In a parallel world, Laoxiongling in western Hunan.

Chen Yulou has brought his men Hua Maguai, Kunlun Moler and Luo Laowai into the Miao village in western Hunan.

Unfortunately, they dressed up as passing merchants during the day and brought salt and other things into Jinfeng Village.

The salt and other things were exchanged.

But not much information was obtained.

It seems that the people in the village are very taboo about the matter of Laoxiongling Pingshan.

At the same time, after a day of tossing and turning.

When it was getting dark, the village did not allow outsiders to stay overnight.

No matter how hard they tried, it didn't work.

Several people had to ask if there were other places to stay nearby.

As a result, the locals said that there was a charity cemetery near Laoxiongling. It was specially used to store corpses.

The secret art of driving corpses is popular in the western Hunan area.

After the foreign merchants died in this area, they had to return to their roots, and the journey was long.

They could only seek help from corpse-driving craftsmen.

And corpse-driving craftsmen usually have to collect a certain number of corpses before they set off.

Generally, corpses are driven once every six months.

Therefore, before this, the bodies of some merchants and outsiders who died of diseases or accidents nearby were placed in the charity cemetery.

If you are brave enough, you can stay overnight in the charity cemetery, at least you can be sheltered from the wind and rain.

Chen Yulou and others are all strong men who are tomb robbers.

Naturally, they are very bold.

They are no longer surprised by the death of people.

After hearing this, he did not hesitate and immediately headed for the charity cemetery on Laoxiong Ridge.

Just after arriving at the charity cemetery and before entering the door, the sky became darker.

The purple-black light curtain appeared again.

Chen Yulou, Hong Guai, Hua Maguai, Luo Laowai and others were no longer in a hurry.

They all stopped and planned to see what was on the light curtain.


At this time, the light curtain in the sky has shown a green light.

The camera fell from a very high place.

Under the clouds, a dense forest appeared.

The dense forest was shrouded in clouds and mist, and it was impenetrable.

The trees were also very tall.

Various bright flowers bloomed in the forest.

There were exotic flowers and plants everywhere, which looked quite shocking.

In the dense forest, only a few places were dotted with some bright spots of light.

A closer look revealed that they were the water surfaces of some rivers and pools.

There seemed to be a river winding through the dense forest.

In the distance on the screen, you can see a very tall mountain.

At the foot of the mountain, there is still a dense forest that covers the sky.

On the mountainside, there are bluestones, weeds and some vines climbing on the stones that are already exposed.

Higher up is the white snow.


After seeing this, Luo Laowai, who was outside the charity cemetery, stared blankly.

""Boss, what is this place? It looks more lush than the trees in front of us. Could it be the Bottle Mountain of Mengdong River?"

Hua Maguai beside him shook his head,"No, the trees and grass in the picture look unfamiliar, they don't look like the local ones, they are much more colorful."

Chen Yulou pondered for a moment.

"This place looks like the southern Sichuan and western Yunnan area."

"Such a dense forest is nothing."

"Mainly the snow mountain"

"Such a majestic mountain, with dense forests, should be in the western and southern Yunnan area.

After Chen Yulou finished speaking, several of his men could not help but admire him.

"The boss is really knowledgeable about astronomy and geography. He can even tell where we are from. Amazing!"

"As expected of the leader of Xiangling, no wonder he can command the heroes of the north and south"

"The boss knows everything."


Chen Yulou was a little flattered by the praise from several people.

After a while, Miss Hong asked

"But this place is far away from the Central Plains, even more remote than Xiangxi where we are."

"Could there be any special treasures?"

After hearing what Hong Xiaonian said, Hua Maguai and Luo Laowai nodded.

Although Hong Xiaonian was a latecomer, she was originally a descendant of the Moon Gate. She had traveled all over the country and had some experience.

The place that appeared in the picture was obviously not the Central Plains Han area.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a borderland.

I am afraid that only some barbarians have lived here since ancient times.

You must know that although the Xiangxi area is relatively close to the Central Plains, the number and level of ancient tombs are no longer comparable to those in Guanzhong and Heluo Plain.

Even the ancient tombs in Shanxi, Shandong, and Hebei are also in quantity and quality. There are much more of them than here. The reason why Xiangling Lishi gathered here is not because there are many tombs here.

It is because they were severely suppressed during the Yuan and Ming Dynasties.

Their inheritance was almost cut off like Faqiu Tianguan.

They can only live here.

Over the years, the nearby tombs have been almost robbed by Xiangling Lishi.

It was not easy to get the clue of Pingshan Tomb, but they couldn't find any clues for a while.

That's why Hong Girl asked this question.

It's so difficult to find a big tomb in Xiangxi.

Could it be that there are treasures in the more desolate and remote southwestern Yunnan?

Chen Yulou shook his head slightly after hearing Hong Girl's question.

"Don't underestimate the southwest"

"Since ancient times, there have been Dian Kingdom, Yelang Kingdom and other countries here."

"It's not really a wild place."

"I suspect this treasure is most likely from the tomb of the King of Dian"

"But as far as I know, the locations of the tombs of the kings of Dian in the past dynasties have been explored by fellow travelers."

"Almost all the tombs of the kings of Dian that have been recorded in history have been emptied."

"Some even dismantled the coffins and sold them."

"What on earth could be on the list in this inventory video?"

Chen Yulou became more and more curious.

For a moment, he was not sure whether it was the treasure from the tomb of the King of Dian.


At this moment, the game screen changed, and the camera was already moving quickly along the river in the jungle.

It took only a few seconds.

Before anyone could see the surrounding environment and route clearly, the camera had already plunged into a white mist.

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