There were actually a bunch of coffins on the screen.

These coffins looked quite old.

The surrounding tombs were covered with murals.

There were also some text-like symbols on the coffins.

But the video seemed to be deliberately against people.

All the key details were shown very quickly.

Almost in the blink of an eye, they had already flashed by.

The average audience could only see that there were seven coffins on the screen.

But the others were no longer clear.

Later, the camera turned.

What appeared in the camera was a huge natural cave, roughly the size of a football field.

There was a big crack on the top of the cave.

The moonlight shone in from this crack.

It was like some kind of substantial liquid.

Everything in the cave was coated with a layer of silver.

There were many more holes on the surrounding cave walls.

It looked so dense that people with trypophobia collapsed on the spot.

A strange and tall tree appeared in the camera.

This tree looked at least as tall as a dozen floors.

The diameter was extremely thick, probably three or four meters.

Ten people might not be able to hold it up.

The temperament of this tree is also extremely strange.

It's not because the tree is tall.

It's because there are countless vines as thick as telephone poles on the tree.

These vines are crisscrossed and almost entangled with everything that can be entangled.

Their branches hang down from the tree like willow branches.

Some are suspended in the air, and some have already hung on the ground.

Some vines are like poisonous snakes with life, stretching out from the holes in the cave wall. The entire huge cave space is full of vines extending from the tree.

There are even a few vines hanging in front of the camera.

The camera slowly moves forward.

It feels like the picture seen by someone who is walking to the foot of the tree.

The closer the distance, the clearer the details of the tree.

There are many things similar to fruits on the tree.

These things are quite large.

From a distance, they are half a person's height.

The surface outline of these fruits can even vaguely see the shape of limbs and heads.

These things were hidden behind dense vines, and they would shake a few times in the wind from time to time, which was very strange.

At the bottom of this natural cave, there was a stone corridor.

There was also a building similar to an altar.

It led all the way to the bottom of the huge tree.

At the end of the corridor, you could see more than a dozen steps.

On the top was a stone platform.

On the stone platform was a jade bed.

And on the jade bed was a person lying!


When seeing this scene, Wu Xie felt that his body was shaking desperately.

This huge tree is extremely strange.

The fruits on it, at first glance, actually look like dead people hanging on the tree.

At the same time, the vines all over the huge space are like poisonous snakes. It makes people feel extremely uneasy when they look at it.

At the same time, Wu Xie also realized that the person lying on the huge jade bed is definitely not a peaceful thing.

When Wu Xie was running an antique shop before, he had dealt with some tomb robbers.

As for the Wu family itself, they are also in this business.

Although Wu Xie has not been allowed to get involved in this business for many years,

Wu Xie has heard a lot of terrifying rumors.

The thing on this jade bed is very likely to be a terrible zongzi.

Wu Xie couldn't help but whispered.

But the people around him were concentrating on watching the video appearing on the water.

No one paid attention to Wu Xie's words.

Except for Brother Menyouping. After hearing what Wu Xie said, Brother Menyouping immediately glanced at Wu Xie. Then he whispered in Wu Xie's ear.

"This thing is not a zongzi"

"But it's scarier than zongzi"

"This is a jade figurine."

After saying this, Wu Xie was stunned.

Could it be that Brother Menyouping actually knew this thing?

How is it possible?

Didn't Third Uncle say that this was a newly discovered tomb?

Brother Menyouping should not have been here.

How did he know?

Countless questions rushed into Wu Xie's mind. However, Wu Xie still had some doubts. After all, what exactly is the jade figurine that Brother Menyouping mentioned? He had never heard of it. As the owner of an antique shop. Wu Xie is not a complete layman, and he also has some knowledge of various antiques.

He wanted to ask Menyouping, but found that the expression on Menyouping's face was also very surprised. It seemed that he was very shocked by the appearance of the jade figurine in the video.


In the parallel world, on the campus of Beijing.

Shirley Yang has been worrying about preparing for the expedition team recently.

Purchasing supplies, finding personnel, researching materials, etc.

Shirley Yang just left Professor Chen.

Professor Chen has already settled the internal procedures of the school.

At that time, an expedition can be organized in the name of the school.

In addition to Professor Chen himself, the main personnel are several students under him and another teacher.

In this way, the prototype of the entire expedition team has been built.

However, Shirley Yang and Professor Chen have a consensus.

That is, the current expedition team still needs an experienced leader.

This leader is not a local guide who will be found after arriving in the Western Regions.

Instead, he is a person with rich experience in marching and investigation. It is best to have a person with rich field investigation experience like the geological team.

If he has military experience, it will be even better.

Of course, if these are the only two conditions, the candidate for the leader is difficult to find, but it is not impossible to find.

In addition to these two conditions, Shirley Yang also put forward an additional requirement.

The candidate for this leader must understand Tianxing Fengshui.

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