It can be roughly seen from the vegetation.

Most of the above are deciduous broad-leaved forests.

It is not like the canyon just now, which is densely packed with tropical rainforests.

When seeing this, Partridge Whistle immediately mentioned it.

The environment in the new video now seems to have appeared in the previous inventory video.

People of the Banshan Taoist lineage have very good memories.

After Partridge Whistle's reminder, Hua Ling and the old foreigner soon remembered when this environment appeared.

It did appear in the previous inventory video.

In the previous video of the inventory of the top ten treasures, an almost identical environment had appeared.

That was in the video of the inventory of the bronze sacred tree.

It's just that the video of the inventory of the top ten treasures only appeared in the forest for a short time. It didn't take long for it to enter the underground range.

So Partridge Whistle couldn't be particularly sure at this time whether the video in front of him was the same as the previous video of the bronze sacred tree.

Just when a few people were still hesitant and confused, and couldn't think clearly, the video camera suddenly changed.

The iconic mountain has appeared in front of us.

There is also the extremely steep Skyline Canyon.

However, this time the video camera did not rush directly into the crack of the ancient tomb on the head of the huge stone statue.

This time the video camera is moving quickly above the mountain, that is, the forest.

With the help of the video camera, you can clearly see the overall scenery and topography of this mountain forest.

When seeing this, Partridge Whistle suddenly thought of a problem.

Partridge Whistle is also very good at Feng Shui.

Although the level is not as high as that of the lower position of the gold-touching.

But it is not completely ignorant.

Soon it was clear that the mountain forest below had some very typical dragon vein characteristics.

And according to Feng Shui theory, it should be the middle dragon among the three dragon veins.

When seeing this, Partridge Whistle immediately concluded that this area must be in the Qinling area.

However, the Qinling Mountains are also a large mountain range, stretching for thousands of kilometers.

Therefore, it is still impossible to judge which specific section of the Qinling Mountains this area is.

I can only continue to watch it carefully.


Parallel world.


Wu Xie was also holding a teacup and standing at the door of the store.

The undead worm that appeared in the previous video shocked Wu Xie.

But for Wu Xie, the dense jungle that looked like a subtropical area and the strange valley did not make him feel very scared.

Because Wu Xie had already made up his mind not to enter the ancient tomb easily again. He had experienced it once in the Seven Star Lu Palace before, but in the end he did not make much money.

And there were many dangerous and terrifying events he experienced.

Wu Xie was very frightened. It left a huge psychological shadow.

So he made up his mind not to enter the ancient tomb easily again.

There must be a very large tomb in the strange canyon in the previous video.

Therefore, Wu Xie can be sure that he will never explore this place.

So he was not so nervous when watching the inventory video.

At least Wu Xie looked much calmer than the other owners of the shops next door.

It was just that when the first video about Huo's undead worm was finished.

When the second video started playing again, Wu Xie's mood suddenly became heavy.

He felt an inexplicable and strange sense of fear shrouding him.

The source of this fear was a little confusing to Wu Xie.

Wu Xie felt that he was already brave enough.

At least after we experienced such a horrible incident before, Wu Xie felt that he had been tempered and should not feel particularly scared when seeing many things.

But what caught Wu Xie off guard was that when this video appeared, Wu Xie actually felt a deep fear.

But at this time, there was nothing particularly excessive on the video screen.

Basically, the video camera was shuttling through the endless mountains.

The forest was very dense, but there was no suffocating feeling like the previous strange canyon.

There were no large patches of fog on it.

There were no scary things like rotting corpses, monsters or ancient tombs.

Wu Xie thought for a long time but couldn't figure out what he was afraid of.

At the end, the video camera finally slowed down.

It seemed to hover and stop at a certain place, and slowly fell.

You can see that there are many streams in this mountain.

Then you can see that the streams in the surrounding mountains are slowly converging.

It seems that after converging to a concave place, the video camera directly rushed into the inside of this concave place.

Soon you can see that there seems to be nothing on the surface, just a piece of bushes and weeds.

There is a small hole in the middle.

But after entering it, you will find that there is a very huge cave below.

At the beginning, the cave was still very dark.

Almost nothing can be seen clearly.

Soon after about a few seconds, you can slowly see a little bit of things in the cave.

Immediately, you feel that there are some very magical things below.

The first thing is that there are many artificially built suspended plank roads around this huge cave.

When these plank roads just appeared, Wu Xie was still very surprised.

Plank roads themselves are not rare things.

There are such suspended plank roads in the mountains in many places.

It is also for the convenience of people to enter and exit. The occupied roads here should obviously be relatively recent.

It seems that some places are well preserved.

It should be the Ming and Qing Dynasties, or even the suspended plank roads built in the Qing Dynasty.

And it looks like a kind of plank road used for mining.

At this time, Wu Xie was very surprised.

Because he felt that he had entered an ancient mine.

But the space below did not look like a mine at all.

After a while, Wu Xie found something very strange.

Those suspended plank roads, which were mixed with sections of plank roads built with stone pillars.

These suspended plank roads built with stones are obviously much older than those suspended plank roads built with wood in the Qing Dynasty.

Judging from the material and carving style of the stone, as well as the construction form of this suspended plank road, the age of these plank roads can probably be traced back to thousands of years ago. It is quite ancient.

And these plank roads are intermittent. The broken places were all built and supplemented in the Qing Dynasty.

It extends downward all the time.

I don’t know where it extends to..

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