"The Ghost Mother's Crystal Demon Eye is also the only divine object that can neutralize and balance the power of the ancient god's relic, the Dust Pearl.

" Shirley Yang had never come across this information before.

There are too few records of the Demon Kingdom in history.

So few that Shirley Yang, who is quite familiar with the history of the Dragon Kingdom and is familiar with various historical books, has not seen many records about the Demon Kingdom.

At the same time, it also involves another problem.

That is, even if the Dust Pearl is found, how to remove the curse on the Taoist monk Banshan.

Shirley Yang has vaguely felt that even if the Dust Pearl is really found, then what? Once the Dust Pearl is in hand, will the curse on her body be lifted? It seems impossible.

There must be some kind of ceremony, or some means.

In order to make this curse that has followed the Taoist monk Banshan for thousands of years disappear.

Now it seems that the most critical item to remove the ghost eye curse, in addition to the Dust Pearl, is the Ghost Mother's Crystal Demon Eye.

But to How to operate specifically at that time is not something Shirley Yang can understand yet.

Shirley Yang immediately began to cheer up, wanting to wait until the light curtain in the sky disappears before going to the library.

She began to look up various materials about the Jingjue Ancient City, the Zagrama people, and the Demon Kingdom.

At this time, the subtitles of the video in the sky had disappeared.

The picture slowly faded.

It turned into a purple light curtain again.

Shirley Yang was about to go out.

Suddenly she felt something strange.

When she looked up again, she found that the purple light curtain in the sky did not disappear.

This is very abnormal.

Because after all the previous inventory videos were played.

The picture in the sky faded.

It will disappear completely in a very short time.

It's like it has never appeared.

The purple halo does not remain in the sky.

At this time, Shirley Yang was very confused.

I don't know what went wrong.

I vaguely felt a little uneasy and a little expectant.


Parallel world.

Qixing Lu Palace.

Wu Xie was already in a daze watching the video on the wall.

Even when the subtitles appeared, he still hadn't recovered.

"What's this?"

"The ghost mother's crystal eyes?"

"Can the real space and imaginary space communicate?"

"Use the power of transformation?"

"Summon monsters from another world?"

"Can you throw people into another world?"

"I feel like my brain is running out of steam."

"Can anyone tell me what imaginary space is?"

"And the huge city that appeared in the video just now, is it an illusion?"

After watching the video, Wu Xie felt his head buzzing.

Countless questions flooded into his mind.

Wu Xie didn't hesitate to ask.

Then he looked at the people next to him.

Pan Zi and Da Kui were like fools.

Obviously, these two people had more problems than Wu Xie.

They couldn't be relied on at all.

Third Uncle was also shocked and thought hard.

Obviously, for the experienced Third Uncle.

The things that appeared on the video screen and the background information mentioned were really too complicated.

And they were completely unfamiliar.

Only Brother Menyouping frowned, but at least he was not so shocked.

"I can't answer your previous question, but I can conclude that this ancient city restored by the power of the realm is not an illusion."

"This city gives me a very special feeling"

"I can feel it's real"

"But it's not quite real"

"I don't know if you noticed when you watched the video just now"

"The light inside this ancient city is completely different from that outside the lake."

"It was like dusk, the time when day and night meet, very dark."It was almost the first time that Brother Menyouping said so many words.

It shocked Wu Xie.

It was even more shocking than after watching the video.

Then he thought about what Brother Menyouping said, and the more he thought about it, the more headache Wu Xie had.

It seems that this imaginary space is indeed very strange.

And it is not something that ordinary people can understand.

At this time, Uncle San suddenly said

"This video is very interesting. Did you notice that there is an additional word"main" behind the name of the second-ranked treasure?"

After Uncle San finished speaking, Wu Xie, Pan Zi, Da Kui and others looked at the subtitles that were slowly fading away.

As expected, they found that there was an additional word"main" behind the name of the treasure,"Ghost Mother Crystal Demon Eyes".

"Really, what's going on?"

"Maybe the person who made the video made a mistake? Maybe his hands were shaking and he typed an extra word in the subtitles."

Pan Zi and Da Kui immediately gave their own explanations.

Then Wu Xie, Men Youping, and San Shu all shook their heads almost in unison.

Obviously, none of them agreed with this statement.

"Impossible. The items listed in this video are all heaven-defying treasures, how could such a low-level mistake be made?"

Wu Xie naturally didn't believe it.

But Pan Zi and Da Kui insisted that they had made a mistake.

Of course, the argument lasted less than ten seconds.

Because the video on the wall had finished playing.

The picture completely faded and disappeared.

However, the purple halo on the wall had not disappeared.

After a few seconds, the picture appeared again.

When they saw this, Pan Zi and Da Kui were both stunned.

"No...what's going on?"

"What? There's a sequel?"

"Is there something wrong with the video playback?"

But in the first second that the picture appeared, Pan Zi and Da Kui shut up.

Because the picture that appeared on the video this time was completely different from the previous one.

It can even be said that the contrast is very obvious.

The previous video showed the magnificent scenery of the snow-capped mountains and plateaus.

But what appeared now was a very solemn scene.

It was actually on an ancient battlefield. (To read the violent novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Uncle San, Wu Xie, Pan Zi and others are all tomb robbers, or they are in the antique business.

Naturally, they have a certain amount of research on ancient costumes, armor, weapons, etc.

Looking at the ancient costumes, bronze long spears, short swords, and horse-drawn chariots that appeared on the video screen, they quickly reacted.

The scene that appeared on this screen was at least in the early Eastern Zhou Dynasty, that is, the Spring and Autumn Period. It is quite a long time ago.[]

Even so, the few people still looked quite friendly.

After all, many of the armor and weapons on these people were things that the few people had come into contact with before.

"Strange."At this time, Menyouping suddenly said

"What's so strange about that? The people in this video are dressed in the right era, definitely from the Spring and Autumn Period."Wu Xie finally saw some images that he could understand, and immediately answered

"It's not that the era is strange."Men Youping shook his head,"Have people appeared in the previous videos?"

After hearing Men Youping's words, Wu Xie was stunned.

Then he recalled carefully.

It was really weird.

In this inventory video, at least in the previous rare treasures video, there are very few people, or to be more precise, living people.

There are still many dead people.

But the video being played now is definitely a living person.

"That being said...it's really strange……"Wu Xie couldn't think of any explanation for a while.

He could only shake his head and continue watching.


Parallel world.

Wildman's ditch at Heifengkou.

Underground fortifications of the Kwantung Army.

Hu Bayi, Fatty Wang and Yingzi watched the video about the Ghost Mother's Crystal Demon Eyes with great shock.

Even Hu Bayi, who had dug rocks under the Kunlun Mountains for several years, was stunned when he saw the latter part.

Especially the huge crystal wall.

It made Hu Bayi stunned.

It took him a long time to recover.

"There are so many secrets on the plateau and under the Kunlun Mountains."

"There are so many strange things I encountered during my years as an engineer that I can't finish talking about them in days and nights."

Hu Bayi shook his head.

"This Ghost Mother Crystal Demon Eye does look very powerful, but I think it mainly has some special uses."

"Also, ancient gods and such, I get annoyed just by hearing them. Damn it, if I come across them, I will kill all the monsters and ghosts."

Fatty Wang said carelessly.

Yingzi beside him couldn't help laughing.

"What's the matter? Do you look down on your fat brother? This is my great spirit of optimism."Fatty Wang said again.

Hu Bayi ignored the bickering between Fatty Wang and Yingzi.

He was about to wait for the video to disappear before continuing to open the stone coffin.

The huge stone coffin made Hu Bayi very uneasy.

Even after watching the video for a long time, he was still uneasy, always feeling that there seemed to be something inside the stone coffin.

But before Hu Bayi could act, he soon discovered something unusual.

The purple light curtain on the stone coffin did not disappear.

It even began to condense into a video again.

When he saw this, Hu Bayi reacted immediately.

There was indeed something wrong with the subtitles at the end of the inventory video just now.

Behind the treasure Ghost Mother Crystal Demon Eye, there is another word: Master.

At first, Hu Bayi didn't care too much.

He didn't think much about it.

Now it seems that does it mean that there are two treasures ranked second?

The Ghost Mother Crystal Demon Eye in front is the main one, and there is a deputy behind it?

Then Hu Bayi thought about it and it was not right.

Because if the video behind If the treasures in the treasure are not as precious as the Ghost Mother's Crystal Demon Eye, then the ranking can be postponed directly.

Isn't it good to be ranked third?

Why do you have to come up with a deputy?

Hu Bayi was a little confused for a moment.

But at this time, the picture on the video also appeared.

And it was very eye-catching right from the start.

It turned out to be an ancient battlefield.

Children like Hu Bayi and Wang Pangzi who grew up in a military compound like to watch war movies the most. I was immediately attracted.

The battlefield was very fierce.

One side was in a disadvantageous situation and had retreated. The flag of the retreating side seemed to have the word Lu written on it.

Then the video screen changed.

A young man in his early twenties knelt in front of a man who looked like a prince.

He took over a military token.

Then the young man walked out of the palace.

Not long after, the young man was wearing leather armor and led a team of hundreds of people.

Everyone was holding bronze shovels, pickaxes, axes, crowbars and the like.

They began to dig in front of a huge mound.

Hu Bayi was stunned when he saw this.

"This... is a colleague."

Fatty Wang also realized it.

The huge mound on the screen was obviously a tomb.

And this young man led his men to dig the tomb.

Not long after, these people had entered the underground palace.

After opening the tomb and the coffin, they transported all the treasures inside.

Then they transported them all the way to the city and presented them to the man who looked like a prince.

The video screen changed very quickly.

In a short while, this young man had led his men to dig several large tombs.

There were more and more people under his command.

Hu Bayi was also a little moved after seeing it

"It seems that this guy is similar to our tomb raider. At the beginning, he was raising military pay for the princes and warlords."

"I don't know which sect or school this is from."

Just as Hu Bayi finished speaking, the video changed again.

This time the young man led everyone into a very strange ancient tomb.

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