But at this time, there were no very strange scenes on the video screen.

There was nothing particularly scary.

The ship was still the same ship, and there was no change.

The only change was the ship number.

Then Wu Xie suddenly had a flash of lightning in his mind, as if he remembered something.

Before, his third uncle Wu Sanxing also hired a ship to go to the Xisha Islands.

Then he disappeared.

This ship?

Wu Xie quickly rushed to Aning and asked Aning about this ship.

Do you know what kind of ship it is?

Aning was pale and nodded slightly.--

Then he immediately told Wu Xie that this ship was the one Wu Sanxing hired when he went out to sea.

Because Wu Sanxing also received sponsorship from the company when he went out to sea to investigate the tomb.

So all the ships he hired had to be reported to the company.

Therefore, Aning also knew the ship number of the ship Wu Sanxing was on at the time.

It's just that Wu Sanxing and the ship disappeared together in the South China Sea.

Before this, the company and Aning's people thought that the ship had sunk.

But they never expected that the ship would appear in the inventory video.

What does this mean?

Wu Xie also figured it out instantly.

The first point is that Wu Sanxing and others are no longer on the ship.

The ship has now become something that is almost like a ghost ship.

It is full of evil colors.

Floating on the sea.

That is to say, Wu Sanxing's situation should be in danger now.

In addition to this, it also explains a problem.

That is to say, the so-called Xisha underwater shipwreck tomb that Wu Xie, Aning and others are going to this time.

It is definitely a very dangerous place.

It is not as dangerous as Aning said before.

After all, the theme of this inventory video is definitely the situation inside the Xisha underwater shipwreck tomb.

After realizing this, Wu Xie and An Ning both turned pale.

After all, it was the zombies from the underwater shipwreck tomb that appeared this time.

It really surprised both of them.

At this time, a strange sound came from the video camera again.

It turned out that on the iron ship that had become a ghost ship, there was a tightly closed iron door inside the cabin.

Normally, there should be a cargo hold behind this iron door.

At this time, a particularly strange sound came from this iron door.

It felt like scratching the iron door with nails.

The sound of the bracket and metal rubbing made everyone's teeth sour and their heads buzzing.

Then, Wu Xie and An Ning were surprised to find that the iron door inside the ghost ship on the video camera suddenly opened a gap.

Behind this iron door, a huge face appeared.

This face was covered with scales.

A pair of eyes were also green.

It felt like a ghost in hell.

The strange thing that appeared on the video camera scared everyone who was watching the inventory video.

Although many terrifying things have appeared on this inventory video before.

But such a scary thing is still quite powerful.

Many people still can't accept it.

Almost in an instant, there were not many people who continued to watch the video in the square.

Most people deliberately didn't watch the video above their heads.

After all, it was a bit too scary.

At this time, Wu Xie and Aning were staring at the steel door.

As a result, the video camera turned from the steel door and left.

And this time it seemed that there was no intention to stay on the ghost ship.

Fly to the depths of the sea in one breath.

When seeing this, Wu Xie and Aning were also a little surprised.

Before, both of them thought that the zombie to be counted this time was the face covered with scales just now.

But what they didn't expect was that thing was not the zombie to be counted this time.

But no matter what those things are, they left a deep psychological shadow on Wu Xie and Aning.

Obviously, this trip to the Xisha Islands for the two people will definitely not be a very good memory.


At this time.

Parallel world.

At the foot of Pingshan Mountain, Chen Yulou and other Xiangling Lishi had already rushed into the gate that looked like an ancient city.

After the previous inventory video ended, Chen Yulou and other Xiangling Lishi, including Luo Laowai, were shocked for a while.

It was just because there were still no large-scale treasures in the last inventory video.

Chen Yulou and Luo Laowai sighed, how great it would be if they could control the Dapu ghost worm as their own weapon.

·· ········Request flowers· ······

Then he immediately commanded his men to continue moving forward.

·· ········Request flowers· ······

He also asked Kunlun Moler to use a huge axe to directly smash the iron chain on the city gate.

This huge city gate was not completely locked.

It was just locked with chains.

After breaking it open, it was easy to get in.

As a result, just after the tomb door was opened, a woman's shrill scream suddenly came from inside.

The scream was very piercing.

Almost all of Chen Yulou and the strong men behind him covered their ears.

In addition, the structure of the entire tomb passage is very sound-tight.

So this scream sounded particularly thrilling.

Almost everyone's head felt numb and buzzing after hearing it.

0. 0

0. 0

At this time, only Chen Yulou remained calm in the team.

Chen Yulou listened carefully to the sound and found that the shrill laughter was too sharp.

And the sound sounded very loud and full of energy.

It didn't sound like the scream of a ghost.

It sounded like the vibration caused by the rapid compression of air.

Then Chen Yulou felt the air blowing out from the city gate.

Sure enough, the anti-theft mechanism had been triggered after the city gate was opened.

The sharp sound was the sound of the air inside.

Chen Yulou's reaction speed was still quite fast.

After realizing that it was a problem inside the city gate, he immediately shouted and asked his Xiangling Lishi to raise the shields that had been prepared long ago.

These shields were also specially made by Xiangling Lishi.

They were all wrapped in cowhide with wet straw, and then there was some special clay attached to them.

So although this thing is very heavy and bulky, and it doesn't look particularly strong.

But in fact, the effect is very good.

It can defend against poisonous water and fire.

As for bows and crossbows, it can also be blocked.

Maybe modern fast guns can't be blocked by shields.

However, the mechanisms in ancient tombs could not have Western fast guns.

So this thing is still very practical.

After Chen Yulou gave the order, the warriors raised these shields.

Almost at the same time, dozens of black water arrows were shot from the city gate tower.

And these water swords also had a very fishy smell. Enter.

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