Although the specific period and location could not be seen, Hu Bayi interpreted all the other information one by one.

Even the plank road on the edge of the cliff was analyzed in detail.

Shirley Yang next to him was also listening very attentively.

Obviously, he agreed with Hu Bayi's analysis.

Soon the video camera had entered the underground through a robbery hole.

Although Lao Hu had only dug a robbery hole once, the location of this robbery hole showed that the person who dug the robbery hole was a master.

Then the video camera passed through the green tomb bricks.

Soon it entered the interior of a tomb.

A flash of water flashed on the screen.

This tomb had actually been flooded.

At the same time, the video camera adjusted its angle slightly and aimed at the robbery hole that the camera had just passed through.

When he saw this, Hu Bayi couldn't help but exclaimed.

In the entire carriage, except for Hu Bayi, no one could figure out what the purpose of this shot was.

Shirley Yang heard Hu Bayi's puzzled voice and immediately asked Hu Bayi if he was...���Something is wrong.

Hu Bayi was also a little hesitant.

"I'm not sure yet"

"I feel like this tunnel has been dug twice."

After hearing Hu Bayi's words, Fatty Wang and Shirley Yang were both puzzled.

"Digging twice? Did the tomb robber have nothing to do?"

Fatty Wang asked while biting a sesame seed cake he bought at the station.

Hu Bayi shook his head,"Of course it wasn't dug by the same group of people, it was dug by two groups of people, but the location of the tomb chosen by the two groups was the same."

Shirley Yang widened her eyes,"How could it be such a coincidence? Is this possible?"

"I'm not sure about the details, I can only guess based on some details on the screen"

"But if you ask about the possibility of such a thing, then it is possible."


"29 Because the location of this tomb is very particular, it is exactly where the entrance to the tomb is."

"If the two groups of people choose the location of the life gate very accurately, then it is still possible to choose the same location."

After hearing Hu Bayi's explanation, Shirley Yang was still a little dissatisfied.

"But as far as I know, the range of each of the eight directions of this tomb is actually very large."

"Even if the two groups of tomb robbers chose the location of the escape route, it would be hard for them to choose the same location for the one-foot square tomb hole."

After hearing Shirley Yang's question, Hu Bayi nodded slightly.

"It's a bit weird, so I'm not sure."

"However, there is another possibility, that is, there is a relationship between the two groups of tomb robbers."

"Even the skills are passed down from generation to generation."

"For example, tomb raiders of a certain school all learn the same skills, just like arithmetic problems. After looking at the surrounding environment, the locations of the tombs they choose are not far apart."

"It just happened to be dug together, which is also very possible."

Hu Bayi almost slipped up.

Shirley Yang looked at Hu Bayi meaningfully, but didn't say much.

At this time, everyone who was watching the video nearby exclaimed.

Because the video camera has begun to move.

The video camera enters a corridor.

The corridor is more than 20 meters long.

After passing through it, there is a spacious tomb.

There is also a raised coffin bed in this tomb.

The coffin bed is more than one foot higher than the water surface next to it.

A huge stone coffin appeared on the coffin bed.

The lid of the stone coffin has been opened.

Obviously, it has been stolen before.

But it is obvious that what amazed the audience around was not This stone coffin.

Ever since the inventory video appeared, the people watching the video have become more courageous. People have become accustomed to the occasional coffins and the like.

They won't react that much.

But there is something else in the video.

There are two rotten skeletons on the coffin.

They are all leaning against the uncovered coffin.

The clothes on the two skeletons are already tattered.

The flesh and internal organs have all rotted away.

The little remaining flesh has been stuck to the stone coffin. It looks pretty powerful.

After seeing these two skeletons, the other people watching the video in the carriage, the brave ones have begun to raise questions.

"How come the tomb owner revived his corpse?"

"The man in the coffin climbed out."

"This video is about zombies, which are naturally transformed zombies."

"It’s so strange, why are there two people in this coffin?"

"It's such a big coffin, what's wrong with putting two people in it? It's a waste to put only one……"

"These two people are really good, so they can be on the list."

Hu Bayi, Wang Pangzi, and Shirley Yang were all upset when they heard this conversation.

Although Wang Pangzi felt that what the people around him said was wrong, he didn't have too many ideas. He immediately asked Hu Bayi

"Old Hu, what's going on? These two don't look like zombies."

Hu Bayi nodded with a complicated look on his face.

"These two people are definitely not the tomb owners. The remaining cloth on their bodies is no more than a hundred years old."

"Obviously, these two are from the same industry."

"These are the remains of two grave robbers."


Parallel world.


In the courtyard.

Uncle Ming was also watching the inventory video that appeared in the sky.

Ah Xiang beside him had already returned to the room.

He didn't dare to continue watching.

Only Han Shu Na, Ah Dong, and Peter Huang were still with Uncle Ming.

"Strange, these two corpses don't seem to belong to the owner of this ancient tomb, right?"Han Shu-na is also an antique dealer, and she quickly noticed something was wrong.

Uncle Ming nodded.

"These two skeletons are not valuable. Judging from their age, they are probably only 50 or 60 years old."

"Moreover, the body was completely rotten and had no value at all."

"It looks like he is a tomb raider."

"It's just that I don't know what happened to these two people, and they died next to the coffin."

When he said this, Uncle Ming suddenly remembered the theme of this inventory video.


The zombie that killed the two tomb robbers is most likely still in the coffin.

But at this time, the video camera did not turn directly to the coffin.

Instead, it wandered around the two rotten skeletons for a long time.

It even gave a few close-up shots.

Han Shuona and the henchman Adong couldn't stand it and turned their heads away.

After all, this kind of thing is still quite scary to ordinary people.

Although Uncle Ming is in the ancient corpse business, he also frowned.

It was mainly because the two skeletons were not completely rotten.

At least there was a little flesh and blood stuck to the stone coffin.

The scene was tragic and high-energy.

Uncle Ming also had some doubts.

In addition to the inventory video, In addition to clicking on some content related to the topic, a lot of information about the ancient tomb will actually be revealed.

In other words, any shot in the inventory video does not appear in vain and will never be wasted.

Every shot contains useful information.

But is there anything special about these two rotten corpses?

Aren't they just two tomb robbers who died tragically?

At this time, the video camera was also aimed at what was in the hand of one of the rotten corpses.

It was a pistol.

It looked like a box gun commonly used by tomb robbers and bandits decades ago.

There were a few words engraved on this rusty box gun.

It seemed to be the three words Wu Dagui.

Uncle Ming was even more confused when he saw this.

What exactly is this Wu Dagui?

Why did the camera of this inventory video give a special close-up?


Parallel world.

Wu Xie.

Watching the inventory video that appeared in the sky, he was already stunned.

Wu Xie had a special feeling from the very beginning when watching this inventory video.

Not only did the environment in the entire inventory video look quite familiar.

Even looking at the robbery hole that appeared in the video, there was a sense of familiarity.

After the video screen entered the ancient tomb.

Wu Xie slowly dispelled this strange feeling.

It was just an ordinary ancient tomb.

There were not even any special treasures.

However, things changed after the video camera entered the main tomb chamber.

Wu Xie almost immediately focused his attention on the two skeletons on the coffin.

He even trembled slightly when looking at the two skeletons.

The fat man and Aning next to him also noticed Wu Xie's abnormality.

The fat man even came to Wu Xie's side with great concern.

"Wu Xie, what's wrong with you? Your face is paler than the paper figurines next to the dead coffin.��"

Wu Xie's mouth twitched after hearing this,"How can you talk like that?"

He was just thinking about saying a few words to Fatty to ease his inexplicable fear.

But he didn't expect that the video camera would give Wu Xie a critical hit immediately.

At this time, the video camera began to show a close-up of the rotting corpse and bones.

Even the box gun appeared.

After seeing it, Aning and Fatty didn't feel anything.

But after seeing it, Wu Xie felt like he was struck by lightning.

The whole person stood there blankly.

His eyes were wide open.

His mouth was also wide open, and he couldn't speak for a long time.

Sweat on his forehead began to seep out, gathered into the size of soybeans, and then rolled down.

Wu Dagui!

This is the name of Wu Xie's great grandfather.

Although Wu Xie had never really robbed tombs before.

But Wu Xie also knew that his ancestors were also tomb robbers.

It is said that he was a famous tomb robber near Changsha.

However, the rumors about his ancestors were not very beautiful.

It can even be said to be quite tragic.

He still remembered his father and uncle telling him that when several of his ancestors went to rob an ancient tomb of the Warring States Period, they encountered something extremely terrifying.

Even several of his ancestors lost their lives, including his great grandfather and great grandfather.

He never thought that the video he was reviewing was actually the ancient tomb that caused his ancestors to suffer heavy casualties.

When he saw this, Wu Xie felt tears starting to form in his eyes.

Fortunately, Fatty and Aning did not notice Wu Xie's abnormality.

The two were shocked by the horrific scene on the video screen.

Because at this time the video camera had shifted from the rotten bones to the coffin.

There was no corpse in the coffin.

Instead, there were some things that looked like silk.

When he saw this, Aning's pupils almost shook. This thing looked like the material of a silk book from the Warring States Period! And Aning had seen some information in the company before. One of the very important things was a silk book from the Warring States


The camera did not stop and continued to move downwards.

An iron ring appeared at the bottom of the coffin.

Under the iron ring was an iron plate.

It looked quite weird.

Normally, the coffins of normal people contain corpses and burial objects.

But there are other mechanisms under the coffins...

Similar scenes have appeared before.

Previously, in the inventory video of the Bronze Sacred Tree, a thousand coffins and fire dragon formations appeared, and there was a secret passage under that coffin.

Is there a secret passage here too? Soon the video camera entered under the iron plate.

But what appeared next was not a secret passage.

It was a human face.

Seeing this, Aning and Fatty stepped back.

Both of them took a deep breath.

Even Fatty Wang was so scared that his hair stood up.

Because this human face, to be precise, is a human face without skin.

Blood and rotten flesh are exposed.

There are two black holes in the nose area.

The eyes are bleeding.

The teeth and gums are exposed, and the lips have long disappeared.

There is also...

���Red and white blood and skulls, all hair and scalp gone.

Soon the two discovered that it wasn't just the face.

The body had no skin at all.

It looked like it was all muscle and blood.

At the same time, there were bursts of weird sounds coming from the throat.

The body actually began to change.

Scales like scabs began to appear on the original flesh.

The nails also began to grow longer.

And it seemed to grow directly from the finger bones. It was extremely sharp.

There was also a trace of blood.

At this time, the subtitles appeared

"List of the top ten zombies in the tomb raiding world"

"Bloody corpse!".

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