Soon, Lao Hu and Fatty found that the scene played on the inventory video was a scene that had appeared before.

That is, the scene in the South China Sea.

Several people are not particularly familiar with the South China Sea.

So now several people are a little confused.

Soon after the video entered the bottom of the sea, the shock on the faces of several people became more and more obvious.

Because when they were on the sea before, the content they saw was barely understandable.

After all, although several people have not entered the South China Sea, they have all seen the sea.

But after arriving at the huge Guixu Sea Eye, several people were immediately stunned.

Because this Guixu Sea Eye is indeed something that even Hu Bayi, Wang Fatty and others who grew up by the sea have never seen. They have never seen a similar scene at all.

Even in nightmares, such a scene has never appeared.

Moreover, the weird space that appeared after entering the Guixu Sea Eye was also beyond the expectations of several people.

Wang Fatty and Da Jinya were directly stunned.

But when Hu Bayi arrived at this moment, looking at everything that appeared in front of him, he still had some ideas.

Hu Bayi discovered that this magical place actually matched some of the things in the sixteen-character Yin-Yang Feng Shui secret technique he had learned before in terms of Feng Shui.

According to the sixteen-character Yin-Yang Feng Shui secret technique, the dragon veins in the world are divided into three.

The North Dragon, the Middle Dragon and the South Dragon.

The North Dragon and the Middle Dragon naturally have nothing to do with the South China Sea.

But the South Dragon vein is indeed winding all the way and then extends to the sea.

Of course, according to the general Feng Shui technique, the South Dragon entered the East China Sea.

Now it seems that this statement is obviously not comprehensive.

The South Dragon vein is extremely complex.

There must be quite a lot of residual veins that have also entered the South China Sea.

Moreover, Hu Bayi soon discovered that the huge Guixu Sea Eye in front of him, as well as the reef-like reefs that had appeared before, actually matched some Feng Shui patterns that Hu Bayi had seen before.

This place is very likely to be the end of the South Dragon.

Since it is the end of the South Dragon, then the Feng Shui pattern of this place must be completely different from other places.

In fact, the Feng Shui pattern of this place is indeed quite special, and the sea air is very abundant.

And there is actually a huge sea eye that leads all the way to the bottom of the sea.

But this sea eye seems to be explainable from the perspective of Feng Shui.

At this time, Fatty Wang kept muttering beside him, saying that this thing looks very much like the body of a huge whale.

In fact, Fatty Wang's statement is not without reason.

Because from the video, several people can clearly see it. Above the space inside this huge vortex, there is a light that keeps flowing like blood.

It looks like the blood flowing inside some huge creature.

So it is not unreasonable to imagine this strange space as being in the belly of a whale.

There are even many legends in the world about ships on the sea entering the sea and being swallowed by whales.

But according to Hu Bayi's opinion, the huge and strange space in front of him is indeed formed under the effect of a very special Feng Shui. It is definitely not in the belly of a whale.

There is no such a big whale in the world.

But such a place. It actually formed a huge space. Even if it can be barely explained, it looks quite magical.

And according to Hu Bayi, this place is not only a space formed by a special Feng Shui pattern on the seabed, but also seems to have good Feng Shui.

Then the question is, in this kind of ocean, at least hundreds or even thousands of kilometers away from the land, even if the Feng Shui pattern is very good, it doesn't have much effect. It is almost impossible for there to be any ancient tombs in such a place.

Or that ancient people lived here.

Because there are not even islands on the surface of this sea area.

But just when Wang Pangzi and Da Jinya were puzzled by this matter.

The picture on the video changed again.

The video camera began to move forward again.

And this time the direction of advancement was actually the mountain that looked quite tall in the distance.

Several people were also very curious and realized that there might be something special on this mountain.

Continue watching immediately.

The video camera continued to move forward, and it didn't take long to reach the mountain that looked quite tall on the seabed.

Hu Bayi immediately found something unusual on the camera.

On the huge mountain, some buildings similar to city ruins could be vaguely seen.

When Hu Bayi saw this, he immediately reminded Wang Pangzi and Da Jinya next to him.

The two were also surprised when they saw the ruins.

Because just now, the two mentioned that the Feng Shui pattern here was not bad, but it had no meaning.

No one would live here.

But I didn't expect that less than a minute had passed, and I immediately saw the huge city ruins that appeared on the seabed mountain.

Hu Bayi soon discovered that there were actually several very tall stone doors on this huge ruin.

What's more magical is that each stone door is distinguished by boulders of different colors.

The colors of these boulders are basically five colors, which just fits the principle of mutual generation and mutual restraint of the five elements.

When seeing this, Hu Bayi immediately said:

It seems that this underwater world was not only inhabited by humans in ancient times, but also the level of civilization of these people was quite high.

What's more magical is that the theory of mutual generation and mutual restraint of the five elements that they follow seems to be very close to that of the Central Plains.

In fact, this itself is also a very magical thing.

After all, no matter how you look at this place, it is on the sea thousands of miles away.

There is still a long way to go across the land.

The influence of the culture of the Central Plains (Nonuo's) (Nonuo's) region is incredible.

At this time, Fatty Wang and Da Jinya immediately started to guess which stone gate the video would enter next.

After all, there were quite a lot of stone doors in front of them.

And the colors of the stone doors were also different.

As a result, at this moment, the video camera suddenly flashed.

It went directly into a certain stone door.

But what made Wang Pangzi and Da Jinya a little depressed was that the speed of the video arrow was very fast.

So the two of them didn't see clearly which stone door they entered.

While the two were still complaining,

Hu Bayi showed a shocked look on his face.

After the video camera entered this huge stone door, a building similar to a temple appeared inside.

The interior space was very huge.

It was even much larger than the Egyptian temple that Hu Bayi had seen on TV before..

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