvation in the end? Now it’s really hard to explain.


On that exposure screen.

After Shalu absorbs No. 17, he prepares to absorb No. 18.

18 prepares to blow herself up, but Sharu is confident she can absorb it before she does.

Faced with this situation, Tianjin Fan has already launched a new qigong cannon.

This sudden attack caused Sharu to be a little frustrated for a while.

Shalu wanted to struggle, but was directly caught off guard by Tianjin Rice’s successive attacks.

He used his life to perform this trick, and finally couldn’t hold it anymore and was about to die.

Shalu intends to kill Tianjin Rice, but Goku teleports.

Leave with the dying Tianjin Fan and Vic.

Sharu also chased No. 18 at this time.

And Vegeta and Trunks have also finished cultivating.

Compared to before the cultivation.

Vegeta looked confident at this point.

He regained his pride and now became calmer.

Vegeta and Trunks went to fight against Sharu.

Goku and Gohan entered it and practiced again.

Star: Is this finally the time? I don’t know what the competition between them will become.

March 7: Both men have surpassed the limits of the Supersper, which should get stronger.

Feixiao: If you extrapolate, you shouldn’t be able to win at all.

Feixiao: But there are always exceptions, and no one knows what the final result will be.

Pepperhill: The Saiyans have shocked us time and time again, and no one knows what is true until the final result is fully revealed.

Star: Anyway, it’s very difficult to deal with.

Hanabi: Hee-hee-hee, but it’s also the most fun, isn’t it?

Porteo: Hehe, what’s next for the baby? It didn’t take long to know.


On that exposure screen.

Vegeta had already found Sharu.

He was ready to deal with Sharu alone.

Transformed into a Super Saiyan again, his hair has become longer.

The breath released from him also brought people a deep despair.

Sharu and Vegeta immediately fought.

But at this time.

Vegeta easily defeated Sharu alone.

His speed and strength are stronger than Sharu’s.

At this moment, the end seems to be doomed.

Star: It’s amazing, it’s really powerful at the moment.

March 7: It doesn’t look like an opponent at all, and the current Shalu can’t beat it at all.

Dusting gold: Hahaha, don’t be happy too soon, or be careful that you’ll be in trouble.

Dusty: Once Salu is fully formed, that’s when the real trouble comes.

Pepperhill: Hmm, and it feels like Vegeta will even help Sharu achieve full form.

Celestial: It’s a possibility, after all, they’re Super Saiyans.

Flying: Race 2.2 subhumans are naturally aggressive, and they do do this kind of thing.

Yanqing: With that, it feels like the worst is about to happen.

Yanqing: Because the 18th is around……


On that exposure screen.

At this time

Sharu was furious that he couldn’t defeat Vegeta.

“Bastard, if only you could …… it completely”

“You will be defeated!”

“Speed, strength, martial arts, mind, energy, all will be perfect, this is the result of computer calculations!”

Sharu thinks so.

Vegeta was disdainful, but the aggressive mind in his body had now been teased.

“What else are you thinking about? Vegeta? ”

“You Saiyans are a naturally warlike race that takes battle as fun.”

“And the stronger the opponent, the more excited you are.”

“Don’t you want to compete with me, …… with me, who has become a complete body?”

Sharu looked at Vegeta, who had now completely mastered the other party.

Vegeta has now determined this.

“Okay, I’ll fulfill your wishes, and I’ll make you a complete body!”

“You’re too weak now, even if I defeat you, it’s not interesting!”

Vegeta just let Sharu go.

Trunks had no plans to release him.

At this time, Shalu had already discovered the 18th.

Kling had just stomped the controller to pieces, too.

Shalu, who found No. 18, went straight to No. 18 to attack.

Trunks tried to stop it, and went to get kicked out by Vegeta.

It is clear that the two men have diametrically opposed opinions.

Star: This …… Sure enough, he was born a Saiyan, and Vegeta’s old problem has always been like this.

March 7: It feels impossible to change, he’s always been like this, hasn’t he?

Hanabi: Hahaha, that’s a lot of fun.

Qingque: Ah, this, the current situation, to be honest, it’s really hard to evaluate.

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