"Congratulations to the host for uploading the video successfully"

"The system is calculating influence"

"After the settlement, the host can choose one of the following rewards."

The system reward options soon emerged in my mind.

"First: Physical strength attribute increased by 8 points"

"Second: Physical agility attribute increased by 8 points"

"Third: Special Equipment Golden Abacus"

"This piece of equipment comes from the unique equipment of Jin Suanpan, the descendant of Mojin Xiaowei."

"Before becoming Zhang Sanlianzi's apprentice, Jin Suanpan was from a merchant family and was proficient in mathematics."

"There is an abacus made of pure gold"

"This abacus can be used to conveniently calculate the eight directions, nine palace flying stars, five elements numerology, etc."

"It is very helpful to crack the mechanism when digging tombs."

"This piece of equipment also made Jin Suanpan a skilled tomb robber."

"The owner of this special equipment will automatically gain knowledge of the Eight Directions, Nine Palaces, Flying Stars, and Five Elements Numerology."

"Fourth: Special formula, Honglian Miaoxin Pill formula"

"Honglian Miaoxin Pills are a prescription for medicine passed down from generation to generation by tomb raiders."

"The most feared thing for ancient tomb robbers when they entered the tomb was the poisonous gas in the ancient tomb."

"The ancient tombs have been sealed for thousands of years. The decaying corpses will produce putrid fumes, and the accumulation of various evil fumes will also produce poisonous fumes."

"For the tomb robbers in ancient times, they could only use black gauze to cover their faces and add the Northern Mystic Pearl made of saltpeter as the main material to refresh their spirits."

"But still can't avoid the harm of poison gas"

"Honglian Miaoxin Pills can restrain the corpse qi and rotten qi in the ancient tomb"

"Has a strong detoxifying effect"

"It also keeps you awake"

"Even in the state of oxygen deficiency, it can maintain a certain level of physical strength and rationality"

"It is definitely a top-grade medicine for tomb raiding."

910" Fifth: Choose none of the above, and your influence will accumulate in the next video, and you can redeem rewards together."

After listening to the system prompt, Xu Lang fell into thought. In this inventory video, Xu Lang played a little trick.

It is reasonable that there are two second-place treasures in the top ten rare treasures...

Of course, in Xu Lang's mind, the Ghost Mother Crystal Demon Eye is still the second-place treasure in the top ten rare treasures.

The Ghost Seal is indeed very precious.

But in fact, there are many problems with the Ghost Seal.

Xu Lang did not mention it.

The real function of the Ghost Seal is unknown.

The ability to summon ghost soldiers is just a rumor.

The power to open the ultimate secret, in the final analysis, the source of power is still in the ultimate.

The real power lies behind the bronze door.

It can't be said that the preciousness of a key is greater than the thing protected behind the key.

At the same time, it is very likely that there are two Ghost Seals.

Xu Lang did not mention this in the inventory video.

Scarcity makes things valuable.

A treasure is worth a lot of money. If there are two, it means that the value of this treasure will be weakened.

And since two can be made, maybe a third one can be made.

Of course, Xu Lang knows that this possibility will not happen.

The reason why Xu Lang ranked the Ghost Seal in the second place of the top ten treasures.

The biggest reason is that the Ghost Seal involves the ultimate secret.

The ultimate itself cannot be counted as a treasure.

The Ghost Seal related to the ultimate secret becomes a representative of this power.

So it is reasonable to rank second.

In this way, the influence that this inventory video can have is quite huge.

Judging from the rewards settled by the system, this is indeed the case.

The reward for this video is not much different from the rewards accumulated from the previous two videos.

The attribute reward directly awarded eight points.

Quite awesome.

At the same time, the equipment Golden Abacus , it is definitely much more powerful than Xu Lang had imagined.

The golden abacus in Xu Lang's impression might be the special equipment in the hands of Zhang Sanlianzi's disciple, the golden abacus.

But in the system rewards, the role of this golden abacus is not only to calculate some things like the Nine Palaces Flying Stars and Eight Gates directions.

There is also an additional one, that the person who owns this equipment can obtain relevant knowledge.

Although knowledge-related knowledge is not a skill that can be directly used, it is also a huge improvement for Xu Lang.

After all, if Xu Lang wants to learn these things by himself, it will definitely consume a lot of time and energy.

Moreover, the traditional study of numerology is also vast, and it is not easy to learn well.

Not to mention that it also involves a question of talent.

Therefore, this ability attached to the equipment golden abacus automatically obtains numerology-related The knowledge of the tomb-robbing world made Xu Lang very excited.

At the same time, Xu Lang thought of another thing.

In the tomb-robbing world, each tomb-robbing school has quite a lot of top-quality tomb-robbing equipment.

Not to mention the conventional Luoyang shovel, black folding piece, and Yin claw.

Just like the unique equipment of the Golden Abacus, it is also quite precious and rare.

It is possible to make an inventory of the top ten equipment in the tomb-robbing world.

It will definitely shock many people.

It will also bring a lot of inspiration to the people in the tomb-robbing world.

The reward at the end is a recipe.

This is the first time Xu Lang has seen this thing.

The previous system rewards were all equipment or skills.

This time, there was actually a recipe for the elixir.

If the reward was the Honglian Miaoxin Pill, Xu Lang might not be so interested.

But now the reward is the recipe for the Honglian Miaoxin Pill.

This is different.

This means that Xu Lang can make Honglian Miaoxin Pills in batches.

Not only can he use it himself, but he can also give it to other members of the archaeological team as an exclusive elixir.

Of course, it is reasonable for the archaeological team to take out some money to express their gratitude to Xu Lang for the excellent pill Honglian Miaoxin Pill.

Xu Lang hesitated for a moment, but soon made a choice.

Relatively speaking, the Golden Abacus is more practical.

After all, the world Xu Lang traveled to is not the ancient world.

The ancient tomb robbers had no means of defense against the poisonous gas in the ancient tombs, so the Honglian Miaoxin Pills are very precious.

But now there are gas masks in this world. (To read the violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Even a simple gas mask will not be much worse than the Honglian Miaoxin Pills in terms of its defense against the poisonous gas in the ancient tomb.

With the replacement equipment, the Honglian Miaoxin Pill formula is naturally not that valuable.

But the knowledge and abilities attached to the Golden Abacus equipment will never depreciate.

Even in this world, the knowledge about ancient mechanical mathematics is obviously less.

Because archaeology is not well developed, it is natural that not enough attention is paid to this aspect.[]

Knowledge of mechanical numerology is more important.

So Xu Lang immediately chose the golden abacus.

The next moment, Xu Lang immediately saw a small golden abacus appear in his system space.

This golden abacus is less than one foot long and more than three inches wide.

It is small and exquisite, and quite practical.

Xu Lang also likes it very much.

Then Xu Lang moved his mind and took the golden abacus out of the system space.

The moment he got the golden abacus, Xu Lang immediately felt his brain begin to heat up.

The CPU of the brain began to run rapidly.

It seemed that countless knowledge poured into his mind.

Basically, it was about the knowledge of Qimen Dunjia, the eight gates, the nine palaces flying stars, and the five elements of numerology.

After a few minutes, Xu Lang felt that his mind was slowly becoming clear.

At this time, the members of the archaeological team had begun to come out of the ear chamber.

The tomb passage of the ancient tomb extends in two directions, forward and backward.

Just now, the members of the archaeological team have at least figured out which direction leads to the tomb passage and the entrance.

Which direction leads to the main tomb chamber.

Soon, several members of the archaeological team headed towards the main tomb chamber.

The tomb passage was narrow, only about one meter wide.

The archaeologists walking in front were obviously a little excited and walked at a fast pace.

Xu Lang listened to the footsteps of these archaeologists, and the echo in the tomb passage was a little strange.

""Wait! Don't go on yet."

Xu Lang was originally following the team.

When he heard the wrong sound, he shouted immediately.

The archaeologist walking in the front was reluctant to stop.

It seemed that he was also overwhelmed by the previous major archaeological discoveries.

The main tomb chamber should be not far ahead.

There must be more important discoveries.

Naturally, he was anxious.

But soon Tang Xue squeezed to the front and grabbed the archaeologist walking in the front.

"In the ancient tomb, everyone must listen to Xu Lang!"

"He is not just a consultant. Think about the previous traps."

Everyone stopped immediately after hearing Tang Xue's words.

Several archaeologists obviously remembered the previous sky fire glazed roof and wax wall strong acid.

Once these two traps are triggered, they will either be cremated on the spot or the strong acid will burn the skin off.

Either one is extremely tragic.

A sound of sucking cold air sounded.

At this time, Xu Lang also walked to the front. He took a shovel from the archaeologist next to him and carefully knocked on the ground and walls of the tomb passage.

The thunder-listening tomb identification skill was activated.

"Here, there is a pit-turning mechanism, and there should be iron nails and iron swords underneath."

"Just dismantle this mechanism.���"

After Xu Lang finished speaking, he did not stop and retreated to the back of the team.

After hearing Xu Lang's words, Tang Xue's face immediately darkened.

The pit-turning mechanism is a very simple mechanism.

It is also a common mechanism in ancient tombs.

It is also one of the few mechanisms that the Dragon Country archaeological team in this world knows.

This mechanism is to dig a deep pit on the must-pass road of some tombs.

There are two types of deep pits, one is called a dirty pit and the other is called a clean pit.

There is nothing special in the clean pit, it is just a vertical and smooth deep pit. It is difficult for people to climb out if they fall in.

The dirty pit is disgusting.

At the bottom of the pit, You need to put some iron nails and iron swords.

You also need to put some rotten animal carcasses, feces and other things.

When people fall in, those rusty iron nails and iron swords will pierce the human body.

Even if they don't die on the spot, the wound will definitely be contaminated.

In ancient times, it was almost impossible to save them, and they would die of wound infection in a short time.

On top of the deep pit trap is a flip camouflage board.

Step on it and the board will flip.

People will fall in.

The structure of this mechanism is very simple.

The key is that the simpler the mechanism, the less likely it is to fail.

It can be said to be an extremely dangerous mechanism.

Once you step on the flip board, there will inevitably be casualties.

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