Parallel world.

Chen Yulou was already sweating from fear.

The huge light screen video that appeared in the sky just now made Chen Yulou watch it for a long time.

Chen Yulou was very worried.

He had been watching the video.

So he had forgotten that he was going to chase the lame old cat.

After the lame old cat bit off the ear of Haozi Ergu, the speed of escape was far beyond Chen Yulou's expectations.

This beast ran in the mountains and fields, and it didn't look like it had a lame leg at all.

It ran quickly among the rocks and trees.

In other words, Chen Yulou's own lightness skills are quite good, and the lightness skills of Lan Quewei are quite exaggerated.

If it were someone else, in such a mountain without a mountain road, or at night, to chase an old cat, there would really be no chance. But

Chen Yulou wasted so much time watching the video, it seems that the old cat must have run away.

There should be no way to catch up with this old cat this time.

Chen Yulou has begun to worry about how to explain to Luo Laowai and his men when he goes back.

After all, Chen Yulou had boasted when he went out that he must chase after the ear of Second Aunt Mouse.

Give Second Aunt Mouse a complete body.

Chen Yulou sighed and was about to go back.

Suddenly, he heard a noise coming from the front.

Looking more carefully, he found that it was the lame old cat. The lame old cat still held Second Aunt Mouse's ear in its mouth.

At the same time, it was obvious that the old cat had just raised its head and was looking at the sky.

When Chen Yulou saw this, the hair on his body exploded.

This old cat is also watching the inventory video!

This thing has become a spirit, right?

How is it possible?

However, Chen Yulou later realized that this old cat could not be kept.

No matter what, he had to catch up with this old cat tonight.

Not only did he have to catch up with Second Aunt Mouse's ear. He also had to kill this beast that was about to become a spirit.

Chen Yulou immediately performed Qinggong and chased after it again.

This time he chased to the foot of the mountain in front in one breath.

Unknowingly, the lame old cat had come to a forest of washing.

Chen Yulou was about to catch up.

Suddenly, he heard a very miserable cry.

It was made by the old cat.

It sounded like a female ghost crying in the forest.

The voice was sad and shrill.

It was filled with a sense of fear that penetrated deep into the bones.

It felt like the old cat had encountered something extremely terrifying.

Chen Yulou became suspicious at once. He immediately looked carefully in front.

At this time, the dark clouds in the sky had dispersed a part.

A ray of miserable moonlight shone down.

It just happened to shine on the woods.

At the same time, there were bursts of mist in the woods.

In the mist, there seemed to be some graves.

Several broken monuments were crooked in the graves.

The wild grass and smoke were overgrown, and the ghostly atmosphere was eerie. Chen Yulou was shocked when he saw the situation in front of him.

It was not because the situation in front of him was so terrifying.

As the leader of Xiangling, Chen Yulou had naturally seen more terrifying scenes.

The main thing was that the situation in front of him was very similar to the painting that Chen Yulou had seen on the beam of Haozi Ergu's room before.

They were all woods, graves, and broken monuments.

Now the only thing missing is an old lady in white mourning clothes.

It would have been fine if Chen Yulou hadn't thought about it randomly. He just thought of an old lady in white.

Suddenly, the situation in front of him changed.

The lame old cat almost crawled to a broken stele.

It respectfully spit out the ear in its mouth.

Then it screamed a few times at the broken stele that was as tall as a person.

It seemed to be begging for mercy from something terrifying.

At the same time, its head was still moving up and down, like a human kneeling.

Chen Yulou's scalp was numb.

This thing was so bold that it dared to bite off the ears of a dead person in a room guarded by several bandits.

It didn't give in even after being chased by Chen Yulou all the way.

Why is it so afraid of this broken stele?

I'm afraid there is a ghost.

Then Chen Yulou saw a strange halo coming out of the broken stele.

Then a round and furry head popped out from behind the broken stele.

Chen Yulou almost shouted out.

A closer look revealed that it was a little raccoon.

Then an even more terrifying scene happened.

The little raccoon walked up to the old cat and turned around.

The old cat's previous shrill cry suddenly changed again.

The fear in the cry disappeared, and it turned into a mechanical and emotionless hum.

Then it walked to the stream not far ahead and started drinking water.

Seeing the scene in front of him, Chen Yulou finally breathed a sigh of relief.

But immediately saw the weird smirk on the little raccoon's face.

I felt that things were not that simple.

Sure enough, after a while, the old cat drank so much that its belly was round. It was obvious that it had drunk too much.

But it was not over yet. This thing seemed to have lost consciousness and continued to pour water into its stomach.

Seeing that water was coming out of its nostrils, it stopped.

Chen Yulou's hair stood on end.

This old cat is not right.

At this time, the three people, Partridge Whistle and Hua Ling Old Foreigner, also heard the cry of the lame old cat in the barren mountain.

The shrill cry was mixed with fear.

The three people felt cold after hearing this.

""Brother, what is that sound? Why is it so scary?" Hua Ling was young, only seventeen or eighteen years old, and was already frightened.

Partridge Whistle had excellent hearing, like a night watchdog.

Naturally, he could hear it clearly.

"An old cat over ten years old! But this cat might have encountered some kind of misfortune... Oh no, it's Old Lady Bai."

"Let's go quickly. If we go out to play, someone might get into trouble again."

Hua Ling and the old foreigner were both a little dazed. They didn't know why the senior brother could predict that someone was going to get into trouble when he heard the old cat's scream.

However, the two of them had always believed in Partridge Whistle, and immediately rushed forward with Partridge Whistle.

It was at this moment that the purple light curtain appeared in the sky again.

The huge video began to slowly appear in the midnight sky.

For a moment, on the Old Bear Ridge, Partridge Whistle, Hua Ling, the old foreigner, and Chen Yulou who was hiding behind the tree.

Even the little raccoon on the broken monument and the old cat lying by the stream with water bubbling, all stared at the sky.

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