67. Goku dies in battle! Cell is resurrected! The more powerful power of despair! (Please order the full version)

Feixiao: I didn’t expect to have such a trick in the end, it looks like this time it’s really dangerous.

Jiaoqiuka: And it’s not able to attack at all, so it’s basically doomed.

Poteau: Baby, there are two kinds of things: being concerned and not being caring.

Hanabi: Hee-hee-hee, the more that’s it, the more fun it is, isn’t it? When the time comes, you can see how things will be~ .

Kamisato Ayaka: That’s really …… Indeed – is not expected.

Funina: Yes, I always felt that this was unusual.

Yanqing: No, if you can’t attack, you’re doomed.

Yanqing: In the current situation, it is true that the entire earth will be blown up.

Star: So what do you do?

March 7: I don’t know, but it’s really not a good situation.

Dust: Oh, that’s the end of the earth.

Black Swan: It’s true that it’s surpassed in terms of strength, but it’s often easier to destroy than to guard.


On that exposure screen.

At this moment.

Sharu has thoroughly grasped the soft underbelly.

His body is even more inflated at this time.

From a distance, it looked like a hill.

“There are 30 seconds left.”

Sharu laughed wildly at this time.

Klin, everyone, think of any way.

“Last 20 seconds ……”

Sharu is still talking about the countdown ruthlessly.

Gohan was also angry and even a little sad at this time.

“It’s me who has caused everyone, it’s okay to kill him early!!”

But this is not very useful.

“Ten seconds left……

This moment.

Vic has given up completely.

“The Earth Is About to Destroy……”

The time has come at this time.

The final deadline will eventually arrive.

Seeing this scene, everyone was anxious.

Star: Really? Is there no way at all?

March 7: It’s simple, but there’s really nothing to do.

Hanabi: Hee-hee-hee, that’s why it’s interesting, isn’t it?

Kamisato Ayaka: That’s really ……

Feixiao: If there’s really nothing to do, it’s over.

Feixiao: Of course, if you can transfer Sharu, there is still hope.

Pepperhill: Transferred? I seem to think of someone.

Lingsha: Is it the teleportation of the Monkey King? He can indeed leave with people.

Lingsha: It’s just that where is the destructive power that is enough to destroy the earth to be transported?

Star: This …… It seems to be a real problem, and there is really no way to do it in the current situation.

March 7: And even if it can be taken away, the power of the explosion will probably destroy Goku directly, right?

Star: Dragon Ball has already resurrected him once, and he won’t be able to resurrect him at all next time.

Feixiao: That’s not a problem, if you find a Namek, you’ll be fine.

Jiaoqiuka: Speaking of which, it seems like a real solution.


On that exposure screen.

At this moment, Wukong has already taken the initiative to stand up.

“I thought about it for a long time, and there is only one way to save the earth.”

He said.

Then, the two fingers of his right hand fell on his forehead.

He waved at the crowd.

“Goodbye, friends……”

Kling now realized what he was going to do.

“Goku ……”

“Are You Supposed to Be ……?”

At this time, Sharu was still immersed in joy.

“Last Four Seconds ……”

“Although we didn’t win or lose the battle, I am very satisfied to see your pain and horror!!”

At this time, Sharu was about to completely destroy the earth.

Albeit at the cost of self-destruction.

Goku also teleported directly to Sharu’s side.


Kling wanted to stop it at this time, but it was already too late.

Goku landed on Sharu with one hand, as if he had found the teleportation target.

He looked back at Gohan.

At this time, he did not hesitate to recognize himself.

“Gohan, you’re doing a great job, it’s great.”

“Say sorry to your mom for me!”

In the midst of several crises on Earth.

Time and time again, Goku has stepped up to save the planet.

But in the same way, he doesn’t spend much time with his family.

He is worthy of the world and the planet.

However, I am indeed sorry for Kiki.

Especially this time, he can no longer be resurrected through the Earth Dragon Ball.

Starts with teleportation.

Goku and Sharu, who is about to explode, have been teleported to the planet of the world.

Now Goku is also apologetic.

“King of the Realm, I’m so sorry, I really can’t remember where else to take him……”

Sharu finally realized something.

At this time, he shouted angrily.


Immediately after, a terrifying energy swept over.

The bodies of Shalu and Goku were all wiped out together in an instant with the explosion.

Not only that, but the King of the Realm also died.

Watching this scene, it is really emotional.

Xing: Hey, I really didn’t expect things to turn out like this.

March 7: But there’s no way around it, after all, I can’t find anywhere else.

Feixiao: Transported to the underworld, this is indeed a good decision.

Jiaoqiu: And so, it’s all over.

Star: But it doesn’t seem that easy to resurrect Goku, right?

Dust: Indeed, at the very least, find the Nameks, and maybe resurrect them with their dragon balls.

Poeê: The threat posed by Sharu is terrifying, but luckily it’s over.

Danheng: The crisis has finally been resolved.

Yanqing: Yes, this battle is still too terrible for everyone.

Yanqing: It’s good that the crisis of the planet can end in this way.


On that exposure screen.

Everyone else had already sensed that Wukong’s qi had completely disappeared.

And it follows.

Wukong, who is in hell, also asks the king of the realm.

That is, there is no soul of Sharu.

“Did he go straight to hell?”

Asked about this sentence.

The Realm King’s face changed dramatically in an instant.

“Nope! Nothing!! ”

“Whoever dies has to report to Hades first!!”

Followed by.

The King of the Realm thought of an extremely terrifying possibility.

“Could it be… Sharu …… Didn’t die…”

“He’s still alive……”

This one possibility is said after it is said.

It also instantly made Wukong’s face change greatly.

He couldn’t imagine that there was such a thing.

In fact.

Everyone who just looked at this exposed picture never dared to believe that there was such a thing.

Star: How is that possible? How is it possible that you are not dead like this? Isn’t that already self-destructing?

March 7: But if you don’t go to hell, you must not be dead!!

Yanqing: This… Isn’t that too weird?

Feixiao: No, it’s not surprising. If the Earth had been destroyed by an explosion, it would have died.

Feixiao: The problem is that the Earth has not been destroyed.

Pepperhill: Could it be that a part of Saru was left on Earth?

Lingsha: He has the cells of Bick in his body, and as long as they are not completely destroyed, they can be restored.

Yanqing: That’s really …… Things got troublesome, and this time it’s really big.

Hanabi: Hee-hee-hee, it’s fun, it’s really fun now.

Hanabi: The most curious thing finally happened.

Portio: But even if Shalu is still alive, he is no match for Monkey King, is he?

Xing: It’s true that it’s not just eye to eye, but …… I feel like I’m going to be caught off guard.


On that exposure screen.

Immediately after that.

The people on Earth are still talking about Cyborg 18.

However, at this time, all of a sudden, a terrifying aura erupted again.

When this miracle broke out, everyone felt the horror.


That’s from Sharu……

“This breath ……”

“Could it be ……?”

“It’s impossible to ……” (read the violent novel, just go to the Feilu Novel Network!) )

No one in the audience could believe it.

And yet at this very moment.

Suddenly, a beam of light pierced Trunks’ right chest.

Along with Trunks being sent out.

Sharu’s voice rang out again.

“Hee-hee, who did you hit? Trunks? ”

Look past with smoke.

Sharu was still standing in front of everyone intact.

Others simply couldn’t believe what the hell was going on.

At this time, Sharu laughed.

“Okay, I’ll tell you everything.”

“Although I lost the battle just now, I was happy to find one thing……”

“There’s a little lump in my head, and it’s the core of my life.”

“As long as the core of life is not broken, I can continue to be reborn……”

“I still want to luck that the self-explosion just now didn’t hurt it.”

This statement was so surprising.

Star: Didn’t you leave a body on Earth in advance?

March 7: But is there something wrong with that? Why is he still fully formed?

Feixiao: Things are getting troublesome.

Jiaoqiu: Could it be that because of his death just now, he has become stronger? []

Kamisato Ayaka: How is this possible? How could he be so strong?

Funina: Don’t forget, it’s made by collecting all kinds of cells.

Star: It’s a Saiyan cell!! The more mortal wounds a Saiyan takes, the stronger he will become when he recovers.

March 7: This, this, this… If that’s the case, Son Gohan can’t win at all, can he?

Yanqing: I don’t want to admit it, but it seems that this is the case.

Poeto: Baby, things are starting to get troublesome.

Kamisato Ayaka: That’s really …… Indeed, it is difficult to deal with the current situation.


On that exposure screen.

At this moment.

Sharu was still showing off.

“To be honest, I was very surprised to be reborn, and I was really lucky……”

“And what’s even more exciting is that even though I don’t have No. 18 in my body, I’m still reborn as a full body.”

“My combat power is also as strong as Son Gohan, it’s a Saiyan genetic cell!!”

“After I recovered from my near-death state, my combat effectiveness was greatly improved, and even the teleportation of Sun Wukong, I also learned ……”

“I can say that I am more perfect and stronger than before!”

“Sun Wukong not only didn’t eliminate me, but gave me a lot of help hahahaha!”

Sharu laughed wildly.

This was a surprise.

Star: It’s really not easy to do, but I’ve already learned how to teleport this time.

March 7: If that’s the case, it’s almost certainly impossible to win.

Feixiao: After all, this kind of speed can now be said to be a complete foul.

Feixiao: And, will Sharu be able to continue to absorb other people?

Pepperhill: I guess it’s still okay, right? It’s just evolved to a full body, but absorption should still be able to continue to increase energy.

Star: If that’s the case, it’s even more unlikely to win.


On that exposure screen.

Now, at this time, it has completely fallen into a desperate situation.


Gohan was very excited at this time.

“Because of my carelessness, my father died, and now I can avenge him, I am very happy.”

“I’m going to kill you with my own hands this time.”

Gohan had ambitions at this time.

But Sharu doesn’t think so.

“Huh, is that possible? It’s not that easy! ”

And at this time.

Seeing his son’s chest penetrated.

Vegeta is now furious.


At this moment, he directly burst out of his strength and rushed straight towards Sharu.

He took the lead in bombing a terrifying qigong.

Then a set of princely tactics followed.

The terrifying explosion spread directly at this moment.

But after that smoke explosion.

It was at this time that Sharu rushed out on the spot.

With a casual blow, he sent Vegeta flying.

Just one hit.

Vegeta is now completely ineffective.

“Vegeta, it’s time for you to die!!”

He shouted, and fired a bolt of energy.

Seeing this, Gohan immediately rushed over to resist, but was directly smashed on his left shoulder.


Blood flowed unchecked.

He also seemed weak at this point.

The result is already doomed.

And this time, there are no fairy beans either.

Sharu is now shouting directly.

“That’s the end of the game, let me end it.”

“Destroy with the Earth!!”

The terrifying power that erupted from Sharu’s body must be completely destroyed at this moment.

“I’ve amassed enough power to destroy the entire solar system!!”

Star: Oh no, it doesn’t look like an opponent at all.

March 7: Can’t win, can’t win, really can’t win this time.

Feixiao: No matter how you look at it, there’s nothing you can do right now.

Jiaoqiuka: Indeed, this has reached its limit.

Poeto: Baby, it’s too scary to see this burst of power.

Poetio: At the moment, there’s no possibility of this happening.

March 7: That’s a ……


On that exposure screen.

Sharu was also screaming wildly at this time.

“How? Son Gohan!! ”

“Let me see your last resistance!!”

However, Gohan has given up at this time now.

“Make a move, I know, it’s useless even if I resist……”

“Unfortunately, I really can’t beat you.”

Such a scene is really helpless.

Seeing that there was nothing to do, Sharu was ready to destroy it completely.

It was in this last moment.

Goku sends a message to Gohan.

“Gohan, you can’t give up easily.”

“I’m in Hades, and I’m talking to you through the King of the Realm.”

“Listen, do your best to send out the Turtle Sect Qigong like Shalu.”

“Then you can take him down!”

Goku said.

Gohan still looked a little hesitant.

“But I only have one arm to move now, and I’ve used up more than half of my strength……”

He said so.

Wukong, however, looked extraordinarily confident.

“You have to believe in yourself, you will win!”

“Let me see how powerful our father and son’s final alliance is!”

He said so.

Gohan also decided to give it a try.

“Okay, I’ll do my best……”

At this time, both sides had already exhausted their last strength.

At this moment, Gohan also performed it with one hand, the turtle school qigong.

“Turtle! Send! Gas! Merit!! ”

He sent it out with his right hand.

After this turtle sect qigong was launched.

You can even see that there is a ghost of Gohan behind him.

Seeing this, Shalu also directly burst out with all his strength.

These two turtle sect qigongs collided directly in the middle.


The energy that erupted condensed into a huge ball towel at this moment.

Người mua: tyhuy

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