There are many treasures in this place. Chen Yulou has always been very interested in this place. It is impossible that this place with two of the top ten treasures is not without any danger.

Normally, it is normal to have one of the top ten monsters.

It's just that... the top ten monsters in this place appeared a little late.

This is already the top two.

I'm afraid that the danger of this place is more exaggerated than Chen Yulou had imagined before.

At this time, the video camera has begun to move forward along the winding river.

Soon Chen Yulou discovered that this section was not in the previous video.

But from the snow-capped mountains in the distance, it seems to be the outermost part of this place.

In a few seconds, the video camera kept moving forward and actually reached the foot of the tall snow-capped mountain.

And this river actually went directly into the mountain of this mountain.

Where the river and the mountain meet, a huge cave appeared. There seemed to be some vague reliefs outside the cave, carving the entire cave entrance into a very strange shape of the mouth of a giant beast.

When seeing this, Chen Yulou already felt very uneasy.

At this time, the video camera directly entered the cave.

The video screen suddenly went dark


Parallel world. South of the colorful clouds.

At the foot of Zhalong Mountain.

In an inn, several quarry workers were eating and drinking tea at a table outside the inn.

The innkeeper's wife was busy cooking.

A young girl came out with a plate.

At this time, the video in the sky had started playing.

After watching the video, the girl put the plate on the table.

She wiped her hands on her apron and carefully checked the video in the sky.

The innkeeper's wife and the quarry workers were not very interested in the video.

They just watched it for fun.

But the little girl Peacock watched it very carefully.

"Look, this is Zhalong Mountain!"

"This river is the Snake River!"

Some of the previous inventory videos were quite scary.

So Peacock was a little nervous when he watched it.

But when the tall snow-capped mountains and the winding green river appeared on the inventory video, Peacock suddenly jumped for joy.

The quarry workers who were eating and drinking beer nearby were also stunned.

"It's really Zhalong Mountain"

"Oh my god, this cave where the snake river flows into is not peaceful."

"I remember that place is haunted."

The workers were talking about it.

Peacock was also very interested.

But before Peacock could ask the quarry workers how the place was haunted, the video had already moved into the cave.

After the video entered the cave, it was dark.

After a few seconds, all kinds of strange stalactites appeared.

Seeing these things, Peacock felt very novel.

The video camera moved very quickly and soon arrived at a very strange place similar to a waterfall.

There were also huge red stone carvings like cinnabar outside.

After entering, the water surface suddenly became much narrower.

The two sides were surprisingly straight.

It was an artificially repaired canal. When seeing this, Peacock was so surprised that he almost jumped up.

"Look, there is a waterway in the cave! Who built this?"

Peacock did not wait for the quarry workers' answer.

Because some strange figures appeared on the video screen.

When he saw this, the timid Peacock immediately shrank behind several quarry workers.

At first, several quarry workers were still laughing at Peacock for being timid.

As a result, the next second, the figures on the video screen became clear.

They were all human figurines hanging upside down on the top of the cave.

These figurines were big and small, and it seemed that there were men, women, old and young.

All of them had a layer of outer shell mixed with gray cloth and mud.

With their hands behind their backs, they were tied up with copper chains and hung up.

They didn't look like dummies, but like real corpses.

As a result, this picture scared the quarry workers.

Several of them turned pale.

"Grandpa, this thing looks like those stone figurines that are exposed when landslides occur during rainstorms."

"It is a bit like it, but how is it hung up?"

The few people who were originally talking and laughing all looked terrified, and some of them lowered their heads.

Fortunately, the video camera moved very fast. It only took a few seconds to rush through this straight waterway and arrived at a slightly wider cave.

The few people at the table just breathed a sigh of relief, but immediately tensed up again.

Because a huge green figure appeared on the video camera.

Several locals living near Zhalong Mountain were naturally startled.

Because they all recognized what this thing was.


Parallel world.

Aning is ready to leave for Hangzhou.

Before leaving, he saw the inventory video appearing in the sky again.

After seeing the inventory video appear this time, Aning immediately returned to the office.

Because Aning found that this place had appeared before.

The company had located the location here before.

But it was not particularly accurate.

If there are more pictures this time, it is really possible to successfully locate the location of this special place.

You should know that two treasures among the top ten treasures have appeared in this place before.

One is the blue jade three-legged toad, and the other is the Legalist corpse-suppressing bronze mirror.

These two things may only be exchanged for money for individuals.

For individual tomb robbers, they may also be useful.

But for the company, these things are very useful. If the company has the Legalist corpse-suppressing bronze mirror.

Entering many places can greatly reduce the danger.

And because of the company's resource problems, the role of the Legalist corpse-suppressing bronze mirror can also be maximized.

But this time the picture on the video quickly entered an underground river.

This underground river passes under the tall snow mountain.

But apart from that, what kind of connection is there between this underground river and the mysterious canyon?

What is the distance between them? There is no clue for the time being.

Aning could only continue to watch.

At this time, the video screen showed human figures hanging upside down on the top of the cave.

When seeing this, even the brave Aning was shocked.

Especially when the video passed through these human figures, the human figures were still shaking slightly.

It felt like they were alive.

It looked like hell.

At this time, Aning immediately asked some experts behind him and asked what era these human figures were from.

The professionals in the office behind Aning replied that these human figures looked a bit like those of the Han Dynasty in terms of style.

But there are some very obvious differences from the people of the Han Dynasty.

The biggest difference is that these human figures are made too realistically.

It feels like a real human corpse!.

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