Wu Xie was so frightened that his scalp exploded, his whole body was cold, and he almost had cramps in the water.

The next second, he realized that this person was actually the boatman who had just rowed the boat!

And now only half of the boatman was left!

The lower half of his body was gone.

A big black bug on the top of the corpse cave was gnawing at the intestines exposed from the boatman's waist.

This bug was much bigger than the bug that Brother Menyouping had just caught from the water.

The bug seemed to have sensed the movement on the water. It actually jumped down from the top of the cave. After jumping three or two on the water, it grabbed Wu Xie's face in an instant.

Wu Xie felt a black screen in front of his eyes. His face was particularly painful.

Wu Xie tried hard with both hands to take the squeaking black beetle off his face.

He found that he couldn't pull it off no matter what.

The bug's claws had hooked into Wu Xie's flesh.

It hurt so much when he pulled it.

He thought it was over.

He was dead!

If I had known earlier, I wouldn't have come to rob the tomb.

But the bug disappeared the next second.

Wu Xie gasped frantically.

He looked again and found that Brother Menyouping stretched out two fingers and actually broke the back of the big black insect.

He pulled out the nerves of the insect from inside.

It looked like noodles, and it was disgusting to think too much.

Several people hurriedly climbed back to the boat.

Almost everyone felt like they had survived a disaster.

Several people were preparing to study the black beetle that Brother Menyouping had just killed.

Wu Xie suddenly found a purple light on the water.

"Oh my god, the video appeared at this time?"

"What should I do?"

Wu Sanxing also stopped immediately after seeing the purple light rising from the water.

"It is still safe for now. Everyone, stay on the boat and don't move. It's still time to watch the video on the water surface."

Pan Zi and Da Kui also nodded.

Brother Men You Ping also didn't care.

By now everyone is very clear.

This video that suddenly appeared is very important.

The treasures in the video are all related to the ancient tomb.

For these tomb robbers, it is definitely the most precious information!

At the beginning, several people were just looking forward to and curious.

They wanted to see what treasures were in the video of this inventory.

But after the video on the water surface started playing.

Wu Xie, Third Uncle, Pan Zi and Da Kui, even Brother Men You Ping, one by one, their faces changed.

Everyone opened their mouths wide.

They were stunned.

Because the video that appeared this time was so damn familiar.

"This… isn’t this the situation we encountered before?" Wu Xie was already stuttering.

Because he had seen the situation on the screen before!


The video footage first appeared in a hilly area.

Even at the beginning, people could be seen.

Soon, they came to the deep mountains. They stopped in front of a cave.

There was a river flowing out of the cave.

From the outside, you can even see a strange gray breath coming out of the cave.

It feels ominous.

The camera quickly drilled into the cave.

The view went directly into the water.

The visibility underwater was not high and a little turbid.

You can see some huge black shadows passing by quickly underwater.

Finally, the camera came out of the water again.

The front flashed by, and both sides of the river were full of green phosphorescence.

It seemed that there were countless skeletons lined up on the river bank.

There seemed to be a green coffin embedded in the rock wall of the cave.

But the camera was too fast.

It just passed by this cave.

Indistinctly, it seemed that there was a white figure appearing here.

But Wu Xie, Third Uncle, Pan Zi Da Kui and others who were watching the video did not see it.

When the video played to this point, several people were almost shocked.

""Damn it, the things in these videos seem to be real!"

Pan Zi was almost crazy, he took out a dagger and said with gritted teeth.

Uncle San also frowned.

He never expected that this time the video would directly show a corpse hole with several people drilling through.

Uncle San was also very interested in the videos that suddenly appeared before.

But as an old fox, Uncle San naturally knew that although the things in the video looked tempting, it was better not to pursue them hard.

God knows if this thing was made by someone to fool people.

Uncle San is also someone who has seen computer videos. He knows all kinds of monsters and ghosts on the Internet.

But after seeing this video, Uncle San realized that the content of this video could never be fictional.

This corpse hole actually appeared in the video. The corpse cave environment on the video screen is exactly the same as the corpse cave in front of him.

There is no difference.

Even some stalactites and the shape of the river bank that flashed by are not What have changed?

At the same time, those black shadows under the water are most likely the huge black shadows that the people saw on the boat just now.

That is, the group of corpse beetles.

Details, too detailed.

If someone has not really been to this corpse cave, it is impossible to shoot this thing.

Who made these videos?

Is it really a god?

No matter from which angle you look at it, the shooting of this video is definitely not something that ordinary people can do.

At the same time, Uncle San's heart warmed up.

If the content in this video is all true.

In other words, this time the tomb-robbing trip of several people will definitely be rewarding!

There may even be good things that rank ahead of rare treasures such as the Jade-winged Golden-scaled Mermaid, the Legalist Corpse-suppressing Bronze Mirror, and the Guixu Gua Mirror.

Obviously, Pan Zi and Da Kui also thought of this.

For a moment, the breathing of several people on the boat became heavier.

"Don't worry, stay calm! Continue watching the video. If the video is real, maybe we can know what dangers are coming through this video."Uncle San is still experienced after all. He immediately realized that the greatest value of this video, in addition to telling the audience what treasures there are, is that it can indicate the environment where the treasure is located.

For people who have already entered this environment, this is extremely important.

Even if they can know a little bit, they can predict many dangers in advance.

However, the next scene in the video made Uncle San, Pan Zi Da Kui and others curse.

Because the speed of the video lens is extremely fast.

It almost flashed through the corpse cave at the speed of flying.

There was no more hint about the environment and dangers in the corpse cave.

Several people only saw some things vaguely.

At this time, the video picture has begun to change.


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