After hearing Hu Bayi's words, Yingzi and Wang Pangzi were a little dissatisfied.

""Are mines more dangerous than ancient tombs? Impossible, right?" Fatty Wang asked.

Hu Bayi immediately replied,"Ancient mines were usually mined for hundreds of years, with a variety of mine tunnels and mining methods mixed together. The underground space is more complicated than a maze, and there is no pattern at all. It is easy for people to get lost once they enter.""

"The death rate of mining in ancient mines was very high"

"Many of the miners were actually death row prisoners and slaves. After they died, they would just dig a shaft in the mine and dump their bodies inside."

"Over time, the corpse qi gathers and becomes more sinister."

"Not to mention that many mines are dug too deep, so it is easy to dig out some strange things."Hu Bayi said this and seemed to remember some horrible past events, his face turned pale.

At this time, the picture in the inventory video began to change.

The camera moved forward quickly.

A steep staircase appeared on the screen.

At the end of the staircase appeared a simple stone house.

There were some wooden pillars inside, but they had rotted.

Behind this house there were several passages leading to other directions.

Seeing this, Hu Bayi was sure that this must be a huge copper mine.

It's just that it looks very old.

I'm afraid it's more than two or three thousand years old.

Before Hu Bayi could take a closer look, the camera had quickly entered one of the mines.

The mine was narrow and dark, and the camera moved forward quickly.

Before Hu Bayi and Wang Pangzi could see clearly, the camera suddenly stopped.

Turning down, an iron plate and a pull ring appeared on the ground.

The camera then drilled into the pull ring.

Wang Pangzi covered his head when he saw this,"Damn, what kind of ghost movie is this, I feel dizzy watching it."

Hu Bayi quickly patted Wang Pangzi,"Put on a little longer, Pangzi, we are almost at the key point."

After Hu Bayi finished speaking, the picture 960 on the video really changed.

Going down along the passage under the iron plate, there was a faint sound of water in front of us.

Like a waterfall.

Finally, the camera rushed out of the narrow underground passage and entered a huge cave.

You can see an underground river flowing.

There are also some stalactites above.

"Strange, why does this place look a bit like the underground river where the blue jade meteorite toad appeared before?"

Fatty Wang asked curiously.

Hu Bayi also nodded.

"The water here is a little faster, there are more stalactites, and the other things are really similar. I wonder if there is an underground forest here."

Hu Bayi was deeply impressed by the underground forest in the cave before.

But at this moment, as if to refute Wang Pangzi's words, a huge white water column suddenly appeared on the video screen.

The water column appeared very suddenly.

And it was at least ten meters high.

It scared Wang Pangzi, Hu Bayi and Yingzi all at once.

"Oh my god, what the hell is this? Is the whale spouting water?"Fatty Wang asked immediately.

"No, whales are in the sea, how can they be in a cave?"Hu Bayi said immediately.

Then Hu Bayi looked at the water column with white smoke on the video screen and the faint white mist on the surface of the underground river, and his face turned pale.

"I know what this is!"


"Underground intermittent hot springs!"

At this time, in the colleges and universities in Beijing,

Shirley Yang's face was also slightly pale.

She was explaining to Professor Chen, Hao Aiguo, Chu Jian, Sati Peng, Ye Yixin and others.

"This intermittent underground hot spring can reach temperatures of over 100 degrees due to pressure and water quality."

(agdf)"Even if it erupts, it can continue to boil"

"It is very difficult for humans to survive in such an area."

After hearing what Shirley Yang said, Professor Chen, Hao Aiguo and several students all looked at each other in bewilderment.

These people are all insiders in the field of archaeology.

However, Chief of Staff Yang, who has been a professional explorer for some time, is not familiar with these geological contents.

"Could there be an ancient tomb in such a place?" Hao Aiguo immediately murmured.

"It's incredible. The wisdom of the ancients is really hard to imagine."

Just as several people were discussing this seemingly boiling hot underground river, the camera of the video screen suddenly drilled into the underground river.

At the same time, it quickly entered the deep part of the underground river.

When Shirley Yang saw this, her eyes lit up.

"I know, there is a way to get through this underground river"

"Hot water floats on the top, just like hot air."

"If you can dive to the bottom of the river, the temperature might be acceptable."

Just as Shirley Yang said this, a series of iron chains appeared on the camera of the video.

These iron chains were actually at the bottom of the river.

And there seemed to be a very loud sound of water in front.

The water flow was getting faster and faster.

It looked like a waterfall.

But soon, the people watching the video all took a breath of cold air.

Ye Yixin, who was less courageous, even screamed and covered her eyes.

Although Shirley Yang was quite courageous, her palms were sweating.

It turned out that a corpse suddenly appeared on the video screen.

And it was a corpse that had been rotten to the point of exposing the bones.

The remaining rotten flesh seemed to be washed away by the water at any time.

The corpse seemed to be entangled in the iron chain. On the chain.

It can be seen that before this person died, he might have passed through the bottom of the river just as Shirley Yang thought just now.

But for some unknown reason, he failed.

Soon the camera rushed forward.

Suddenly, he fell down at high speed with the waterfall. After the picture stabilized, he quickly scanned the surrounding environment.

This location is on a small platform. (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Not far ahead, the space suddenly became open.

It was obviously a very large natural cave.

But the things in this cave stunned Shirley Yang, Professor Chen, Hao Aiguo and others.

After a long time, Professor Chen said in a trembling voice.

"Why... so many coffins?"[]

"Oh my god, it's so spectacular."

It turns out that in the natural cave under this platform, there are at least thousands of coffins densely packed together!

One next to another.

In some places, there are even several layers of them!


Parallel world.

Old Bear Ridge.

Chen Yulou, Queqiao Shao, Hua Ling and the old foreigner were concentrating on the video screen on the broken monument.

This time the video screen was particularly thrilling.

The canyon and the mine in front of them made Chen Yulou and Queqiao Shao tremble with fear.

Hua Ling and the old foreigner, two inexperienced Taoist monks, turned pale.

When a natural cave appeared on the video screen, with thousands of coffins placed inside,

Queqiao Shao and Chen Yulou exclaimed almost at the same time.

"Cave burial?"

"Miao family?"

Chen Yulou was originally a local tyrant in Xiangxi. His sphere of influence is nearby.

Since Partridge Whistle came out of the mountains, he has been active in Xiangxi for quite a long time. This time, he even had to pass through the territory of Xiangxi to go to the tomb of King Yelang.

Partridge Whistle Hua Ling and the old foreigner���At this time, I was still wearing the clothes of the Bing family Miao people.

Naturally, I also know some of the funeral customs of the Miao people.

The Miao people, especially the Miao people in Xiangxi, have unusual funeral customs since ancient times.

Many places are cave burials.

The so-called cave burial means that after the tribe members die, they are buried in the cave.

The coffins are stacked layer by layer, filling the caves, and then divided into caves.

At the same time, the coffins below rot, and new coffins are placed on the upper layer. The coffins on the upper layer are more recent.

The coffins on the lower layer are older.

Because most of the places where the Miao people live are deep mountains and old forests.

These places have scarce land and many caves.

So this kind of funeral form appeared.

In Xiangxi, there is even a saying that there are 72 caves of Miao people.

The so-called caves are actually not where the Miao people live.

The Miao people have long lived in railing-style buildings, that is, stilted bamboo houses.

The so-called 72 caves of Miao people refer to the cemeteries of these Miao people.

That is, the caves where the bodies of their ancestors are buried.

The bodies of ancestors buried in the same cave are considered a large group.

It is said that there is a Miao ancestral cave near Laoxiongling in western Hunan.

It is the earliest cave burial cave of the Miao people in this area of western Hunan.

Chen Yulou even suspected that this cave is very likely near Pingshan.

But there is no evidence.

A huge cave appeared in the inventory video in front of him.

Densely packed wooden coffins.

It is obviously the place where the Miao people buried in the cave.

But, is this place really not in western Hunan?

Both Chen Yulou and Queqiao Shao were a little confused.

At the beginning, both of them felt that the place where the video appeared this time was similar to western Hunan in many places.

But the vegetation and other things were different.

For now, they could only continue to watch.

The picture on the video really began to change.

Soon, there was a place without coffins in this area.

This place even sunken down.

When they saw this, Chen Yulou and Queqiao Shao almost exclaimed at the same time.

Because this place is not the same as the traditional Miao cave burial.

In ordinary Miao cave burials, there is no such area without coffins.

When the two were wondering

, the camera moved forward quickly and rushed to the coffin cave below.

This scene was quite terrifying.

The camera passed over countless coffins.

These coffins were all made of wood. They were not very exquisite.

Some coffins even had quite large gaps.

Some corpses and bones could be vaguely seen inside.

At the same time, some shadowy black shadows could be seen moving through the gaps between the coffins.

At this time, the puzzled look on Partridge Whistle's face had become more and more serious.

But Chen Yulou showed a look of sudden realization.

"No, this is not a cave burial coffin."

"This is a mechanical formation, a very rare and flat formation!"

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