Hu Bayi and Wang Pangzi looked inside and found that there really was a corpse.

The skin on the surface had turned into the color of soy sauce.

Some places had rotted away to the point that the white bones inside were exposed.

The bones had been eaten away by maggots except for strands of black rotten flesh.

The facial features on the head had also been almost completely rotten.

The eyes and nose were all sunken in, forming several black holes.

White maggots were crawling out from inside. There were still some remaining hair on the head.

However, most of the scalp had rotted away, and the skull under the scalp had been exposed.

A foul smell also rushed out of the shack.

"Old Hu, why are all these dead people wearing woolen coats? There is something wrong.

Fatty Wang immediately realized the key point.

Hu Bayi used the engineer shovel to pick up the shoulder straps of the corpse's woolen coat.

"Kwantung Army?"

Old Hu was born in the military, so he naturally knew this thing. He also knew that when the Japanese surrendered, some of the Kwantung Army refused to surrender and fled to the mountains and forests.

It is very likely that these were the stubborn Japanese.

Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang spat at almost the same time.

Just as they were about to plunder and leave,

Hu Bayi looked up and saw that the moonlight in the sky had turned dark red.

At the same time, it was inlaid with a circle of furry light.

"Oh my god! Mao Yueliang! Fatty, be careful, these Japanese corpses are going to cause trouble!"

After saying that, Hu Bayi and Wang Pangzi heard a strange movement in the shack.

The Japanese corpses that had fallen in the shack in a twisted posture actually moved.

Hu Bayi and Wang Pangzi did not retreat.

"Damn it, I didn’t make it during the Anti-Japanese War, and the Japs actually dared to come back alive. Look, I’ll kill you again!"

""Come on, Fatty!"

Then two people rushed forward with their engineer shovels.

Yingzi was already scared to death. When she saw Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang rushing forward, she also picked up the old sleeve and rushed forward despite her fear.

After about half an hour,

Hu Bayi, Fatty Wang and Yingzi all sat on the ground.

"Old Hu, it would be great if we had the Legalist bronze mirror in the light curtain, so we could just take a picture and be done with it."

Fatty Wang said, smoking a cigarette.

Hu Bayi nodded,"We've been to many tombs, so we're sure we can find some treasures."

The two were talking about something, when suddenly the dark red hairy moon in the sky began to turn purple.

Hu Bayi was startled,"What the hell is going on?" He stood up and saw a huge purple light curtain in the sky.

Fatty Wang and Yingzi also stood beside Hu Bayi

"It has started again. I wonder what treasures will be found this time."Fatty Wang said with anticipation.

Hu Bayi also got excited this time.

After the battle with the rotten corpses of the devils just now, Hu Bayi also vaguely discovered that tomb robbing is definitely not as simple as he imagined.

The inventory video that appeared in the sky is not only an inventory of the treasures in the tomb robbing world.

More importantly, it reveals information about the world's tombs!

These are the most important.

After thinking about this, Hu Bayi became particularly serious.


In Beijing, Shirley Yang had just walked out of the Capital Airport.

Soon she saw Professor Chen.

"Shirley, I'll see you later. You've grown up."

Professor Chen said with relief.

Soon, Professor Chen took Shirley to his home in the school's staff quarters.

Shirley told Professor Chen about her thoughts while eating.

After listening, Professor Chen nodded slightly.

"Your father's situation is indeed special."

"He is also a professional explorer."

"However, the western region is almost entirely desert and uninhabited, with a complex and dangerous environment."

"I recently saw a huge light curtain appear in the sky, and I also had some insights"

"People can't always stay in their study, they still have to go out, there is a vast world for them to do great things."

"I agree with your suggestion of organizing an expedition team to go to the Western Regions to search for the ancient city of Jingjue and your father's expedition team."

"However, this kind of thing requires contacting many departments and finding the right people."

"All of this will take some time."

After Professor Chen finished speaking, Shirley Yang's face suddenly showed an excited look.

Before coming here, Shirley Yang was most worried that Professor Chen would not agree to go to the Western Regions for investigation.

After all, Professor Chen's previous philosophy was to find historical discoveries in ancient classics and local chronicles.

But unexpectedly, Professor Chen was also influenced by the light curtain video in the sky. His philosophy has changed.

It saves me from having to convince Professor Chen again.

"I understand this. I also need to spend time purchasing some equipment for the expedition team."

Just as Shirley Yang and Professor Chen were discussing the formation of the expedition team, the sky outside suddenly darkened.

Large patches of purple light appeared in the sky again.

Shirley Yang stood up and found that Professor Chen was even more excited than she was.

Soon, both of them came to the balcony and looked at the night sky.


Parallel world.

Wu Xie was watching a boat coming out of the cave.

Just before that, the dog that suddenly appeared and the old man behind it attracted the attention of his uncle and his subordinate Pan Zi.

Wu Xie didn't notice anything special.

But Pan Zi and his uncle noticed something unusual.

Pan Zi also whispered in Wu Xie's ear in Hangzhou dialect:

"That dog stinks."

At first, Wu Xie didn't understand what was going on. It was normal for a local dog in the mountains to stink a little.

But soon Pan Zi said,"It's the stench of a corpse."

After hearing this, Wu Xie got goose bumps all over his body.

The stench of a corpse? Doesn't that mean there's something wrong with the cave in front?

The dog and the old man came out from there.

Uncle San also came to Wu Xie's side

"Don't be afraid, it's just a corpse cave, just be careful of the old man rowing the boat. That guy must have grown up eating dead human flesh."

Wu Xie was shocked, what do you mean it's just a corpse cave! That's all!

There are people who eat dead human flesh?

Then the words of Third Uncle and Pan Zi became more and more terrifying.

It is said that in a place in Xiangxi, people let children eat dead human flesh from a young age in order to rob tombs, and when they grow up, corpse qi accumulates on their bodies.

Even ghosts can't be seen.

Going into the tomb and robbing the tomb will not cause corpses to change.

Wu Xie suddenly felt that he had watched the video of the ancient tomb treasure inventory that appeared in the sky, and then followed Third Uncle Pan Zi and others to rob the tomb. It was a bit impulsive.

Is it too late to regret now?

Wu Xie trembled and looked at the last person in the team.

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