Parallel world.

Wu Xie and Aning were waiting for another person in the hotel.

But at this time, both of them looked a little embarrassed.

Because the inventory video that appeared before directly showed the underwater shipwreck tomb that the two people were going to investigate this time.

Even if Aning wanted to explain, there was no way to explain more.

Because such a huge tomb that appeared on the seabed is actually very rare.

There are not many underwater shipwreck tombs on the sea.

The inventory video almost named it.

In this case, it means that the place where the few people are going to investigate this time will definitely not be a safe place.

Let alone the ghost ghost ship halfway.

And the scaly monster on the ghost ship is scary enough.

As for the forbidden woman who appeared in the sea and was on the top ten zombie rankings video, Wu Xie felt a chill whenever he thought of it.

But Wu Xie hinted to Aning several times whether to give up this investigation.

But Aning never gave in. He kept saying that he still had to continue.

This also made Wu Xie a little confused.

It seems that there may be something very important to Aning in this Xisha underwater shipwreck tomb.

Otherwise, he would not have insisted on going to Xisha for investigation.

Of course, Wu Xie knew that even if this investigation was very dangerous, he could not withdraw now.

After all, it was related to Wu Sanxing's life and death.

The video screen showed the ship that Uncle San took to the sea.

Maybe Uncle San had died.

While Wu Xie was worried, other people who set out together also arrived one after another.

Wu Xie saw a familiar figure among these people.

Fatty Wang!

The moment he saw Fatty Wang, Wu Xie was very shocked.

But he soon realized that Fatty Wang might really have to go with him.

After all, among the people who entered the Seven Star Lu Palace with Uncle San before, Pan Zi was in a coma and Da Kui died.

Soon everyone was ready and set off by boat.

As a result, just after going out to sea, a purple light curtain appeared in the sky above the sea. The new inventory video began to play.

This time, the video still showed a wilderness.

But when Wu Xie saw the picture for the first time, he felt that the plants on the picture looked a little familiar.

It seemed like he had seen it somewhere before, but Wu Xie was not sure.

Soon the video began to move forward rapidly in the mountains.

The vegetation in the vast mountains was very dense.

Soon a huge valley appeared in front of him.

In the middle of this huge valley, there was actually an open and flat area.

Since Wu Xie went to the Qixing Lu Palace last time, although he had made up his mind when he just came back that he would never go to other ancient tombs to rob or explore, he still found quite a lot of books about Feng Shui patterns to study when he came back, and even found an old fortune-teller who set up a stall near the antique street. He paid some money to learn some knowledge related to Feng Shui from this old man.

Although Wu Xie only learned it for a short time, he did learn a little bit.

Therefore, when the flat land appeared on the video camera, Wu Xie felt that the Feng Shui of this place was quite good almost instantly. It gave people the feeling that there was a huge ancient tomb inside the flat land in this valley.

At this time, the video camera began to slowly rise a little.

This time, the whole picture of the valley could be seen more clearly.

It can be seen that this valley is full of extremely dense jungles.

And there are many very thick vines.

Wu Xie seemed to have seen similar vines in the mountains when he returned to Changsha to worship his ancestors before.

But they were not so thick.

Wu Xie immediately felt that such thick vines would probably take hundreds of years to grow.

It can be seen that this valley should not have many people entered for many years.

Soon Wu Xie saw a very strange place in this valley.

In the most depressed part of the valley, there was an area without any vegetation.

Bare land was exposed.

Wu Xie couldn't help but be stunned when he saw this.

Because this exposed land is indeed very strange.

It is even a little unreasonable


At the same time in the parallel world.

On the partridge, Hua Ling and the old foreigner had seen the mountains of Lao Xiongling from afar.

At this time, they were very close to Lao Xiongling.

The three of them took a break.

At the same time, they looked at the new inventory video that had just appeared in the sky.

When the inventory video just appeared this time, Hua Ling, the partridge whistle, and the old foreigner were all a little surprised.

It was not because there was anything particularly difficult to understand and terrifying about this inventory video.

In fact, the picture that appeared in this inventory video can be said to be the most normal one.

The key is that the inventory video that appeared this time was too normal.

The three people soon realized that the place where it appeared this time should actually be in Hunan.

It’s just that it’s not easy to judge whether it is in Xiangxi or further south.

Because recently, Hua Ling and the old foreigner have been active near Hunan.

Including the border between Hunan and Guizhou and Xiangxi.

So when I saw these mountains, I felt particularly familiar.

At the same time, Hua Ling and the old foreigner also showed some eager expressions on their faces.

Of course, Queqiao Shao understood what the two junior brothers and sisters were thinking.

Hua Ling and the old foreigner were both very young.

Although they were not experienced, they were still very brave. They were still very enthusiastic about tomb robbing.

Since the video of the inventory showed the scene of Xiangdi, it was very likely that it was nearby.

The two of them actually wanted to meet the zombies in the video.

Queqiao Shao immediately reminded Hua Ling and the old foreigner earnestly.

If it is not a necessary tomb, don't take the risk.

The lineage of Banshan Taoist never robbed tombs for gold, silver and jewelry.

It was not for getting rich.

Naturally, it was not for bravery.

Everything was to find the whereabouts of the Zhuchen Pearl.

After hearing this, Hua Ling and the old foreigner both nodded.

But when they looked at the inventory video, they still looked expectant.

It seemed that they wished that the inventory video would appear directly next to them.

Queqiao Shao could only sigh slightly.

This situation will not change in a short time.

It still needs the two people to have more experience before it can change.

At this time, a special area without vegetation suddenly appeared on the video.

The soil was directly exposed outside.

When seeing this, the partridge whistle's eyes were wide open.

The exposed soil on the screen was blood red!.

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