Soon, I realized that the person who was talking was most likely one of Hu Bayi and Wang Fatty introduced by Big Gold Teeth.

In this case, Shirley Yang was naturally happy to listen at the door first.

With the help of this inventory video, we can see what kind of weight Hu Bayi and Wang Kaixuan have.

At this moment, the inventory video in the sky changed again.

The video camera actually went directly into this huge ice cliff.

A few seconds later, the video screen appeared in a huge gray space.

When I saw this, Shirley Yang realized that the previous ice cliff was hollow.

The ice cliff is very huge.

It feels like a transparent bowl on a cliff.

And there are countless wooden beams covered with icicles standing upright from the rocks of the cliff.--

They are intertwined.

It feels like a construction site - the scaffolding on top.

It also looks like the beams of this dome space.

The entire transparent ice bowl is supported by these woods.

There is no bottom under the cliff, a dark abyss.


At this time, Hu Bayi and Wang Pangzi in the yard were also very surprised.

They didn't expect that the so-called Kunlun fetus had been used by someone.

At this time, the video camera in the sky slowly turned.

After the angle turned 180 degrees.

Hu Bayi and Wang Pangzi stood up in surprise.

It turned out that a huge palace appeared in the video.

Flying eaves, brackets, carved beams and painted pillars.

A part of the building protruded out of the cave and was supported on the cliff by a wooden corridor.

It felt like a suspended castle in the air.

Most of the remaining buildings were built in the cave, and the full view could not be seen.

The buildings exposed outside were all covered with a layer of ice, looking gray.

"Old Hu, how come there is a palace inside this Kunlun fetus? Shouldn't it be a tomb?" Fatty Wang asked immediately.

Hu Bayi shook his head and explained,"It's not a palace, it's called Minglou Baoding."

"Ancient mausoleums were built above and below ground."

"The building above is for future generations to worship and offer sacrifices."

"The presence of a Minglou pagoda roof here indicates that there is a very huge mausoleum in this place."

"But in such a place, the Minglou Treasure Top built in Kunlun's womb is really a big deal."

At this time, the camera in the video has begun to move forward quickly.

Moving towards the Minglou Treasure Top.

In the blink of an eye, it has arrived in front of this huge palace.

You can see that the eaves of the palace are all Chaofeng dragon heads.

On both sides of the roof are the Chiwen that guards the house.

The yellow tiles and red beams are very royal.

The camera shook downwards and went directly to the Ling Palace on the Minglou Treasure Top.

On one side of the Ling Palace is a dark abyss, and on the left and right sides are a row of copper tripods covered with ice chips, which are full of black unknown ancient ashes.

"Strange, this place seems to be in Changbai Mountain, a borderland"

"However, the styles of these bronze artifacts and buildings are not much different from those in the Central Plains."

"Could it be that the architect of this palace is a Han Chinese?"

Hu Bayi wondered as he picked up the bowl again.

Fatty Wang next to him had already started slurping noodles.

In front of the gate of the spirit hall stood a stone tablet with no words written on it.

Behind the tablet was a white jade door.

On the stone door were carved many strange birds with human faces dancing in the clouds.

When Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang saw the patterns of these strange birds with human faces, they were stunned again.

At the same time, Hu Bayi vaguely heard a woman's"eh" outside the courtyard gate.

It's just that this place was near the antique street, with people coming and going, so Hu Bayi didn't care.

But the strange bird with human faces that appeared in the video, But Hu Bayi was very surprised.

This thing had appeared in the previous inventory videos.

That is, in the inventory videos of meteorite jade and cockscomb snake, the strange bird with a human face appeared.

At that time, Hu Bayi guessed that it was the blue bird under the Queen Mother of the West.

He never expected that this statue would also appear in Changbai Mountain.

This made Hu Bayi think hard and couldn't think of it.

After all, it is possible that the blue bird appeared in the Kunlun Mountains in the Western Regions.

According to the records in ancient times, the Queen Mother of the West's country was originally in that place.

But the Changbai Mountain area has no connection with the Queen Mother of the West.

One is in the west and the other is in the northeast, spanning The speed is very high.

Hu Bayi couldn't figure it out either, so he could only continue watching.

The camera in the video has directly entered the interior of the Ling Palace.

You can see that there are many huge stone pillars inside.

The stone pillars are extremely dark.

There are some tall black lamp posts on both sides, all of which are human-shaped.

The entire passage is pitch black, with almost no light.

Only when the camera passes those human-shaped lamp posts will there be a flash of change on the screen.

The video camera moved forward here for at least one or two minutes before something new finally appeared.

A large hall appeared in front.

In the middle of the hall There is a tall stone platform in the middle.

Surrounding the stone platform are several huge bronze vessels with human-headed bird gods.

The size of these bronze vessels is shocking.

Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang have also been hanging out in the antique street with Da Jin Ya for a while.

Naturally, they know how high the status of bronze ware was in ancient times.

At the same time, they also know that although the size of bronze ware in ancient times was very large, it also had a limit.

Basically, the bronze tripods of the level of Simuwu Large Square Ding have reached their limit.

But these bronze vessels in front of them seem to be even bigger than the Simuwu Large Square Ding.

However, these are not what shocked Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang the most.

·· ········Request flowers·· ·····

The most shocking thing is the statue on the stone platform

·· ········Request flowers·· ·····

Fatty Wang is completely dumbfounded now.

"Lao Hu, what is this? Is it a mallet?"

Hu Bayi almost spat out the noodles in his mouth.

"Fatty, what are you talking about? This thing... is very likely a foreign god from this place. It seems to have some connection with the Changshengtian on the grassland."

"But I am not sure about it."

What appeared on the screen at this time was a tall pillar.

But the pillar was very twisted, covered with lichens.

It also gave people a very awkward feeling and looked very strange.


In the parallel world, in the Qixing Lu Palace,

Wu Xie was about to fall directly onto the face of the female corpse under the huge strange tree.

At the same time, he also felt that the corpse with a bronze mask next to him seemed to be making waves.

Wu Xie was already scared.



At this time, there was no way to get rid of it.

The vines on his feet were wrapped very tightly.

Wu Xie looked for a long time but couldn't find any suitable tools.

As a result, he saw the scabbard of a dagger on the female corpse.

Wu Xie naturally tried to pull the dagger out of the female corpse.

As a result, when he exerted force, the vines on his feet loosened again.

It fell directly.

It fell on the female corpse.

This scared Wu Xie directly.

He rolled down from the female corpse quickly.

At this time, Wu Xie saw a person coming over.

It was Fatty Wang who was just rolled over with him by the vines.

The two people met together.

They turned directly to the side of the stone platform.

At this time, a purple light appeared on one side of the stone platform.

Wu Xie and Fatty checked the purple light curtain together.

Wu Xie didn't dare to run anyway.

He had to follow Fatty to watch this inventory video.

After watching this inventory video, Wu Xie felt a strange feeling in his heart.

This place seemed to have some kind of fate with him.

Although Wu Xie had watched some inventory videos related to snow mountains before.

Especially the Tibetan snow mountain has appeared several times.

But Wu Xie has never had this feeling.

The snow mountain that appeared this time gave Wu Xie a completely different feeling.

When the camera showed the avalanche, Wu Xie was so scared that he trembled all over. He almost stood up.

It felt like all the ice and snow in the avalanche were pressed on him.

After the avalanche passed, the huge Kunlun tire that appeared in front of him also shocked Wu Xie.

When the video camera moved into the Kunlun tire and even entered the interior of the Minglou Treasure Top, Wu Xie saw the pillar in the hall and frowned.

But Wu Xie quickly focused his attention on the back of the hall. Gosh.

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