Parallel world.


Chen Yulou and others finished watching the video about the Disha Black Pipa in a thick fog.

Just when the purple halo just disappeared.

A huge black figure suddenly appeared in the thick fog.

When they saw this thing.

All the Xiangling Lishi almost subconsciously hid to the side.

Chen Yulou was also sweating coldly.

Because this thing looked about seven or eight meters long.

It was almost the same as the six-winged centipede that appeared in the previous video.

At this time, this terrifying guy had already rushed towards Chen Yulou.

At this time, other Xiangling Lishi rushed up immediately, trying to stop this huge guy.

Chen Yulou felt warm in his heart.

For so many years, Chen Yulou was still very loyal to his men.

It was also because of this.

At the most critical moment, all these Xiangling Lishi under his command were fearless and wanted to block Chen Yulou.

But the more this happened, Chen Yulou knew that he couldn't act too cowardly.

Chen Yulou shouted immediately,"This ghost thing may not be able to see us, everyone, climb up quickly!"

After that, Chen Yulou asked the men who were blocking him in front of him to climb up with the centipede ladder.

As for Chen Yulou himself, he had soft chain armor on his body, and ordinary weapons could not hurt Chen Yulou.

The Xiangling Lishi still obeyed Chen Yulou's orders.

Soon almost all the Xiangling Lishi continued to climb up.

Only Hua Maguai and Kunlun Moler were not in a hurry to leave, and they still guarded Chen Yulou.

Chen Yulou knew that these two men were the most loyal and would never leave Chen Yulou easily, so he didn't say much.

At the same time, Chen Yulou also drew out the small Shenfeng.

As a result, before Chen Yulou could see clearly what the huge black shadow on the opposite side was.

This thing had already rushed over like a black dragon.

The speed was so fast that people couldn't react at all.

Those Xiangling Lishi who were blocking it were immediately hit by this thing.

Several of them fell into the cliff at once.

There was a shrill scream.

When this thing rushed in front of Chen Yulou, Chen Yulou blocked the centipede ladder in his hand in front of him.

Although the centipede ladder was just a bamboo ladder, it was very tough.

Even ordinary swords could not cut it easily.

The black shadow rushed over and knocked Chen Yulou off the cliff.

But Chen Yulou immediately used the skill of Lan Que Wei.

With a twist of his waist, he turned over and jumped onto the black shadow.

At the same time, the centipede ladder in his hand also broke with a crash.

Chen Yulou took a closer look and found that he was riding a huge centipede.

The carapace on the body was segmented, like a huge metal shield.

Sharp and curved hook-like claws appeared on the edge.

And there were six transparent wings on the back.

Chen Yulou didn't know that this black dragon-like thing was a six-winged centipede.

Chen Yulou wanted to use the small sword to pierce a few holes in the six-winged centipede.

But at this time, Chen Yulou was on the six-winged centipede.

If he really killed the six-winged centipede, he would definitely fall into the cliff with the six-winged centipede's body.

He would definitely die.

Of course, Chen Yulou's intention to use the small sword to pierce a few holes in the six-winged centipede was just a thought in his mind.

Before Chen Yulou had time to act, the black dragon-like six-winged centipede was already frightened.

Carrying Chen Yulou, it began to rush quickly to the top of the cliff.

The six wings on its back also fluttered.

Although it did not fly directly.

But the speed of crawling was really fast in the literal sense.

Chen Yulou even felt a burst of inertia and leaned back involuntarily.

He had to hold the six-winged centipede's shell tightly with both hands.

The six-winged centipede rushed upwards for two or three minutes, and immediately climbed the cliff that would have taken the unloading ridge warrior half an hour to climb down.

Not only did it finish climbing, it actually rushed directly from the edge of the cliff into the air.

This immediately showed the strength of the six-winged centipede.

At this speed, it soared into the air.

It rushed directly to a height of at least ten meters above the cliff.

There were originally many people left on the cliff, waiting to pick up Chen Yulou and others.

Including the red girl Luo Laowai and others, all of them were looking at the bottom of the cliff eagerly.

As a result, suddenly, a huge black shadow rushed directly from the cliff covered by thick fog.

It also rushed into the air.

A closer look showed that there was actually a big boss in the sky.

This made everyone on the cliff stunned.

They couldn't react at all to what happened.

Chen Yulou was also brave, and half of the people who returned had been scared silly.

After reaching the mid-air, Chen Yulou knew that the six-winged centipede was not a bird after all, and it still couldn't fly in the air, and it would definitely fall.

At that time, it would naturally fall back to the bottom of the cliff.

This time, it was high above, and the six-winged centipede had wings, so it didn't fall to death.

However, if Chen Yulou did not react, and fell down the cliff with the six-winged centipede, one could imagine what his fate would be.

The strength of the six-winged centipede has been clearly revealed in the inventory video.

At that time, Chen Yulou, with only a small sword, was no match for the six-winged centipede.

Chen Yulou saw the right opportunity, and when the six-winged centipede's flying knife was in the air, he jumped directly from it.

The six-winged centipede jumped up to a height of more than ten meters.

Chen Yulou did not jump directly to the edge of the cliff.

Instead, after seeing the right time, he jumped onto a big tree on the edge of the cliff.

This time, Chen Yulou also used what he had learned in his life.

The light body kung fu of Lan Quewei was displayed to the fullest.

Even so, when Chen Yulou fell onto the tree, he was still in a very bad state...........

Even Xiao Shenfeng slipped out of his hand and fell under the tree...........

Fortunately, the girl Hong who was there to pick him up had very good eyesight and recognized him immediately as the boss.

So the other strong men rushed forward and picked up the dazed Chen Yulou hanging on the tree.

Looking at the edge of the cliff again, the huge six-winged centipede was really like a dragon. At a glance, it had disappeared in the thick fog under the cliff.

Chen Yulou took a long time to stand still, thinking that he had lost face this time.

But looking at the people around him, he found that almost everyone had extremely shocked and admiring eyes.

""Boss, did you come up here on a six-winged centipede?" Luo Laowai's tone was already full of admiration.

Hong Niang and the others looked at Chen Yulou, needless to say.

Chen Yulou thought for a moment: Actually, it's not wrong to say so.

Then he nodded without hesitation.

Then Chen Yulou immediately arranged for his men to go to the cliff to meet Hua Maguai, Kunlun Moler and others.


Xu Lang was in a taxi at this time.

He was heading to the place where he had an appointment with Tang Xue.

Hearing the system prompt sound in the taxi, Xu Lang was a little surprised.

But he was soon shocked by the system prompt sound this time.

"Congratulations to the host for uploading the video successfully"

"The system is calculating influence"

"After the settlement, the host can choose one of the following rewards."

The system reward options soon emerged in my mind.

"First: Physical strength attribute increased by 8 points"

"Second: Physical and mental attributes increased by 8 points"

"Third: Special equipment: chain mail soft gold armor"

"The treasure of Chen Yulou, the leader of the Xiangling wrestlers"

"Made by masters of Honeycomb Mountain using special soft gold"

"Relatively light, flexible and can be worn close to the body"

"Able to defend against most common swords and beast claws attacks"

"It can even protect against pistol bullets at a certain distance."

"Very practical, a life-saving weapon"

"Fourth: Bone Shrinking Skill"

"One of the unique skills of Fa Qiu Tian Guan"

"Can control their body in an emergency"

"It even allows the person using the skill to enter a very narrow gap."

"Brother Menyouping in the tomb-raiding world once performed a similar stunt"

"At the same time, bone shrinking can also help change a person's appearance."

"Even if you don't know how to disguise yourself, you can still make minor adjustments to your appearance."

"Becoming handsome in a second is not a dream"

"Fifth: If you choose none of the above, your influence will accumulate in the next video and you can redeem the reward together." Is there any need to consider this?

Xu Lang chose the bone shrinking skill in almost a second. It doesn't matter if he becomes handsome or something, the main thing is to try to see if he can change his body and get into the narrow gap.

While thinking about it, Xu Lang felt the bones all over his body making a slight popping sound.

A very strong numbness made Xu Lang almost shout out.

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