Before Tang Xue could react, the blue brick that Xu Lang held between his two fingers had loosened.

The clay and lime between the brick joints fell off.

The whole blue brick was actually taken out by Xu Lang's two fingers.

After Xu Lang pulled the brick out easily, he placed it in the pit next to it.

Tang Xue was still in shock, her mouth still open.

Xu Lang continued,"Look, behind this brick wall is a red wax wall."

"There must be strong acid sealed in this thing. If you use external force to break the brick wall, the strong acid will spray out directly."

"Now we just need to tear down the brick wall and draw out the strong acid behind the wax wall."

After Xu Lang finished speaking, he extended his hand to Tang Xue.

Tang Xue stretched out her hand in a daze, and was then pulled out of the pit by Xu Lang.

"Let the construction team take care of the rest. Just be careful when removing the brick wall."

Then Xu Lang began to watch the show.

Tang Xue's eyes stayed on Xu Lang.

"Xu Lang's fingers... are so powerful? Too... incredible."

At this time, Xu Lang didn't know how much shock he had brought to Tang Xue.

Because Xu Lang's mind came with a system prompt sound.

The reward for uploading the video before has arrived.

"Congratulations to the host for uploading the video successfully"

"The system is calculating influence"

"After the settlement, the host can choose one of the following rewards."

The system reward options soon emerged in my mind.

"First: Physical strength attribute increased by 8 points"

"Second: Physical and mental attributes increased by 8 points"

"Third: Special Equipment Centipede Mountain Ladder"

"The centipede mountain ladder is a unique weapon of the mountain warriors."

"Made of high-quality bamboo"

"First, it was baked with fire, then soaked in tung oil, and then dried in the sun and soaked again. After repeating this process eighteen times, the material of the ladder became extremely tough."

"Waterproof, moisture-proof and corrosion-resistant. At the same time, the exterior varnish also has a certain fire-proof effect"

"The centipede mountain ladder can be disassembled at ordinary times and does not take up space"

"Can be assembled when used"

"There is a hook made of fine steel at the front of the ladder"

"Can hang on the cracks of rocks and trees"

"Climb cliffs and cross streams as if they were on flat ground"

"At the same time, they can be combined together as a shield to resist attacks at critical moments."

"Fourth: Special Skill: Night Dog Ears

"Special skills possessed by both Partridge Whistle and Shirley Yang"

"Extremely acute hearing"

"At night, you can even hear noises from several kilometers away."

"At the same time, the source of the sound can be distinguished according to the movement"

"It can play a more powerful role when it is close to the ground or other objects"

"Fifth: If you choose none of the above, your influence will accumulate in the next video and you can redeem the reward together."

After hearing this option, Xu Lang fell into thought.

The special item this time is the centipede ladder of Xianglishi.

This surprised Xu Lang.

This device is indeed very practical in the world of tomb raiders.

It even played a significant role in the plot of Wrath of the West Hunan.

It is no exaggeration to say that Chen Yulou was able to survive, largely thanks to the centipede ladder.

But he was not very satisfied with the centipede ladder.

This device is just a bamboo ladder after all.

Even if it is said that it is an excellent tool in the ancient times without special materials and mechanical processing.

Now, there are definitely many things that can replace the centipede ladder.

Even a high-quality aluminum alloy ladder, if designed well, can reach a level close to the centipede ladder.

Other substitutes are even more There are many choices.

In addition, the size of this thing is quite large, which is not convenient for Xu Lang to carry with him.

As a task reward, it is not worth choosing.

The special skill of the Night Watch Dog's Ear is quite good.

Both Partridge Whistle and Shirley Yang have this skill.

This skill also allows Partridge Whistle and Shirley Yang to play a huge role in different occasions.

It is quite practical.

It's a pity that Xu Lang has already acquired the skill of listening to thunder and identifying tombs.

The Night Watch Dog's Ear and Listening to Thunder to Identify Tombs are both auditory skills.

For a tomb robber, the practicality of the Listening to Thunder to Identify Tombs skill is even greater than that of the Night Watch Dog's Ear.

After all, the Listening to Thunder to Identify Tombs skill also has the ability to judge the terrain based on the echo.

Although the hearing acuity and hearing distance may not be as good as the Night Watch Dog's Ear, it is much more useful in the ancient tomb.

Xu Lang thought about it. After thinking about it, he immediately decided to choose attribute enhancement.

The attribute bonus this time is quite generous.

The average attribute of an ordinary adult male is ten points.

This time the reward is directly six points.

It can greatly improve one of Xu Lang's attributes at once.

Strength is biased towards combat.

For the skills that Xu Lang has already acquired, Kuixing Kick and Two-Finger Cave Exploration are still somewhat useful.

However, the attributes related to these two skills should be strength and agility.

The other skills, including Night Eyes to Identify Treasures, Listening to Thunder to Identify Tombs, Smelling Soil to Identify Dragons, etc., are all related to spiritual attributes.

Moreover, there are many battles in tomb robbing.

However, the most important thing in the early stage is the various perception skills.

These skills are crucial for finding tombs, identifying the location and size of tombs, and so on.

I want to After arriving here, Xu Lang immediately made his choice.

The spiritual attribute was increased by eight points.

After Xu Lang made his choice, he immediately felt that his entire senses seemed to have been enhanced.

The world in front of him became clearer and more vivid.

Xu Lang could clearly sense the trajectory of the insects flying around him, the smell of the soil, and the heartbeat from Tang Xue next to him.

At this time, Xu Lang finally nodded with satisfaction.

It seems that his choice was not wrong.

At this time, the construction team under the pit had also dismantled the brick wall.

The red wax wall behind was fully revealed.

Under Xu Lang's guidance, the archaeological team broke a hole in the wax wall and used a pipe to guide the acid inside out.

After the acid was poured into the soil, bursts of white smoke and a pungent smell suddenly emerged.

Xu Lang and Tang Xue could only retreat a little further away.

After the wax wall acid mechanism was processed, they continued to go deeper into the tomb.

Xu Lang also took advantage of this time to start thinking about a new video in his mind.

However, for this video, Xu Lang did not directly make an inventory video.

Instead, he made a very short video.

A preview.

The video of the top ten treasures in the tomb-robbing world has been more than halfway through.

The top three of the top ten treasures in the tomb-robbing world will be revealed soon.

At the same time, the content that Xu Lang will list next has also been planned.

Before Xu Lang traveled through time, he had seen a lot of marketing promotions for film and television dramas.

He knew that the hype before a film was released was very important.

Xu Lang naturally thought of making a trailer.

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