Parallel world.

Aning looked at the report at hand while looking at the screen in the sky from time to time.

By comparing the plants that appeared in this video with the plants that appeared in the previous video of the Legalist Corpse-Suppressing Bronze Mirror,

Aning's men have confirmed at least a dozen of the same plants.

At the same time, the information of these plants has been confirmed by the research of botanical experts in the company, and all species have been confirmed.

The distribution areas of these plants have now been analyzed.

And the places where the distribution areas of these plants overlap are most likely the place where the ancient tomb in the video is located.

This method requires a lot of investigation.

Consult a lot of information.

And it is not 100% accurate.

But it is already the most feasible way Aning can think of.

Now the information has been sent over.

It can be confirmed that the places where these plants overlap are all concentrated in southern Yunnan, southern Tibet, the Hengduan Mountains and the rainforests near the Banna area in China.

Abroad, many places in Southeast Asia are also within the overlapping area.

Overall, a rough area can be confirmed

"Continue to investigate and see if there are any snow-capped mountains in these areas... By the way, we also need to consider the factors of season and altitude, mainly those mountains where the snow on the top of the mountain never melts all year round."

A Ning continued to issue instructions to the company's people.

Through these investigations, the possible range can be further narrowed.

If this range can be confirmed to a relatively small area, then it is really possible to find this ancient tomb.

At this time, the picture on the video changed again.

The corpse that was emitting a cold white light disappeared.

The screen returned to darkness.

At the same time, Aning keenly noticed that the camera was still moving at high speed.

It's just that this time it was moving in the dark water.

When the camera floated up from the water again.

The environment of the surrounding caves has also changed.

The space of the cave seems to be a little smaller than before.

At the same time, the bigger difference is the color.

This piece of cave is full of red stones. Even the walls of the cave look blood red. And this piece of cave is full of red stones.

There were no living creatures to be seen.

The previous cave was as lively as a tropical rain forest.

Not only were there plants, but there were also huge insects that looked like prehistoric creatures.

There was also a female corpse underwater.

It is certain that this must have happened after the emergence of humans, and it is not a scene from ancient times.

But in this cave now.

There is nothing!

No living creatures can be seen.

It is even frighteningly quiet.

No sound can be heard.

Aning frowned when he saw this.

Where are those insects? Where are those big toads?

Is there something weird here that makes these insects and toads dare not approach?

Otherwise, it is impossible to explain why there are no living creatures here.

Aning's eyes were confused.

But the video screen soon gave Aning the answer.

In the video, on the somewhat calm lake, a strange red fog slowly rose.


Parallel world.

Old Bear Ridge.

Chen Yulou, Partridge Whistle, Hua Ling, and the foreigner all looked at the blood-red fog gradually rising on the screen, and their faces changed.

"It's really strange, I've seen white fog, but never red fog."

Chen Yulou was deeply impressed by the white fog in the video.

He felt uncomfortable all over and wanted to cough when he saw that thing.

Now after seeing this red fog, he also felt very uncomfortable.

And Chen Yulou had a feeling.

That is, this red fog looks somewhat similar to the white sticky and stagnant fog he had seen outside before.

It feels like the same thing.

Of course, Chen Yulou also knew that his idea was unfounded. After all

, from the color point of view, one is as red as bright red paint, and the other is milky white, which is quite different.

But it can only be said that Chen Yulou's intuition told him that there is some unknown connection between the red fog in the video in front of him and the white fog in the valley outside.

As for the three people, Partridge Whistle Hua Ling and the old foreigner, they all had the same idea in their hearts.

"Who is this evildoer?"

The identities of Queqiao Shao and others are Taoist monks who move mountains.

After the Zaglama people migrated to the east, in order to cover themselves up when walking in the rivers and lakes and looking for ancient tombs, they dressed up as Taoists.

Although the Taoist monks who move mountains are not real Taoists, in order to disguise themselves, they have also learned a lot of skills from Taoists.

Suppressing evil and avoiding evil, exorcising ghosts and catching monsters are also businesses that they are very familiar with and good at.

Just like the way that Queqiao Shao dealt with the old raccoon, Mrs. Bai, was because he saw through Mrs. Bai's round light technique at a glance.

So he used the unique method of Taoism, various mirrors to break the evil and break Mrs. Bai's magic.

Coupled with his own Kuixing kick, he successfully killed Mrs. Bai.

Queqiao Shao knew that anyone in the mountains and deserted houses would be a Taoist monk. Thick fogs between mass graves are basically demon fogs.

However, even the knowledgeable Partridge Whistle has never seen red demon fog.

The scene in front of him was too weird and scary.

If there really was a demon, it must be a demon king-level creature, and it would definitely not be an ordinary small character like a fox, yellow, white, willow or gray.

When they saw this, several people were very nervous.

Some even forgot that this video was a video of counting treasures.

At this moment, a huge shadow vaguely appeared in the extremely thick red fog.

Obviously, this shadow is a living thing.

Because it was still swaying back and forth in the red demon fog.

At the same time, sounds began to appear in the video.

The sound was extremely harsh, making people's teeth ache.

It was a kind of metal.���The sound of rubbing.

It was like countless pieces of iron were squeezing and rubbing against each other.

Chen Yulou, Partridge Whistle and Hua Ling, who were watching the video, couldn't help but sweat on their foreheads.


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