Xu Lang was a little surprised when he heard this.

Xu Lang had seen Tang Xue before. She was much prettier than those little internet celebrities. Her temperament was even more impressive. Why would such a beautiful woman ask him out? Just as Xu Lang was about to refuse, Tang Xue sent him a call invitation.

"It's mainly about work. The archaeological team has encountered some troubles recently. I heard from my grandfather that maybe we can try to find a folk expert like you."

After hearing this, Xu Lang suddenly realized it.

Then he replied:"How is the salary?"

Xu Lang's answer obviously confused Tang Xue.

She didn't react for a few seconds.

"The salary is good. You can work as a consultant and be paid by the hour."

"At the same time, I can personally subsidize you a portion of it."

Xu Lang laughed when he heard this.

Tang Xue looked like someone who was not short of money.

"Just kidding, just treat me to a meal." Xu Lang agreed immediately.

Xu Lang had thought about it before.

The tomb-robbing inventory system was activated.

The rewards obtained were basically equipment and skills.

The key is that they were all equipment and skills related to tomb-robbing.

What can I do with these handy guys and skills?

I would feel uncomfortable if I didn't dig something.

But even in the world after crossing over, tomb-robbing is still illegal.

And because many large tombs in this world have not been excavated, more attention is paid to ancient tombs.

The punishment for tomb-robbing is more severe, and those who cause serious damage will be shot directly.

At the same time, the treatment of the archaeological team is quite good.

Many graduates are proud to be able to join the archaeological team after graduation.

This is completely different from the world before Xu Lang crossed over.

If the tomb of a local wealthy businessman from hundreds of years ago can be discovered, it will be a big news that can be on the news and cause heated discussions on the entire network.

Every time Xu Lang saw these news, he couldn't help but want to say,"That's it?"

It seems that in this world, getting into the archaeological team will definitely be useful.

Xu Lang immediately made an appointment with Tang Xue to meet outside a construction site somewhere in Nandu in the afternoon.

At this moment, a system prompt sounded.

"Congratulations to the host for uploading the video successfully"

"The system is calculating influence"

"After the settlement, the host can choose one of the following rewards."

After the system prompt sound ended, some options immediately emerged in Xu Lang's mind.

The first reward, the strength attribute points increased by three points.

The second reward, the agility attribute points increased by three points.

The third reward, the skill of listening to thunder and identifying tombs.

After seeing this skill reward, Xu Lang had almost no hesitation. He immediately chose the skill of listening to thunder and identifying tombs.

In the tomb-robbing world, there are two skills about hearing.

One is the listening to thunder and identifying tombs of Xiangling Li Shi, and the other is the ears of the night watchdog of the Taoist monk Queqiao Shao.

Relatively speaking, Xiangling Li Shi's listening to thunder and identifying tombs is more professional and exquisite.

Of course, ordinary listening to thunder and identifying tombs requires professional equipment.

The pottery urn deep underground acts as a loudspeaker, and the blasting hole is drilled to release explosives to create underground thunder.

But Xu Lang looked at the system's description of the listening to thunder and identifying tombs. It is much stronger than Xiangling Li Shi's.

Just listen with your ears So.

As long as there is sound vibration, Xu Lang can hear whether there is a tomb underground. He can even hear what the structure of the tomb is like.

Xu Lang immediately chose the skill of listening to thunder and identifying tombs.

Then he felt countless sounds pouring into his ears almost in an instant.

The voices of people around him, the sounds of various tiny insects flying, the sounds of couples quarreling upstairs, and so on.

Xu Lang frowned and controlled it for a moment with his consciousness.

He soon discovered that the skill of listening to thunder and identifying tombs can block out a lot of noise.

It has the effect of only listening in the direction he wants.

Xu Lang nodded with satisfaction.

Then Xu Lang looked at the time.

It was still early for the meeting time agreed with Tang Xue.

Xu Lang immediately decided to edit the third inventory video immediately.

After a while, Xu Lang's third inventory video had also been edited.

Start uploading


Parallel world.

Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang have already prepared the supplies.

Bird cages, liquor, black donkey hooves, glutinous rice, crowbars, vinegar, etc.

Because Yan Zi is pregnant with her second child, she can't go with Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang.

Yan Zi's father is old and can't walk to the Heifengkou Yerengou.

So Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang found a guide Yingzi.

Yingzi is a local, from the Oroqen ethnic group. Although she is only eighteen or nineteen years old, she is a well-known hunter.

Her marksmanship is first-rate.

The three of them also brought a few hunting dogs and a pony, loaded up their things, and set off into the depths of the mountains.

Along the way, Hu Bayi and Yingzi were fine, but Fatty Wang's mouth was always busy.

He would tell a ghost story from time to time.

"By the way, Lao Hu, I heard you say before that there might be zombie dumplings in old graves. Is that true? Don’t dead people just rot into skeletons?"

Fatty Wang asked as they walked.

Hu Bayi curled his lips and said,"There must be zombie dumplings in old graves."

"The Feng Shui layout of many places is not suitable for burial"

"Yin energy gathers in the coffin, and after a long time, the corpse will turn into a corpse."

"Such places are generally called corpse piles."

Yingzi, who was standing next to them, was young after all, and was stunned by the content of the conversation between the two people.

"Brother Hu, Brother Fatty, what should we do if we really encounter this zongzi you are talking about? Will the old sleeve work?"

Yingzi was a little worried and tightened her shotgun.

Fatty Wang smiled and took out the black donkey hoof.

"Old Hu said this thing works, but I don't think it's reliable."

Hu Bayi curled his lips,"Of course the black donkey hoof works against zongzi, but it's just about the same against ordinary zongzi, and it's a bit difficult to deal with those particularly powerful zongzi."

Hu Bayi also sighed,"To deal with powerful zongzi, I guess you need some special magic weapons."

"It's just that kind of thing is illusory, and no one knows whether it exists or not."Just as Hu Bayi finished speaking, the hounds in front of Yingzi suddenly barked.

A few people looked and found that it was the purple-black light curtain that appeared in the sky again.

After seeing this, Hu Bayi, Wang Pangzi and Yingzi stopped immediately and watched the inventory video that was about to appear in the sky carefully.

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