The size of the saber-toothed viperfish living in cold water is much larger than that of ordinary piranhas.

And its temperament is more ferocious.

Its attack power is also stronger.

The only thing is that its group size may not be as large as that of piranhas.

But the number of saber-toothed vipers in this cave is probably at least tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands.

No wonder the huge green-scaled python had to flee after hearing the sound made by these saber-toothed vipers.

If this green-scaled python did not escape, it would probably be torn to pieces and swallowed by these saber-toothed vipers.

Of course, what surprised Chief of Staff Yang was that the video footage did not stay on the green-scaled python and the saber-toothed viperfish for too long.

It flew out of the cave quickly.

After flying out of the cave, Chief of Staff Yang immediately found that the scene that appeared again in the inventory video was the mysterious canyon that appeared in the previous inventory of the top ten treasures.

That mysterious canyon appeared twice.

So when it appeared on the video screen, Chief of Staff Yang recognized it almost instantly.

This time, the video camera did not seem to have the intention of staying in this jungle.

The speed of advancement was very fast.

And it was flying forward quickly above the jungle.

Occasionally, some huge shadows could be seen in this dense forest, flying quickly with wings flashing.

After a while, patches of milky white fog immediately appeared in front of him.

These fumes looked quite thick, like some kind of liquid.

The video camera really descended quickly at this time, and then rushed directly into the thick fog.

In the blink of an eye, it went deep into the ground again.

When seeing this, Chief of Staff Yang immediately had an ominous premonition.

Because when Chief of Staff Yang was watching the video of the top ten treasures, especially the blue jade three-legged toad, he was very confused.

Because the underground cave at that time left a very deep impression on him.

There lived some underground jungles and some giant insects.

These things were some things that lived on the earth in ancient times.

But for some reason, they were actually preserved in a huge cave underground.

Then is it possible that some very ferocious animals that lived in ancient times, or other creatures, also survived in this cave?

Even now, this possibility is still very high.

When they thought of this, they immediately felt a wave of tremors.

It seemed that they had some understanding of what the monsters to be counted this time were.

And where they might appear.

The underground cave was actually divided into two parts.

Chief of Staff Yang was very sure of this.

The most important thing was that the difference between the front and back caves was still very huge and very obvious.

The front cave was very huge and very lively.

There were a lot of various creatures, like a place full of vitality and danger.

The back cave was slightly smaller.

But it was dead silent, like a cold underworld.

At this time, although the video screen was still moving quickly in a huge cave in front,

Chief of Staff Yang knew that the video camera would not stay here.

Sure enough, less than a minute later, the video camera had passed through the narrow connection between the two caves.

It rushed directly into a red cave.

When he saw this, Chief of Staff Yang finally trembled all over.

At the same time, I also know that the monsters that this video is going to list are about to appear.


Parallel world.


At this time, Wu Xie had returned to his antique shop in Hangcheng.

So when a new inventory video appeared in the sky, Wu Xie was relatively relaxed.

At least compared to when Wu Xie watched these videos in the Seven Star Lu Palace before, he was much more relaxed.

No longer have to worry about being eaten by zombies, zongzi, etc. that suddenly appear next to him at any time.

No need to worry about getting lost in the maze-like robbery holes and tombs.

When the inventory video directly rushed into a dark cave underground, Wu Xie was more or less uncomfortable.

Because the time spent underground and in the cave was too long before.

It has left Wu Xie with a deep psychological shadow.

At this time, Wu Xue just concealed his fear a little.

Then he sat down and drank tea while watching the video footage that appeared in the sky.

At this time, it has been pushed into the underground cave.

Wu Xie also has an impression of this underground cave.

When counting the top ten treasures before, this cave had appeared before.

The treasure counted at that time was the blue jade three-legged toad.

The huge cave was still an underground forest like a tropical rain forest.

At the same time, there were some very huge and terrifying prehistoric insects.

They were all huge toads in the water.

These things left a very deep impression on Wu Xie.

Wu Xie also felt a little scared.

But soon Wu Xie found that when the video screen entered the second cave, that is, the cave with red rock walls around it.

This place was even more terrifying than the previous cave full of huge insects.

Although there were many scary-looking insects and some monsters in that cave, at least these things were all in the open.

Wu Xie could observe them.

They could be captured by the video.

Wu Xie is no longer so afraid of such dangers.

In most cases, such dangers can be dealt with.

On the contrary, those hidden dangers in corners that normal people cannot see are the real deadly dangers.

This is also the most important experience Wu Xie learned after coming out of the Seven Star Lu Palace.

So when the video screen entered the second cave, Wu Xie suddenly felt that he was trembling slightly with nervousness all over his body.

Even goosebumps appeared.

At this time, there was a slight sound of water in the whole cave.

Then a layer of faint blue light floated from the bottom of the water in the originally dark and bottomless cave.

When Wu Xie saw this layer of blue light, he suddenly remembered some very unpleasant memories.

Before entering the Seven Star Lu Palace Tomb, Wu Xie passed by the corpse cave.

There was also a faint green area in that cave.

Those areas emitting green light looked very creepy.

There were also many corpses in that place, and even two coffins appeared.

It was like the underworld underground..

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