Shirley Yang was somewhat frightened when she saw the video that appeared this time.

The previous video of counting monsters directly caused several students from several schools who were interested in joining the expedition team to withdraw.

Although Shirley Yang knew that even if these students who were not determined did not withdraw now, they would most likely withdraw when the expedition really started.

But this matter still made Shirley Yang very worried.

If another monster appeared in the desert, it would naturally cause the remaining students to waver.

At this time, the camera on the video was getting lower and lower.

Slowly, the scene below was revealed.

It was still yellow.

But it looked like a terrain with thousands of gullies.

Moreover, on these yellow earth plateaus, between the gullies, some green vegetation could still be seen. In some places, some terraces that were obviously dug out by humans could even be seen.

When Shirley Yang saw these scenes, she immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

Although Shirley Yang was not familiar with many places in Longguo now, she could still recognize the scenes in the video.

This is the iconic terrain of the middle and upper reaches of the Yellow River.

The Loess Plateau.

In this case, it is definitely not a monster that appeared in the desert.

It is a monster that appeared in the Loess Plateau.


When thinking of this, Shirley Yang was suddenly stunned.

It was too strange.

If the monster appeared in other places, it would be excusable.

Appearing on the Loess Plateau?

This place is not a particularly remote and desolate place.

Not to mention that the vegetation on the Loess Plateau is washed and the terrain is relatively open.

If there are really monsters in this place, where will they appear?

Even if there are monsters, wouldn't they have been seen by humans a long time ago, and they may have even become famous a long time ago.

The more Shirley Yang thought about it, the more wrong it was.

It's just that the things that appeared in this inventory video are still very reliable.

So Shirley Yang naturally knew that although the Loess Plateau in this picture made Shirley Yang a little confused, it must have its reason.

At this moment, the camera of the video has begun to lower continuously.

On the Loess Plateau with thousands of gullies and ravines, gusts of wind came.

There seemed to be some other sounds mixed in with the sound of the wind.

It took Shirley Yang a few seconds to react.

It should be the sound of water.

The roaring sound of water.

Shirley Yang's hearing is still quite sharp.

The video played in the sky is extremely restored.

There are not only many special details in the background, but also many sounds that ordinary people can't notice.

These sounds may be missed by many people whose hearing is not so developed.

But for someone like Shirley Yang who inherited the ears of a night watchdog like a partridge whistle, he will not miss such details.

So soon Shirley Yang heard the roaring sound of water.

At first, Shirley Yang was a little confused.

Because the precipitation on the Loess Plateau is actually very small.

It stands to reason that there will not be such a large-scale river.

After a few seconds, this roaring river was obviously getting closer and closer.

The sound was getting louder and louder.

Shirley Yang's face changed slightly.

"Could it be... the Yellow River?"

Shirley Yang got excited when she thought of this. Although

Shirley Yang had never been to Longguo before, her favorite person since she was a child was her grandfather.

She had heard many stories about Longguo in her grandfather's arms.

The well-known names of Huangshan, the Yellow River, the Yangtze River, and the Great Wall were deeply imprinted in Shirley Yang's bones.

Now thinking that the Yellow River would appear in this inventory video, Shirley Yang couldn't help but get excited.

Soon the video screen moved forward quickly.

The green of the earthen plateau on the screen began to increase.

At the same time, some turbid streams appeared in the gullies under the earthen plateau.

Finally, after the video screen directly rushed out of a piece of earthen plateau, a winding river appeared on the screen.

"The water of the Yellow River comes from the sky, rushes to the sea and never returns……"

Shirley Yang murmured, and tears even appeared in her eyes.

Shirley Yang had seen the Amazon River, which had a huge amount of water and an estuary that was almost like a huge lake, and the Mississippi River, which had developed shipping and was full of merchant ships.

She had even seen the ancient Nile River.

But when this roaring river suddenly appeared on a dim and dry plateau, she was still very excited.

This feeling was incomparable to any other river.

Shirley Yang took a few deep breaths and immediately calmed down her mood.

Because Shirley Yang didn't want to miss any information.

At this time, the camera on the video was already sticking to the top of the Yellow River and moving forward quickly.

It felt like a heavy rain had just fallen near the Yellow River.

The flood was surging and the turbid waves were rolling.

In this dim and rushing Yellow River water, a black thing appeared and disappeared from time to time.

At first, Shirley Yang thought it was her own illusion.

But soon she found that this was definitely not an illusion.

Because this black thing had floated up and down in the Yellow River many times.

Shirley Yang was confused for a moment, and couldn't figure out what this black thing was.


Parallel world. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"What is this?"

A Ning was also very keenly aware of the strange black shadow that appeared in the Yellow River.

However, the camera was moving forward too fast.

At the same time, the water in the Yellow River was indeed quite turbid.

Basically, only when this thing floated up could it be seen a little bit clearly.[]

"Could it be a huge piece of driftwood washed down from upstream?"

"The Yellow River floods will indeed wash away a lot of things."

"I think it might be a coffin."

Aning frowned.

He could barely see the black object.

It seemed to have scales on it.

"No, this thing is not wood, nor is it a coffin, it should be a big fish."

After Aning finished speaking, all the experts in the office behind him were in an uproar.

"How can it be?"

"The Yellow River doesn't have such a wide area, how could there be such big fish?"

"Indeed, if this shadow is a fish, the part above the water should be two or three meters long."

"The part of the fish's back that is exposed above the water may be only a small part. If this black shadow is really a fish, I'm afraid its length may be more than ten meters!"

"This is so unreasonable.……"

At this time, Aning said slowly,"Although I am not an expert in zoology, I also know that there are many secrets in the Yellow River."

"Although it is not as wide as many other large rivers in China, don’t forget its depth."

"Especially here, it seems to be the middle and upper reaches of the Loess Plateau......."

"The Yellow River here flows very fast and there is no sediment deposition."

"On the contrary, the silt here is constantly being washed downstream by the Yellow River."

"Therefore, the water depth in some sections of the Yellow River is often quite deep, and depths of more than ten meters or even dozens of meters may occur."

"In such a current, it is normal for big fish to appear."

"Moreover, in history, there have been rumors of giant creatures appearing in the Yellow River more than once."

As Aning was talking, the huge figure on the screen suddenly swayed.

This scared the other experts in the office.

Because it was certain that this huge black shadow was definitely a big fish.

Coffins and wood would not twist their bodies.

At the same time, it also amazed everyone.

Because when the black shadow swung just now, more parts of it appeared above the turbid Yellow River water.

It looked like the length was indeed more than ten meters!

This scared Aning as well.

Although Aning had just talked eloquently and his analysis was quite accurate.

But when this behemoth really showed part of its true appearance, Aning was still shocked.


Parallel world.

Jin Suanpan has started to dig the robbery hole.

Although Jin Suanpan's skills are not the best among Zhang Sanlian's apprentices, he is meticulous and has good craftsmanship.

So the robbery hole is dug very neatly.

It can even be said to be beautiful.

Of course, the price is that Jin Suanpan digs the robbery hole slower than Tiemotou and Elder Liaochen.

Slow work makes fine work.

So when Jin Suanpan is robbing tombs, he often tries to find a cover.

The Fishbone Dragon King Temple that he built is Jin Suanpan's cover.

Jin Suanpan has dug a robbery hole about ten meters deep.

But when he wants to continue digging down, Jin Suanpan feels a burst of palpitations.

It seems that there is something ominous.

In addition, it is very stuffy in the underground robbery hole, so he simply climbs out of the robbery hole and goes to the fishbone temple above to get some fresh air. The fishbone temple is on a higher ground, and from the fishbone temple, you can also overlook the Yellow River from afar.

3.3 At this time, Jin Suanpan saw the purple halo flickering in the sky.

The monster inventory video began to play.

Jin Suanpan had not planned to continue watching.

The previous video of the Red Hound had greatly shocked Jin Suanpan.

He even felt that his determination to continue robbing tombs had been greatly impacted.

After all, Jin Suanpan had felt guilty about going into tombs alone.

But just when Jin Suanpan was about to turn around and go back to the Fishbone Temple, he stopped.

Jin Suanpan could not help but keep walking.

Because the video that appeared in the sky at this time was all yellow.

There were gullies and ravines everywhere.

It turned out to be on the Loess Plateau where Jin Suanpan was now.

When he saw this, Jin Suanpan's scalp tingled.

He felt his whole body start to feel cold.

"Isn’t it such a coincidence?"

"Could it be that the video inventory actually went to the bank of the Yellow River?"

"Could it be that there is a monster under the tomb I am digging now?"

Jin Suanpan thought about it and immediately shook his head desperately.

"No, there are countless ancient tombs buried underground in the 800-li Qinchuan Plain."

"How could it be such a coincidence that this is the one I dug up?"

"Impossible, absolutely impossible."

At this moment, the video screen in the sky changed.

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