The scene in the video has appeared before.

It was the video of the inventory of the ghost mother's crystal demon pupil.

Uncle Ming naturally knew that this place was connected to the snow mountain where the glacier crystal corpse was.

And this place must hide a huge treasure.

Now think about it, it is abnormal that there are no terrifying monsters in this place.

At this time, Uncle Ming can only pray in his heart.

The monsters that appear here must not be something too exaggerated.

Otherwise, Uncle Ming doesn't know if he still has the courage to go to this place to find treasure.

At this time, the video camera has begun to slowly sink into the glacier.

Then it slowly passes through the crystal passage under the crystal wall.

Once again entered the huge lake that I had seen before.

When I saw this, Uncle Ming's heart moved.

Because the underwater lens of the lake had appeared in the previous inventory video.

At that time, Uncle Ming also saw a huge fish formation at the end of the crystal passage.

And Uncle Ming vaguely remembered that a very huge figure appeared in the middle of the fish formation.

Although the video did not directly show what this figure was and how big it was,

Uncle Ming could also make a preliminary inference.

Uncle Ming has been sailing in the South China Sea for more than ten years, and he is very familiar with the things in the water.

That huge black shadow is most likely a big fish.

In terms of size, it must be bigger than the Iron Head Dragon King that appeared in the previous inventory video.

But when Uncle Ming thought of this, he was relieved.

Because judging from the other fish in the fish array, this big fish is most likely a vegetarian.

Uncle Ming remembered that in the video at that time, the fish array was full of green-scaled white-bearded fish. It didn't look like a very ferocious underwater predator.

So no matter how big the big guy in the fish array is, the threat is not very big.

After all, it is difficult to be bigger than the whale salamander in the sea.

In terms of size, the giant monster in the deep sea is the largest and most terrifying guy in the world.

It's just that there can't be any ancient tombs in the deep sea.

So it probably won't be on this inventory video.

After a few seconds,

Uncle Ming was stunned.

Because the inventory video did not stay in the lake.

Naturally, it didn't stay in the huge fish array.

It floated directly above the lake.

This was normal.

But at this time, Uncle Ming thought of something.

He felt an inexplicable chill.

Although the green-scaled white-bearded fish that he had seen before were vegetarians, each of them was very big.

Any one of them was two or three feet long, or even more than one meter long.

Such a large fish would have a very strong impact underwater. It is possible that a person could be knocked out by such a one-meter-long fish underwater.

As for the huge guy in the fish formation, it must be the king of these green-scaled white-bearded fish.

Judging from its size, it is probably more than ten meters long. If a person is hit by such a big guy, he will be dead.

It is no exaggeration to say that a school of fish of this size and level is invincible in the huge lake.

Basically, nothing can threaten them.

This place does not look like there are whaling ships.

So here comes the question.

These big fish actually want to form a fish formation.

What are they defending against?

Is there anything that can force these big fish in the lake to form a dense and huge fish formation to resist?

Things that can threaten the fish school are probably more terrifying than these fish schools and the fish king!


Parallel world.

Xiangxi Mountains.

At this time, Queqiao Shao and others were almost approaching Laoxiongling.

It was estimated that it was less than two days away from Laoxiongling.

The inventory video seen on the road made Queqiao Shao very strange.

This time, a brand new place appeared in the inventory video.

The centipede dragon centipede was obviously not in Queqiao Shao's cognition.

The flower spirit and the old foreigner next to him were still discussing the question of who was more powerful, the centipede dragon centipede or the six-winged centipede.

Queqiao Shao focused on another point.

This place, which was obviously Changbai Mountain, had a very strange tomb.

When Queqiao Shao saw the shadow of the huge fetus in the ice cliff before, he was very shocked.

About Kunlun fetus, Queqiao Shao also knew something.

However, in the thousands of years of experience of tomb robbing of the moving mountain Taoist lineage, the so-called Kunlun fetus was not found.

Before, Queqiao Shao also thought that this Feng Shui pattern only appeared in legends.

But now it seems that things are not that simple.

The Kunlun embryo actually exists.

And there is actually a Minglou Baoding in this Kunlun embryo.

It is obviously a big tomb.

But for a while, Queqiao Shao couldn't figure out whose tomb this might be.

In history, there were quite a few small border countries in the Changbai Mountain area.

From the Bohai Kingdom to Goguryeo, with the Black Water Mohe, the Jurchen tribes, etc., there are still quite a few.

However, there are actually not many of these tribes that have the ability to build large tombs on such glaciers.

Queqiao Shao knows that building large tombs consumes a lot of national power.

If some small countries build tombs on a large scale, they are very likely to perish on the spot.

And there are many problems with this tomb.

One of them is the architectural style.

It looks like the style of the late Yuan Dynasty and the early Ming Dynasty.

This era is quite uncomfortable.

Changbai Mountain seems to have just been ruled by the Jin Dynasty, that is, the Jurchens in this era.

But the Mongols rose in the later period.

This area has left the mainstream vision again.

It seems to still be the sphere of influence of the Jurchen tribes.

The subsequent rule of the Mongols in this area was also relatively loose.

However, the architectural style in the video is actually the style of the Han area.

This means that it is very likely that the person who built this tomb, at least the designer, is a Han Chinese.

And the picture of the ancient tomb in the video is also very strange.

Looking at it makes Partridge Whistle feel very uneasy.

This feeling of uneasiness reached its peak when he reached the deepest part of the Ling Palace and saw the huge statue of the god.

There is definitely something wrong with this ancient tomb.

Although the video counts the monsters near the ancient tomb, that is, the centipede dragon centipede.

So there are not many shots of the ancient tomb.

But Partridge Whistle felt it.

This ancient tomb looks like a huge trap.

It is not a real ancient tomb.

But Partridge Whistle was quickly shocked by his own thoughts.

This possibility is really too small.

After all, a small border country may face the problem of national power exhaustion just by building such an ancient tomb.

It is even more incredible that such a big battle turned out to be a trap.

So Partridge Whistle did not speak.

The next video caught Partridge Whistle's attention even more.

Because this time the video showed the Snowy Plateau.

Especially the crystal wall.

For Partridge Whistle, the Ghost Mother's Crystal Demon Eye is definitely a treasure that can be compared with the Zhuchen Pearl.

Sooner or later, Partridge Whistle or other Taoist monks will definitely go to this place.

Soon the scene in the video entered the lake.

At first, Partridge Whistle thought it was the big fish in the lake that he had seen in the inventory video.

At that time, a huge black shadow did appear in the video of the Ghost Mother's Crystal Demon Eye. Partridge

Whistle immediately saw that it was a big fish.

However, the picture did not stay in the lake.

Instead, it slowly floated up.

After reaching the surface of the lake, it adjusted its direction.

It was aimed directly at a dense forest on the shore of the lake (Zhao Zhao's)(Zhao Zhao's)

The trees here are very tall.

It is the primeval forest at the foot of the snow-capped mountains.

Any tree is more than ten or twenty meters high.

It is thick enough for two or three people to hug.

When Queqiao Shao looked at the jungle, he immediately found a strange road in the dense forest.

This road had appeared in the previous video.

It was just that the video at that time flashed by and did not stay on this road.

But now that the video screen is aimed at the dense forest and the road, Queqiao Shao suddenly reacted.

This road is too strange.

This kind of place surrounded by snow-capped mountains and dense forests is basically a place where few people go.

The ancient city of the Demon Kingdom has been abandoned.

Then even if there is a road in the dense forest, it will be covered by vegetation in just a few hundred years, not to mention thousands of years.

Even big trees will grow.

It is impossible to see that there was a road in this place. Unless it is like the Qin Straight Road, it uses special technology and materials, consumes huge manpower and material resources to build, and it can only be maintained for a long time in a place with relatively sparse vegetation.

This place does not seem to meet the conditions of the Qin Straight Road.

And from the video screen.

This road looks like new!.

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