Ah Xiang, who was helping nearby, heard the sound and immediately walked over to Uncle Ming.

"Dad, what's wrong? Do you want to go back to your room and rest?"

Uncle Ming shook his head with a bitter face and sighed.

"No need, give me that chair, I'll sit in the yard and watch this video."

After Ah Xiang left, Uncle Ming couldn't help but sigh.

"If you walk too much on the night road, you will inevitably encounter ghosts. What you fear will come true."

It turned out that the scene that appeared on the video screen at this time was on the plateau.

But what surprised Uncle Ming was that the scene this time was not next to the snow-capped mountains.

Although the video camera passed over the snow-capped mountains, it soon continued to go deeper and entered the Tibetan plateau.

There were flat deserts and sparse grasslands everywhere.

Occasionally, you can see some animals such as Tibetan antelopes and Tibetan foxes moving around.

This sparsely populated wasteland presents a completely different style from the Gobi Desert and the desert.

Uncle Ming was a little confused at first, and even a little unsure whether this was the same place where he was looking for the glacier crystal corpse.

But after watching for a long time, Uncle Ming didn't see any way.

The wasteland on the screen was almost endless.

The scenes on both sides were also very monotonous.

After a while, Uncle Ming finally saw some strange things on this monotonous wasteland.

They were some things like wood standing on the wasteland one by one.


Parallel world.

Inside the Qixing Lu Palace.

Wu Xie looked at the plate of corpse beetles that had been taken out by Brother Menyouping, and his legs went weak.

Just when he breathed a sigh of relief, he heard a strange gurgling sound coming from the other direction of the passage.

At this time, Wu Xie was already scared and his hands and feet were cold.

Brother Menyouping quickly made a gesture, asking everyone not to make any sound.

Then the gurgling sound became louder and louder, and closer and closer.

Wu Xie felt that his heart was about to jump out.

But he didn't dare to make any sound.

This period lasted for a few minutes.

Just when Wu Xie thought nothing was wrong, the gurgling sound suddenly sounded again.

And this time it was very close to Wu Xie and the people around him.

It seemed to be only a few meters away.

To the extremely nervous Wu Xie, it sounded almost like it was right next to his face.

Originally, Wu Xie thought he was dead.

But no one made much sound, so the gurgling sound began to move to other places.

At this time, someone farted. The sound was quite loud.

The sound of the monster that had already gone far away suddenly disappeared again.

A few seconds later, a huge face covered in blood suddenly appeared in front of Wu Xie.

Wu Xie almost shouted.

At this time, Brother Menyouping shouted to run.

Wu Xie immediately ran forward.

After running for a while, Wu Xie soon found that Brother Menyouping had disappeared.

Only Wang Pangzi and Pan Zi were left by his side.

Wu Xie was even more unsure.

However, this strange fat man seemed to have some skills.

He squeezed into a crack in the stone without knowing when.

At the beginning, Wu Xie didn't know what the fat man was going to do.

But it didn't take long for the fat man to break the stone in the crack.

Soon a narrow hole appeared in the crack. The hole was small, but it was big enough for one person to get in.

Even though the fat man was fat, he could still squeeze in.

The three people now had no other way to go.

They could only drill forward along this hole.

After drilling for about dozens of meters, the fat man in the front suddenly cursed.

""Fuck, what the hell is this place?"

Wu Xie soon squeezed to the exit of the passage.

After Wu Xie found out, there was only a small platform for him to stand on.

There was a cliff less than one meter in front of him.

The height of the cliff was about twenty meters.

It was not particularly exaggerated, but it was enough to kill people.

Strong winds kept blowing in the whole cave.

The standing space was very small.

With the strong wind, it was impossible to stand steadily.

Wu Xie had no choice but to stick to the cliff and observe the surrounding situation.

In front of the three people was a huge cave.

It was larger than a football field.

There was a crack at the top of the cave.

The crack obviously led to the outside.

Because you could see a ray of moonlight shining in from the crack.

With this little moonlight, Wu Xie could barely see the inside of the cave. The first thing he noticed was the steep cliff.

The entire cliff was full of caves of all sizes.

It felt like a honeycomb.

People with trypophobia would faint at the sight of it.

There were at least thousands of caves.

But this was not what shocked Wu Xie the most.

What was even more shocking was the middle of the cave.

There was a big tree.

It was at least thirty or forty meters high.

The thickest part was so thick that ten people couldn't even hug it. (To read the exciting novels, go to Fulu Novel Network!)

And on the tree, there were countless vines entwined like octopus tentacles.

These vines crisscrossed, and some of them hung down like willow branches.

Some hung in the air.

Some had already reached the ground.

Some seemed to have life and had grown into the caves on the cliff.[]

With the help of the faint moonlight,

Wu Xie could still see some things hanging on the tree.

At first, Wu Xie thought it was a fruit.

But soon he found out that it was not. From the outline, it looked a bit like a person!

Because the wind was very strong in the cave, these hanging things would twitch and shake from time to time.

I don't know if it was blown by the wind, or if it moved by itself.

When Wu Xie saw this, he was about to cry.

Obviously, Wu Xie had seen this thing before. Or he had seen it in the inventory video.

In the video of the inventory of jade figurines,

Wu Xie had seen this very evil and terrifying tree.

At that time, Wu Xie felt that there must be some unknown secrets on this tree.

Now after seeing this tree with his own eyes,

Wu Xie could only sigh.

The pictures in the inventory video were too realistic.

No, not just realistic.

Those pictures were completely real scenes!

It's hard to imagine where this video came from.

And when such a weird tree appeared in front of him, the huge sense of oppression made Wu Xie almost unable to breathe.

Wu Xie looked around and found that Pan Zi and Fatty were not in much better condition.

The two were obviously shocked by the big tree that appeared in front of them. At this moment, the moonlight shining on the big tree suddenly emitted a purple halo.

It looked quite weird.

But Wu Xie was relieved at this time.

It was the inventory video.

Soon, Wu Xie, Pan Zi and Fatty did not go down the cliff.

They squeezed on the narrow platform at the exit of the cave and watched the inventory video carefully.

When they saw the inventory video start, the three of them almost breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

After all, the monsters counted in this video are not from the Seven Star Lu Palace.

This may be the only good news.

Soon the video screen has come to the plateau.

On the desolate and magnificent plateau, some things that look like wood vaguely appeared.

When Wu Xie saw this, his eyes were full of confusion.

""Strange, this place doesn't look like a place where trees can grow, where do these trees come from?"

Pan Zi stared at the video, but couldn't see anything, so he could only guess,"Maybe these are the trees that grew here in ancient times. I remember that the climate conditions in ancient times in many places were better than they are now."

After hearing the conversation between Wu Xie and Pan Zi, the fat man who was squeezed on the platform and took up the space of two people laughed.

"You two southern-style dirtbags just don't have much knowledge."

"Who says this thing has to be a tree that grows locally?"

"This thing is called Qilian juniper, which grows at the foot of the Qilian Mountains in the Hexi Corridor."

"Under the high altitude climate conditions, it can be immortal for a thousand years."

Fatty introduced quickly.

After listening, Wu Xie looked at Fatty curiously,"How did you know?"

Fatty chuckled,"Of course the Northern School of Tomb Raiders has more skills."

"These Qilian junipers were used as tombstones by the nobles of ancient Tibet."

"You see so many Qilian junipers, and there is a tomb under each one."

After hearing what Fatty said, Wu Xie and Pan Zi were stunned.

(Zhao Zhao) So many? If someone digs here, wouldn't they make a fortune? This is a blue ocean."

Pan Zi said excitedly

""Blue sea, these tombs have all been robbed, can't you see that?"

Fatty Wang said with some contempt.

Pan Zi blushed slightly after hearing this.

Pan Zi watched the video carefully and soon found that these tombs did have traces of being robbed.

And the means of tomb robbing were quite simple and crude.

Basically, they were all dug directly.

"It's a waste. The Tibetan counterparts are too rough.……"Pan Zi couldn't help shaking his head.

At this moment, the video image changed again.


Parallel world.

Hua Ling, the partridge whistle and the old foreigner have arrived in the Xiangxi area.

They are heading towards Laoxiongling.

At this time, the three of them were eating dry food and resting on the roadside.

The three of them all looked up at the purple light curtain that appeared in the sky.

When the scene on the video first appeared, Hua Ling, the partridge whistle and the old foreigner were very excited.

The reason is also very simple.

Although the three of them don’t know the exact location of the Zhuchen Pearl yet.

But there is no doubt that the treasure of the Ghost Mother Crystal Demon Eye is on the snowy mountain plateau in Tibet.

All videos related to Tibet are very important to the three of them.

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