Parallel world.

Hu Bayi, Wang Pangzi, Shirley Yang and others have already gone deep into the desert.

At this time, several people in the team are still shocked by the magnificent scenery in the desert.

Especially when the sun rises from the eastern horizon, it turns the clouds in the sky golden.

At the same time, the huge hills in the desert are all shrouded in golden rays of light.

Even the poplar trees in the distance look like flames.

And the ripples on the yellow sand are all red like waves.

Because the color is very strong.

Coupled with the blue sky, it reflects together.

The whole desert looks very magnificent and gorgeous.

Everyone in the team was shocked by the scene in front of them.

Including Hu Bayi, Chief of Staff Yang and Wang Pangzi, they couldn't help but stop and look to the side.

After all, the people in the team have been rushing on the road recently and are quite tired.

After seeing the very magnificent scene in front of them, they were all excited.

Soon, Professor Chen, Hao Aiguo, and several students in the team took out their cameras and began to prepare to take pictures of the scenery in front of them.

After all, the scenery in front of them may be a wonder that people living in big cities may never see in their lifetime.

But at this time, the guide Anliman in the team was very nervous.

At this time, Anliman was staring at the rising sun in the east.

And his brows were tightly furrowed.

It seemed that he was thinking about something.

After a while, Anliman's face showed a trace of uneasiness.

These uneasiness became more and more intense.

In less than a minute, Anliman suddenly shouted.

It was not a good sign now, and the weather might change.

At this time, Hu Bayi also heard what Anliman whispered.

Hu Bayi was also a person who had checked the land and had naturally heard some proverbs about the weather in rural areas.

Many places have similar proverbs called"Don't go out if you see the morning glow, and the evening glow will travel thousands of miles."

In the morning, if there is a magnificent glow on the horizon, it is indeed possible that the weather will change.

At this time, several people have gone deep into the desert.

It is no longer the place where they were on the edge of the desert before.

If you encounter some very terrible weather in the desert, it is still quite scary.

Hu Bayi had some experience in desert operations before.

Although it was not very rich, it was much better than Professor Chen, Hao Aiguo and those students.

Therefore, Hu Bayi immediately became alert at this time.

If there is really some terrible weather, then the expedition team should prepare in advance.

After all, there are not only Hu Bayi, Wang Pangzi, Shirley Yang and other experienced veterans in the team.

There are also several students and girls.

And there are also slightly older people like Professor Chen.

In Hu Bayi's view, it is a combination of the old, the weak, women and children.

Once there is really a very drastic weather change, it is estimated that the expedition team will be in trouble.

As a result, Anliman did not say anything at this time.

Then Anliman actually took a blanket from the camel's back.

After taking down the blanket, this guy actually slowly spread the blanket on the sand.

After spreading it, he knelt on the sand again.

He began to recite scriptures devoutly.

After seeing the situation in front of them, Hu Bayi and Chief of Staff Yang naturally knew that Grandpa Anliman was praying in the morning.

Several people in the team have gotten used to it these days.

Grandpa Anliman prays every morning.

But after seeing Anliman's current actions, Hu Bayi felt a little more relaxed.

Because Hu Bayi was very nervous before.

He felt that the weather was going to change and wondered whether he should take any special precautions.

But now that Anliman is so calm, it may mean that even if the weather changes, it will not be very drastic.

So at this time, Hu Bayi and Chief of Staff Yang both relaxed. They even went to enjoy the beautiful scenery in the desert with Professor Wang Pangzi Chen and others.

But just as Hu Bayi and Chief of Staff Yang turned around, within a few seconds, they heard that Anliman, who was kneeling on the ground, suddenly jumped up from the ground behind them.

It was like a different person.

The previous leisurely and calm look had completely disappeared.

The whole person was spinning like a spinning top, and his hands were busy.

He quickly collected the blankets on the ground, packed them up and put them on the camel.

He also blew a whistle.

While calling his camels, he told the people around him to run quickly.

If they ran too slowly, the black sandstorm would come.

It would soon become hell.

Then Anliman didn't have the slightest intention of waiting for everyone.

He immediately rode his camel and ran forward.

After seeing the scene in front of him, Hu Bayi was naturally furious.

This old man Anliman had no martial ethics at all.

He didn't even wait for Hu Bayi, Chief of Staff Yang and others.

He ran away on a camel alone.

It really made people feel very angry.

At this time, Hu Bayi and others didn't have much time to criticize Anliman.

Because at this time, Hu Bayi also very keenly discovered that the camels around him actually showed some nervous expressions.

It seemed that they felt that some very terrible danger was approaching.

When seeing this, Hu Bayi naturally knew that things must not be that simple.

I'm afraid something big is going to happen..

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