After Xu Lang heard the system prompt, he was stunned.

This time, the system reward is quite interesting.

This made Xu Lang almost have nothing to worry about.

No matter from which angle.

The gold-touching talisman is of great significance to Xu Lang.

This thing does not even have any special specific effect.

But the symbolic meaning of this thing is really too great.

It is estimated that no reader who is familiar with the world of tomb raiding can refuse a few items.

Lao Hu's gold-touching talisman and the black gold ancient knife of the little brother.

Whether these things are useful or not is secondary.

The key is the symbol of identity. The highlight of carrying this thing is peace of mind.

Not to mention that according to the system's prompt, this gold-touching talisman does have some special effects.

Especially increasing the luck value in the tomb is very metaphysical.

This kind of thing often cannot be quantified.

It is not about increasing Xu Lang's strength and agility.

Luck cannot be measured.

But in many cases, it is a very important effect that can even save lives at critical moments.

Who can refuse to have the blessing of the ancestors when going to the tomb?

In addition to the gold-touching talisman, another reward is really a bit less interesting.

The so-called"Jie Long Ding" sounds quite cool.

In fact, it can only be regarded as a skill of Xiangling Li Shi to open the top of the tomb.

At the same time, the skills of Xiangling Li Shi... the biggest feature is that there is no skill.

The most favorite style is simple and rough, and miracles can be achieved with great force.

This is a bit different from the technical route that Xu Lang wants to take.

So Xu Lang is not interested in this skill.

After making the choice, a very exquisite gold-touching talisman immediately appeared in Xu Lang's system space.

Xu Lang was not polite, and directly took out the gold-touching talisman and put it on himself.

Then Xu Lang immediately began to edit a new inventory video.

Not long after, Xu Lang had finished editing the new inventory video and chose to upload it.

At this time, the meeting in the school was finally over.

Xu Lang immediately walked out of the auditorium with Tang Xue.


Parallel world.

In the 100,000 mountains of Miaojiang.

In the tiankeng.

At this time, Chenpi A Si was in the pagoda of Jinger Palace.

After going through untold hardships, Chenpi A Si finally entered the pagoda below.

Before, Chenpi A Si thought there was a huge wild beehive next to the pagoda inside the underground palace.

As a result, Chenpi A Si was extremely careful, but he still got a Luohan statue to the bottom of the underground palace.

It hit the huge beehives directly.

At first, Chenpi A Si thought he was dead.

Although Chenpi A Si was very capable and had certain preparations.

But in such a nearly sealed and relatively narrow place, there was no place to hide.

Enraging the wild bees in the huge beehive, there was indeed only one way to die.

Even if you want to escape, it's too late.

And the death must be very miserable.

But strangely, the Luohan statue did not let the wild bees fly after falling.

At this time, Chenpi A Si discovered that the wild beehive below was actually abandoned.

And there was another Luohan statue in the beehive.

It looks like it is the one that is different from the other Arhats.

When Chenpi A Si thought of this, he looked up.

As a result, cold sweat suddenly fell on his body.

It turned out that the special Arhat statue before had gone somewhere at this time. It disappeared out of thin air.

Chenpi A Si thought he had encountered a ghost for a while.

But after looking for a long time, he couldn't find where the Arhat statue was.

Scared, Chenpi A Si quickly went to the bottom of the underground palace.

He opened the lid of the pagoda.

Soon he found the stone treasure box inside.

Chenpi A Si immediately opened the stone treasure box.

But the strange thing is that there is no large amount of gold, silver and jewelry inside this stone treasure box.

There are only some classics hidden here.

The only thing that looks a little valuable is a snake-browed copper fish.

But when Chenpi A Si saw the snake-browed copper fish, he didn't think about what use this thing could have.

At this time, Chenpi A Si felt that on the wall full of wild beehives on one side of the bottom of the underground palace, a purple light curtain appeared.

Chenpi A Si gritted his teeth and decided to take the risk and continue watching the inventory video here before leaving.

As a result, a green area began to appear on the inventory video.

When he first saw this green area, Chenpi A Si was shocked.

Because it felt too similar to the scenery around the tiankeng outside.

But after a few seconds, Chenpi A Si was relieved.

The scenery on the inventory video was indeed similar to the tiankeng, but it was still different if you looked closely.

It was obviously a more inland area.

Soon, the canyon jungle appeared on the inventory video.

Chenpi A Si frowned slightly.

This place had appeared in the previous inventory video.

The top ten monsters and the top ten treasures had all appeared.

The blue jade three-legged toad, the Fa family corpse-suppressing bronze mirror, and the Huo family immortal insect.

One by one, the names and pictures rushed directly into Chenpi A Si's mind.

Now the top ten zombie videos have also appeared here.

It can be seen that this place is really a... treasure land.

However, this time the inventory video did not show too much of the canyon jungle.

Just after flying in the jungle for less than a minute, the video camera had already rushed underground.

At the same time, the speed was so fast that the scene in front was almost unclear.

Fortunately, there was no need to see it clearly.

When he took inventory of this area before, Chenpi A Si had a deep memory of the strange cave underground.

Naturally, he knew what was inside.

The video rushed through the underground river, the underground jungle full of tree fossils, and the huge figure in the red fog.

Finally, he rushed out at the bottom of this cave.

At the moment of rushing out of the cave, Chenpi A Si couldn't help but let out a long breath.

Although the speed was very fast and the picture was very blurry.

But this section in the underground cave still made Chenpi A Si feel very oppressive.

After the video camera rushed out, it suddenly became clear.

In front of him was a huge canyon like a deep well.

The depth was at least more than 200 meters.

The whole circle was full of steep 90-degree cliffs.

It was covered with green vines and various slippery mosses.

Above the cliff, at the"wellhead", there was a circle of dense green jungle.

In the green jungle above the head, a trace of white stagnant fog could be seen.

Chenpi Ah Si immediately realized that the thick white fog above his head was the strange fog created by Huo's immortal insect.

There were many waterfalls in the surrounding jungle, all of which flowed into the bottom of the valley like white silk.

At the bottom of the valley, there seemed to be a huge green and black pool of water.

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