The camera on the screen was moving rapidly in the thick white fog.

Finally, it broke out of the fog.

The bottom became an abyss.

There were cliffs all around.

Several streams and rivers turned into white waterfalls here.

All the water flowed into the abyss pool under the cliff.

The edge of the dense forest in the distance and the cliffs were still shrouded in clouds and mist.

In this layer of clouds and mist, a magnificent palace could be vaguely seen.

The surroundings were full of light and the mist reflected rainbow light.


When Wang Canghai, who was looking up in the courtyard, saw this, his expression was suddenly shocked!


Fairy palace.

Above the clouds.


Cloud-top palace.

Why not build a fairy palace on the top of the mountain?

This majestic and magnificent palace building seems to be on the edge of the cliff.

This is definitely a good idea.

Although the camera flashed on the screen and was blocked by clouds,

Wang Canghai was still very keenly aware of it.

The overall style of this palace is very strange.

It has a clear Central Plains Han style.

And it is the style of the Han and Tang Dynasties.

But at the same time, these buildings also have some of the style of the barbaric people in the southwest.

It looks simple and mysterious.

This strange mixture of styles makes this fairy palace look like a fairy.

At the same time, it also reveals a sense of evil and weirdness.

It has to be said that this style also shocked Wang Canghai.


The scene of the Fairy Palace on the camera lasted too short.

When almost everyone didn't see what the Fairy Palace looked like, the camera began to fall again.

The surrounding scenes passed by quickly.

The next moment, the camera appeared underground.

It was obvious that it had entered a tomb passage.

And it seemed to have emerged from the water.

A sound of water could be clearly heard outside the camera.


"Damn, the creator of this video is too cunning."

At this time in the parallel world, in the mountains of Lingnan, a thin man in his fifties or sixties was trekking in the mountains.

After seeing the content on the video, he couldn't help but curse.

"If the content of this video is more detailed, I, Chenpi A Si, will definitely find this place and dig out the treasure."

Chenpi A Si was obviously very angry at this time.

When Chenpi A Si was young, he was also a famous tomb robber in the underworld. He was also quite famous near Changsha City.

But after liberation, it was no longer possible.

Because he had been a platoon leader of the reactionaries, he was almost shot.

He finally ran away and has been wandering around the mountainous countryside in Guangdong and Guangxi.

He didn't even dare to enter the county town.

In addition, the Guangdong and Guangxi regions, especially the Guilin and Liuzhou areas, were not the Central Plains in ancient times, and there were not many ancient tombs.

So Chenpi A Si didn't have much chance to rob tombs.

Originally, Chenpi A Si planned to live his life in a daze, and when he got old, he would find a place to dig a hole and lie in it.

Unexpectedly, a huge light curtain suddenly appeared in the sky.

The content played in the light curtain.

It was all treasures related to ancient tombs!

The jade-winged golden-scaled mermaid and the mountain-watching bone-stealing map that had appeared opened Chenpi A Si's eyes.

At the same time, Chenpi A Si's almost dead mind was active again.

"Damn it, I've been so prosperous for most of my life, but now I'm getting old, I feel so depressed"

"No, I must dig a few more big tombs while I can still move, so that my life will not be in vain."

Chen Pi A Si made up his mind.

Unfortunately, the scenes in the video were too far away from Chen Pi A Si.

One was above the vast ocean.

One looked like the Wu Gorge area in eastern Sichuan.

The distance was very far.

Chen Pi A Si was an illegal resident and did not even have a letter of introduction. Naturally, he did not dare to take a train or a car.

It was impossible to walk there.

He had to look for it in the Shiwandashan Mountains in Guangxi.

Fortunately, Chen Pi A heard a few Miao people chatting.

Those people drank too much and talked about the collapsed tower in a temple on Maoer Mountain.

After hearing about Maoer Mountain, Chen Pi A Si began to pay attention.

According to several Miao people, at that time After the pagoda collapsed, there was a lot of noise.

Even the ground sank, leaving a big pit.

At the same time, there were some strange rumors that on the night the pagoda collapsed, there were very strange screams.

Chenpi Asi naturally inquired carefully.

Soon he heard that it was not Maoer Ridge.

It was in the middle of Wofo Ridge near Maoer Mountain.

There was a tiankeng there.

At least tens of thousands of acres of land collapsed.

There were some Miao villages all around.

But there was no one living in the big pit in the middle.

There was also a difference of one or two hundred meters from the village next to it.

The vegetation inside was dense.

The big trees blocked out the sun, and you couldn't see anything. Clearly see the ground below.

There is no way down from the nearby villages.

To enter this tiankeng, you have to climb down the cliff.

The legendary collapsed pagoda was built in the center of the tiankeng basin.

This place is far from the edge of the tiankeng.

In addition, the trees are dense.

Therefore, ordinary people can't see it clearly.

Only a spire can be seen.

Later, the locals heard the sound of collapse, and the spire disappeared, so they knew that this place had collapsed.

There are many legends about this mysterious ancient tower among the locals.

According to some old people, this tower was built by a monk in ancient times to suppress demons.

Now that the tower has fallen, the monster will come out to do evil.

That strange cry was the cry of the monster breaking free from its restraints.

Chenpi A Si naturally would not believe such rural rumors.

Coupled with the stimulation of seeing the sky screen video.

Chenpi A Si naturally thought that this was most likely a hidden ancient tomb.

At the very least, there would be a lot of treasures in the underground palaces of these temples and pagodas.

Chenpi A Si naturally became interested.

But he was a little worried about whether there were zombies suppressed in this pagoda.

It would be nice if there were something on hand that could suppress the zombies.

At this time, the giant screen in the sky changed again.


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