There is a strange thing on the seabed of the Coral Spiral Sea that can actually burn.

So a raging fire will also ignite on the sea surface.

This is very rare in other seas around the world.

It is also a very dangerous natural phenomenon.

However, before the captain Ruan Heiduo could say anything, the video screen changed again.

The video camera did not stay on the sea surface burning with raging flames for too long.

Instead, it continued to move deeper into the Coral Spiral Sea.

And this time the video camera did not rush to rush under the sea surface.

This is also something that makes the tavern owner Baiwu more or less strange.

Because when the previous inventory video appeared in the South China Sea, the video camera basically quickly entered below the sea surface.

This time the video camera moved forward quickly along the sea surface.

About a minute or two later, a black thing actually appeared on the video.

"Five"five five zero" five zero" this thing is very huge.

When he saw this thing just now, the tavern owner Bai Wu was also shocked.

Then he immediately whispered,"Is this a huge whale?

Why is it a black whale?"

At this time, other people in the tavern who were drinking and watching the video were also scared.

Many of them were like the tavern owner Bai Wu, thinking that the thing that appeared on the video screen was a huge black whale.

There were even a few people who swore that they had seen similar huge whales with their own eyes when they went out to sea before.

It can swallow a fishing boat into its stomach in one bite.

The reason why they can survive until now is all because of their own luck and good skills, etc..

But at this time, the captain Ruan Hei shook his head slightly.

Then he immediately said that this thing is definitely not a black whale.

It is a ghost island!

After hearing this word, the tavern owner Bai Wu was also slightly stunned.

There are rumors of ghost islands all over the world.

Coral Temple Island is no exception.

Is there really a ghost island in the world?

At this moment, the picture on the video continued to move forward.

Soon it came to the front of the tall black thing.

At this time everyone could see clearly.

This thing is all huge black reefs.

It is indeed not the legendary black whale.

On the contrary, the ghost island guessed by the captain Ruan Hei is very close.

If this place is really If it is a ghost island, it is also quite strange.

Because similar areas have appeared in the previous video footage.

But this huge ghost island has never appeared.

It seems that this thing does appear at different times.

But the question is, how can such a large island suddenly disappear and suddenly appear?

For a while, the people in the tavern were talking about it.

No one could convince anyone.

What surprised everyone on the Coral Temple Island was that the video camera did not stay in front of the ghost island for too long.

Obviously, this very strange monster does not live on the ghost island.

The video continued to move forward.

Soon it passed the ghost island.

It came to a completely unfamiliar place. The sea area where the creatures are born.

Although it is still within the coral spiral, it is farther away from the land and the direction of the Coral Temple Island.

The wind and waves in this sea area are obviously stronger.

After a moment, the captain Ruan Hei, who had been sitting in the tavern drinking peacefully before, suddenly stood up.

Then he pointed to the video screen in the sky and said, look at these sea waters, they are spinning!

At this time, everyone else in the tavern also looked at the video in the sky.

These people on the Coral Temple Island are all people with very rich sailing experience.

Everyone makes a living on the sea.

Naturally, they know what the captain Ruan Hei meant.

So after seeing the direction of the sea water currents in the video in the sky, everyone turned pale.


Parallel world.


In the courtyard.

Uncle Ming's face turned pale at this time.

Although Uncle Ming was also very shocked by the previous scene.

But after all, the theme of the South China Sea had appeared in the previous inventory video.

So the scene of the South China Sea that appeared again this time was not particularly shocking.

In addition, Uncle Ming had been a sailor for more than ten years. He is also very familiar with the waters around the South China Sea.

So he didn't feel particularly moved when he watched it, and naturally he was not as scared as others.

But when the video camera swept across the sea surface burning with the Yin Fire on the seabed, flew over the huge ghost island that looked like a black whale, and came to a completely unfamiliar sea area.

Uncle Ming's face gradually began to turn pale.

At the same time, the other people in the courtyard didn't understand it very well.

Because these other people didn't have much experience in sailing.

So they couldn't see anything particularly scary in the video.

Even compared to some previous video scenes, the picture at this time looked calm...........

So Han Shu-na and A-xiang nearby quickly asked what was going on...........

Uncle Ming pointed at the video in the sky and said tremblingly,"Look at the current on the sea, it's so weird."

As a result, after watching the video, the other people couldn't tell what was unusual about the current on the sea.

Uncle Ming had to continue explaining.

This large area of sea water is rotating.

It's just that the video we are watching now is still on the periphery of this rotating area.

So for the time being, we can't see a very strong current.

After Uncle Ming finished speaking, Han Shu Na, A Xiang and A Dong in the courtyard were still skeptical.

But then they saw that the camera on the video began to fly���'s progress.

As the video camera moved forward, several people gradually saw it clearly.

The speed of the seawater on the sea surface was getting faster and faster.

And it was flowing forward rapidly in the same direction.

The further forward you go, the faster you can feel the seawater flowing forward.

The waves were flying.

The sound of waves was coming.

The ocean current had an obvious arc.

So it was soon clear that the flow of the seawater was indeed like a huge whirlpool.

After realizing this, several people were all shocked.

Because it can be seen that this piece of sea surface is very wide and the area is very huge.

And the size of the water flow of this whirlpool is also quite terrifying.

I'm afraid that the diameter of the outer periphery of this whirlpool may be more than 0.1 kilometers.

Such a large area of whirlpool has indeed exceeded the limits of several people's imagination.

At this time, the lens on the video screen began to stretch upwards and rose to a height of about several hundred meters.

Then the video camera began to overlook the sea below. The faces of several people in the courtyard were all pale.

Because just as Uncle Ming said just now, the seawater at this time has become a huge whirlpool.

If you look down from the sky, this huge vortex is more obvious and more terrifying.

In the middle of this huge vortex, there is a cave that is almost vertically downward like a trumpet.

The diameter of this cave is now 20 to 30 meters, and it is still expanding.

The depth of this cave is not clear at all for a while.

I am afraid it is hundreds of meters or even thousands of meters deep.

Han Shu Na and Ah Xiang were even trembling slightly because of this abyss.

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