After reading the subtitles, Chen Yulou and the other warriors behind him turned pale as they watched the purple light slowly dissipate in the sky.

The experience just now was too scary.

These people were very courageous.

But they directly experienced the feeling of being possessed by a ghost in the ancient tomb.

It also made everyone's scalp numb and their whole body cold.

At that time, Chen Yulou immediately said to the other warriors:

"Don't worry, since we are the strong men of the mountain, we will try our best to rob tombs on land, and avoid going to the sea if possible."

"Industry specializing in surgery"

"We are still better at moving on land and in the mountains."

"The tomb in front of us is not in the sea, and that tomb must not have as scary zombies as that one."

At this time, a strongman whispered,"Isn't it said that there is a corpse king in Xiangxi here?"

Chen Yulou was so angry that his mouth twitched, and he glared at the strongman fiercely.

Fortunately, this man also knew that it was inappropriate, and spoke in a low voice, so no one else heard it.

"We have already prevented the traps ahead! It turns out that this Pingshan Tomb is nothing special!" Chen Yulou continued to boost morale with full energy.


28"Today, our brothers must make a concerted effort to dig out all the valuables in this Pingshan Tomb!"

When the other Xiangling Lishi heard this, their morale was immediately boosted.

Because it had been a while since everyone watched the video.

Even if there were any mechanisms or venom in the city gate, they had already been used up.

Of course, Chen Yulou did not let the large group of people rush in directly at this time.

Instead, he found a few fearless people as the death squad. They entered the city gate first to open the way.

Soon, about five or six people were found in front of the Xiangling Lishi.

These people were also very courageous.

They were all desperate people.

They were not afraid of death at all.

Everyone held up the Teng brand grass shield.

They also brought pigeon cages and put medicine cakes in their mouths.

One by one, they entered the huge city gate carefully.

Fortunately, there was no accident this time.

After less than ten minutes, the few people who had entered before came back.

Then they immediately answered that there was actually a tomb behind this huge city gate.

A place like a city.

It is built in the belly of the mountain.

And there are walls and towers around it.

Inside are all kinds of very scary stone men and stone beasts.

In the middle of the city, there seem to be several very huge lacquer coffins.

And there is also a large stone coffin placed in the middle.

Next to these coffins are all white human bones.

Almost no ground is exposed.

But no other mechanisms were seen.

And it seems that there are some gaps in this mountain.

So you can still feel the wind.

Although there are dead skeletons all over the ground.

But there seems to be no poisonous gas.

You can still go in without worry.

At least the pigeons are fine.

After hearing this.

Chen Yulou was not very excited.

Luo Laowai was very excited.

Because he had heard the few people who had just entered say that there were many coffins inside.

Since there are coffins, there must be treasures.

So he was ready to lead people in immediately.


At this time, in a parallel world, in a courtyard,

Uncle Ming was staring at the video that was slowly disappearing in the sky.

His goddaughter, A Xiang, and Han Shu Na, beside him, were pale.

The strange scene that just appeared made them feel very scared.

At this time, A Xiang even asked Uncle Ming in a crying voice:

"Dad, are there really such scary monsters in the world?"

After hearing Ah Xiang's question, Uncle Ming nodded immediately.

Uncle Ming has really heard of the forbidden woman.

This kind of thing really exists.

And according to the legends in the Nanyang area.

This weird thing should be a woman who was raped, killed, and then thrown into the water.

The corpse of such a woman is very resentful.

And the resentment will not dissipate.

So although her body has been somewhat rotten and looks like a real rotten corpse.

But it will not continue to completely dissipate and turn into bones.

Instead, it will maintain this very scary rotten corpse state.

At the same time, it will continue to absorb the surrounding Yin energy.

In the end Becoming a very strange and terrifying underwater zombie.

But at this time Uncle Ming told another story.

Because in the Nanyang generation, this so-called Jinpo actually appeared many times.

And this thing actually has a certain use.

It is said that he would go ashore every day of the moon to seduce men.

And drag the men into the water and kill them.

But at the same time, some people took advantage of the special behavior of Jinpo, waiting for Jinpo to come ashore, and used fishing nets and other things to catch Jinpo.

The fishing nets were smeared and soaked with cinnabar, and it was difficult for Jinpo to break through this thing.

Although its power is very strong.

But It will still be restrained by cinnabar.

Of course, these actions must be done on the shore.

If it goes underwater, it is almost impossible for these things to catch the Jinpo.

After reaching the shore, the strength of the Jinpo will be weakened.

The speed will slow down and the power will be weakened.

The fishing brother should have a better understanding of this situation.

The power of a big fish underwater is completely different from that on the shore.

The captured Jinpo will be burned.

The rotten meat on the outside will be completely burned, revealing the bones inside.

The bones of the Jinpo are a special medicine.

It also has a very strange fragrance.

It is said that this fragrance The smell can make people fall asleep quickly.

It has a very strong hypnotic effect.

It seems to have some other magical effects.

But this thing is really too weird and too unconventional.

Even though Uncle Ming specializes in corpse business, he has never received one before.

But Uncle Ming is interested in the forbidden woman.

Since this thing can be captured by special methods.

Then if you can catch a forbidden woman and not get rid of it, but seal it in a transparent coffin. It can definitely be sold at a high price!

But this thing is too rare.

Even in the Nanyang area, the chance of it appearing is very rare.


Parallel world.

At the railway station in Beijing.

At this time, Fatty Wang, Chief of Staff Yang, Professor Chen, Hao Aiguo and others have boarded the train.

After entering the train compartment, several people all focused on the inventory video that appeared in the sky before.

Several students were still terrified by the horror of the forbidden woman.

But Hu Bayi and Chief of Staff Yang were different.

Especially Hu Bayi, his focus was not on these weird forbidden women.

Hu Bayi was most interested in the tomb that appeared on the seabed.

After all, Hu Bayi had never come into contact with an underwater tomb before.

According to his own dragon-finding technique, the location of this underwater tomb seemed to be on a branch of the Nanlong.

At the same time, what made Hu Bayi feel incredible was the means of building this tomb.

You must know that even if a huge tomb is built on land, the amount of engineering required is much greater than building a palace or house of the same size on the ground.

After all, this thing first requires digging a big pit.

Then a large-scale building must be built underground.

The amount of work is much larger than building on the ground.

Underwater, the matter becomes even more complicated.

Because we have to consider the pressure of seawater and the erosion of water.

Even Hu Bayi and Chief of Staff Yang both noticed in the previous inventory video that after entering the underwater tomb, there were some areas that did not enter the seawater.

There was also air.

This made Hu Bayi feel very shocked.

Because it is obvious that if you want to keep the seabed tomb with air, the construction of this underwater tomb will be more difficult.

The person who can design and build this underwater tomb is definitely a master..

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