"Brother, this eyeball sculpture looks so familiar... It looks like the one on our body.……"

On Laoxiong Ridge.

Hua Ling was stunned when she saw the inventory video being played on the giant screen in the sky.

Then she pulled her collar. Her snow-white neck was exposed.

There was an eyeball vortex pattern under her neck near her shoulders.

Hua Ling was young, and the mark on her body was not so clear.

Partridge Whistle sighed.

He also had the same mark on his body.

And Partridge Whistle was not a teenager, and the mark on his body was already quite clear.

The pattern of this mark was almost the same as the eyeball pattern that appeared on the top of the black tower in the video.

"It seems that this is where our ancestors once lived?" The old foreigner who usually spoke little asked.

Partridge Whistle stared at the ancient city that appeared on the screen.

But after a moment, Partridge Whistle shook his head.

"This place may indeed be where the Zagrama people lived."

"But this ancient city doesn't look like it was built by our ancestors."

After hearing the answer from the partridge whistle, both the old foreigner and Hua Ling were a little surprised.

"Why? Since this is where our ancestors lived, why didn’t we build the city?"

Partridge Whistle immediately replied,"The era is wrong."

"We, the Zaglama people, migrated from the Western Regions to the Central Plains a long time ago."

"It is estimated to be in the Western Zhou Dynasty or even earlier."

"This ancient city, whether in style, architectural form, or even construction technology, does not look like that of ancient times."

"It is very likely from the Qin and Han dynasties."

"At that time, the Western Regions were known as the Thirty-Six Kingdoms, with many small city-states."

"This ancient city should be one of them"

"The black mountain that appeared on the video screen just now is most likely the sacred mountain of the ancestors of the Mountain Moving Taoist clan, Mount Zaglama."

When Hua Ling and the old foreigner heard this, they became excited again.

Mount Zaglama.

Although the Mountain Moving Taoist clan has migrated to the Central Plains for thousands of years, there are still some legends from ancient times that have been passed down.

In addition to the curse about the eyeball, the most important legend is the legend of the sacred mountain Zaglama and the ancestors of the clan.

"Senior Brother, does this place possibly hide the secret of exorcising the curse on us?"The old foreigner immediately became excited.

Partridge Whistle shook his head again, looking a little tangled.

"This ancient city does have some clues related to the Zagrama people."

"But I think that the cursed Zhuchen Pearl on our people will not come into contact with this place."

"After all, our people migrated from here to the Central Plains."

"But there may be some relevant clues in this place."

"But it is too difficult for us to go to this place."

Partridge Whistle said while shaking his head.

Hua Ling and the old foreigner also looked gloomy.

The picture on the inventory video said it very clearly.

This place is in the 800-mile vast sea. It is surrounded by endless desert.

It is a huge project to go to the Western Regions from Xiangxi.

To go to the Western Regions, you have to walk or ride a horse, and it will take at least several months.

This is just to reach the edge of the Western Regions.

If you want to go deeper into the vast sea, it is an impossible task without local guides and a large number of camel caravans.

What's more difficult is that there are no road signs in this place. After entering the desert, especially encountering the black sandstorm in the video.

Even if you survive by chance, it is difficult to find the direction.

I am afraid that some special means are needed.

Partridge Whistle is also paying attention in his heart.

Thinking about how to get to this place.

But I can't think of a suitable way for a while.

"Let's see what this treasure is first."

Partridge Whistle couldn't help but shook his head.


Parallel world, capital city.

Shirley Yang was almost crazy at this time.

Everyone else might not know exactly what place appeared on the screen.

But after Shirley Yang took a look, she was able to confirm it immediately.

This place must be.

Jingjue Ancient City!

The black stone mountain range before was the Sacred Mountain of Zagrama.

Shirley Yang came to Longguo this time to find the legendary Jingjue Ancient City.

Shirley Yang herself was not very confident about whether she could find Jingjue Ancient City.

After all, there were too few records about Jingjue Ancient City.

There were only a few words in the ancient books.

There was even no conclusion in the current historical community as to whether this place really existed.

Some historians tended to believe that Jingjue Ancient City had disappeared long ago and was destroyed by war.

Shirley Yang was also very worried.

If Jingjue Ancient City was really destroyed by war, then Shirley Yang herself would study the history of the Zagrama people.

Find out the source of the curse on her.

Even find a way to remove the curse.

All of this would be out of the question.

But after seeing the inventory video in front of her, Shirley Yang immediately strengthened her belief.

The ancient city of Jingjue does exist.

And it still exists now.

The inventory video shows the ruins of an ancient city.

It must be the current appearance of the ancient city of Jingjue.

If the ancient city of Jingjue really exists.

Is it possible that the Zhuchen Pearl is also in this place? Shirley Yang's heartbeat suddenly skipped a beat.

Her face began to turn red.

Her eyes were wide open.

She stared at the video screen that appeared in the sky.

This video was too important for Shirley Yang.

Shirley Yang didn't want to miss any details.

She was even vaguely looking forward to the treasure that appeared in this video.

Could it be what the tribe members were looking for? The picture began to change.

However, this time the change in the picture was somewhat beyond Shirley Yang's expectations.

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