Some ancient mechanisms actually became ineffective after hundreds of years. This is especially true for bow and arrow mechanisms.

If the bowstring is stretched all the time, the material of the bowstring will not be able to support it and will soon break.

It will break in a few decades, years or even months.

If it is not strung, then there needs to be enough power to string the bowstring when the mechanism is activated.

The choice of these powers is generally water power.

Water power can even remain unchanged for thousands of years. As long as the spring water and groundwater are still flowing, the mechanism will have power to start. There must be groundwater in the Pingshan area.

But not much.

Because the topography here is quite special.

It is all limestone.

Moreover, the current urn city of Pingshan is in the mountains, and the actual height is not underground.

I am afraid it is still above the ground.

There is not so much water flowing down from the top of Pingshan.

It is definitely not enough to rely on water power alone to provide power.

There is also a mercury well in the ancient mechanism.

The extremely heavy and dense mercury is lifted to a high place.

When the mechanism is activated, the gravity of the mercury flowing down from a high place is used as the power source.

Because mercury is extremely heavy, a mercury well can even provide power for many mechanisms to start together.

So Chen Yulou almost instantly judged that there must be a mercury well in the mechanism here.

Chen Yulou immediately saw a building like an arrow tower on a high place next to the city tower.

Then he rushed over.

Soon he saw a lot of mechanical gears and other things on it.

And he could also see some mercury seeping out.

Chen Yulou's reaction was very fast.

Now there was no time to use explosives to blow up the mercury well.

Chen Yulou himself did not bring explosives.

Chen Yulou quickly threw the centipede hanging ladder he brought up into the mercury well. It is very difficult for the mercury well to operate smoothly and evenly transmit the power of the mercury flowing down to other mechanisms.

Therefore, the mechanism inside the mercury well is still very complicated.

There are mechanical structures such as gears, connecting rods and levers everywhere.

Chen Yulou's centipede hanging ladder is extremely tough. It is almost as strong as metal.

After throwing it into the mercury well, the mercury well immediately made a strange friction sound.

Then there was a huge cracking sound.

The mercury well mechanism finally stopped.

Then Chen Yulou saw that the crossbows, the divine arm crossbows and the wooden men in front of him all stopped. When

Chen Yulou saw this, he breathed a sigh of relief.

At this moment, Chen Yulou looked at the Xiangling Lishi below with a dim look in his eyes.

These Xiangling Lishi were all elite and good players brought by Chen Yulou.

But there were not many Xiangling Lishi left alive in the end.

Even Kunlun Moler was shot to death by the divine arm crossbow in order to throw the centipede hanging mountain ladder to Chen Yulou.

Chen Yulou looked at Kunlun Moler's body with a broken heart.

This mute was loyal to Chen Yulou.

This time, he finally exchanged his life for another, and used his own sacrifice to exchange for Chen Yulou's survival.

This time was too dangerous.

The urn city in this mountain is full of tricks and extremely cruel.

It was just that Chen Yulou was lucky and happened to know about the mercury well.

In addition, the equipment and formation of the Xiangling Lishi were also quite powerful.

If anyone else came in, it would be a dead end.

Even so, Chen Yulou's men suffered heavy casualties.

If his luck was worse, Luo Laowai would have been considered dead.

At this moment, the gate of the city gate glowed purple again.

Chen Yulou knew that he couldn't get out for a while.

He called on the remaining surviving Xialing Lishi to hurry to the city gate tower.

He hid on the tower where the flames could not burn and watched the inventory video.

This time the inventory video appeared in a mountain.

When he saw this mountain, Chen Yulou felt very familiar.

Soon he found that it was a scene that appeared in a previous inventory video.

At that time, Chen Yulou considered whether to explore the inventory video.

Let the bandits in the Qilu area find out.

It is obviously a Warring States tomb.

The key is that it has two of the ten treasures, the jade figurines and the ghost seal.

Such a place is definitely worth looking for.

But Chen Yulou hasn't heard any clues yet.

Now this place has appeared again in the video, which is also expected by Chen Yulou.

After all, there are precious treasures in this tomb.

Naturally, there will be some very scary monsters guarding it. The monsters here did not appear in the top ten monsters counted before.

But it does not mean that this place is safe.

This time the video camera directly entered a valley.

It was the valley that had appeared in the previous video camera.


In a parallel world, on the South China Sea, on the deck of a ship,

Wu Xie, Fatty, and Aning were watching the inventory video in the sky.

When the inventory video appeared, Wu Xie suddenly became excited.

He almost jumped up from the deck.

Then he pointed at the inventory video in the sky.

"¨‖ ¨‖ I've been to this place¨」 ¨」 !"

"Is it the valley of the Seven Star Lu Palace?"

The fat man was also shocked when he saw the video in the sky.

After all, the fat man also went to this place at that time.

But he didn't expect to see the whole picture of the valley in the inventory video this time.

However, the most surprised among the three people was Aning.

This place, the so-called Seven Star Lu Palace, had appeared in the previous inventory video. It did appear here when the top ten treasures were counted before.

But when it appeared at that time, it started directly from the corpse pile in front.

But this time it started directly from that valley.

And the picture of the valley was actually different from the previous picture.

There were actually some tents in the valley.

When Aning saw these tents, he was stunned.

This kind of tent had appeared in the previous blood corpse inventory video.

No one else noticed it at that time.

But Aning had noticed it.

Because these tents looked like the company's equipment.

Now the inventory video in front of him was similar.

The company's tents also appeared.

Aning's surprise can be imagined.

Are there any secrets in the company that Aning doesn't know yet? Lili.

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