Chen Yulou continued,"Although I can't see it, I can hear some sounds."

"Although those voices are very small, the characteristics of the accent can still be heard."

"But you need to travel a lot and see the accents of people from many places to distinguish them."

"And I could tell that the people around the deceased spoke with the southwestern dialect."

"So I infer that this person is most likely a certain King of Dian."

"The King of Dian existed during the Qin and Han dynasties, and the time period also matches."

After Chen Yulou finished speaking, Luo Laowai and Hua Maguai beside him immediately applauded.

Hong looked at Chen Yulou with admiration.

After a moment, Hua Maguai added:

"Boss, I heard that the tombs of the kings of Dian have long been discovered."

"Even many of the bowls of the King of Dian have been overturned by others, and I don’t know if this bead……"

After hearing what Hua Maguai said, Chen Yulou's face darkened slightly.

What Hua Maguai said does make some sense.

Because the location of the Tomb of the King of Dian is in Lijiashan in Yunnan.

Many people in the tomb-robbing business know this.

The tombs of the ancient Dian Kingdom in Lijiashan are stacked one after another.

Many tomb robbers in the past dynasties have dug up treasures in this mountain.

But because the Tomb of the King of Dian in Lijiashan is too obvious, it has been robbed countless times by the"410 Office" since the Song Dynasty.

Even Chen Yulou himself had been there in his early years.

This place is no longer nine out of ten tombs are empty, but basically ten out of ten tombs are empty.

If the identity of that man is really the King of Dian and he is buried in Lijiashan, I am afraid it will be difficult for him to escape the clutches of tomb robbers.

Chen Yulou pondered for a moment,"The tombs of the King of Dian may not all be in Lijiashan"

"In particular, the tomb of the last King of Dian may be near Lijiashan"

"Moreover, I have never heard of anyone digging up such precious beads when robbing the tomb at Lijiashan."

"It seems that after this trip to Pingshan, we will go to southern Yunnan."

"You must check carefully near Lijiashan"


Parallel world, Shirley Yang.

Shirley Yang's heart was shaken at this moment.

When the subtitles appeared, Shirley Yang felt like she was petrified.

Then she frowned and wrote down everything.

The inheritance of the Banshan Taoist lineage, especially the partridge whistle Shirley Yang, has a characteristic.


Sharp ears and eyes, good brain, extensive memory, and photographic memory.

So Shirley Yang immediately recorded everything in the video.

Shirley Yang was still very shocked by the description of the Zhuchen Pearl.

At the same time, Shirley Yang also understood what kind of curse she was facing.

This curse on her came from the ancient god of another world.

It's just that I don't know why the ancient god appeared in this world.

And the burial place is naturally the legendary ghost cave.

At the same time, Shirley Yang also confirmed one thing.

That is, after finding the Zhuchen Pearl, it is indeed possible to remove the thousand-year ghost eye curse on her.

Unfortunately, at the end of the video inventory, there was no clear mention of the location of the Zhuchen Pearl.

Shirley Yang can naturally understand this.

Each inventory video did not directly point out the location of the treasure.

But the uncomfortable part of this video is that it not only did not directly point out the location of the Zhuchen Pearl.

Even some details of the whereabouts of the Zhuchen Pearl were very few.

Shirley Yang could only judge that the Zhuchen Pearl was buried with someone.

At the same time, it was buried in a jade coffin.

The jade coffin did not seem to be very big.

Shirley Yang could not determine the identity of this person for a while.

It can only be roughly judged that from the clothing style, it should be the Qin and Han Dynasties.

Moreover, whether it is the style of the utensils or the clothing style, there is a strange feeling.

It seems to be very similar to the Central Plains Han Dynasty, but there are some differences.

Although Shirley Yang is knowledgeable and has a strong memory, her understanding of the history and culture of Longguo is still not as good as that of professional scholars such as Professor Chen.

Shirley Yang immediately decided to find Professor Chen and Hao Aiguo and others.

These professional historians must have a more accurate judgment of this video.

At the same time, Shirley Yang also knew that it was completely impossible to successfully find the location of the Zhuchen Pearl at once.

I'm afraid I still have to do it step by step.

Find clues related to the Zhuchen Pearl.

Combined with the very precious information obtained from the inventory video, infer the location of the Zhuchen Pearl.

After thinking of this, Shirley Yang immediately determined her actions. She immediately went out and walked towards the school.


Parallel world.

Seven-star Lu Palace.

Wu Xie was about to cry.

The video at the corner finally had subtitles.

The secrets recorded on it also shocked Wu Xie.

The effect of this bead is quite exaggerated.

Especially the opening of the imaginary world.

Doesn't it mean that you can create a world by yourself?

If you can create a world, Wu Xie will definitely create a world without ancient tombs, mechanisms, and robbery holes!

Wu Xie, who is now trapped in the robbery hole, is really in pain.

Not to mention that he can't find his uncle Pan Zi and Da Kui.

At present, this robbery hole doesn't look like it leads to the ground.

Wu Xie crawled forward along the corner. He soon crawled out of the robbery hole.

But his face turned pale.

Because what appeared in front was not a valley with a campfire tent with a breeze and a bright moon.

It was another ear chamber!

It was still in the tomb.

Below was still the empty ancient tomb with no living people, only coffins and corpses. (To read the violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Wu Xie was about to cry.

This feeling of loneliness, especially being alone in the ancient tomb, was too uncomfortable.

Just when Wu Xie was struggling to decide whether to go down to this chamber or return to the original chamber along the tomb passage, suddenly, a purple light appeared again in the tomb chamber in front.

This time, the purple light appeared on the ground.[]

Wu Xie was slightly stunned

"Come again?"

Sure enough, when the second place of the top ten rare treasures in the tomb-robbing world was listed, in addition to the main list, there was also a treasure on the secondary list.

The same was true for the video of the first place.

In addition to the video of the main list, there was also a video on the secondary list.

Wu Xie saw that he was now in the tomb-robbing hole.

Looking outside, it was the video on the ground, which seemed to be quite safe.

Instead of being in a dilemma, it seems to be a good choice to hide in the tomb-robbing hole and watch the inventory video.

Soon the video began to play.

This time the shot on the video was much more normal.

It was no longer the kind of ancient scene where a bunch of people were moving around.

Instead, it was like the beginning, descending rapidly from a high altitude.

After passing through the clouds, the scene below was immediately seen.

It was just that the place that appeared this time made Wu Xie a little confused.

There seemed to be mountains, deserts, and large tracts of Gobi desert on the screen.

But it was not a desert area.

In short, it looked very desolate, as if it was a plateau area.......

But it was completely different from the snowy mountain scene he had seen before.

Wu Xie even felt that he looked much more familiar in this scene than in the previous one.

The last time he had this feeling was in the inventory video of the bronze sacred tree.

He always felt that he had some kind of connection with this place.


Parallel world.

By the Yellow River.

Jin Suanpan has bought the body of the huge fish on the shore.

Then he asked someone to drag the body of the big fish to a ravine not far from the shore.

Then he began to prepare to build a Fishbone Dragon King Temple in this place.

Jin Suanpan is the descendant of the tomb raider.

He is good at finding dragon points.

Naturally, he knows that building a temple in this place is definitely not a good choice.

Even if there are incense at the beginning, there will definitely be no response.

It is very likely that this temple will be abandoned in a short time.

No one will come here to burn incense and worship.

But Jin Suanpan is not worried at all.

Even this Fishbone Dragon King Temple is just a cover.

When Jin Suanpan built this Fishbone Dragon King Temple, the materials used were all ordinary cheap goods. It will definitely be tattered in less than a hundred years.

As for what is under this cover.

Naturally, it is the location where Jin Suanpan found the hole through the art of finding dragon points.

With the Fishbone Dragon King Temple as a cover, the local people would not think that there was anything special about Jin Suanpan's large-scale construction here.

At the same time, Jin Suanpan also knew that his plan was to dig out the treasures in the tomb and exchange them for money to buy food for disaster relief.

It was a good thing.

But Jin Suanpan was more or less worried because he was alone now.

Zhang Sanlianzi once ordered that if the tomb robbers were together, they would live and if they were apart, they would die.

Originally, after Tiemotou died and Elder Liaochen became a monk, Jin Suanpan should have retired.

Unfortunately, Jin Suanpan was kind-hearted and could not bear to see so many victims on both sides of the Yellow River suffer.

He decided to go to the tomb to provide disaster relief.

And the many inventory videos he saw recently also made Jin Suanpan's heart hot.

Tomb robbing is also addictive.

Jin Suanpan could make money by doing business.

But no matter how fast he made money by doing business, he could not stand the feeling of becoming rich overnight after a big bucket fell.

So Jin Suanpan was determined to dig this tomb.

However, after watching the back of the inventory video, Jin Suanpan felt that things were not that simple.

This tomb by the Yellow River might be a rather large one.

It is very likely to be a royal relative.

There are still many dangerous mechanisms in such a tomb.

Especially after seeing all the strange dangers in the video, Jin Suanpan naturally became more worried.

Therefore, he specially found a master who made a needle, Shaoqi Li, to make a diamond umbrella.

Unfortunately, the diamond umbrella is quite difficult to make. Even if there are drawings and formulas, it will take half a year for Shaoqi Li to make it.

But Jin Suanpan can't wait that long.

At the same time, another thing happened recently.

The golden abacus that he always carried with him actually fell apart.

Jin Suanpan knew that this matter could be big or small, but it was definitely not a good sign.

At this time, he was in the Fishbone Dragon King Temple, staring blankly at the back of the statue base.

Digging from here is the best angle and position for the robbery hole leading to the tomb.

But should he dig or not?

Should this bucket be overturned or not?

Jin Suanpan is still struggling.

At this moment, the purple light curtain appeared again in the sky from the inventory video that had just ended.

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