Revisiting Future Path

Chapter 319: Party talks

319th Ninth Party Talks

Changes in the international political climate have also given spies such as Bu Anshi to have new uses.

The global surveillance system terminated Bu'an Shi's mass work training in due course and temporarily arranged for him a secret mission to **** China's military aid.

One reason is that the local network conditions are not good, and the other is that the Coalition Party has paid too much attention to Bu'anshi's private life. During this time, Bu'anshi's secret contact with his superiors has been intermittent. Furthermore, it will take some time for domestic intelligence agencies to respond to the results of the cabinet elections. Perhaps they feel that Bu'anshi is deeply trapped in a deserted stronghold and cannot get out of it, and has not updated his tasks in time. Bu Anshi didn't know that the cabinet had made a collective decision to "support the Alliance Party more actively." At this moment, he suddenly heard that the mission was to secretly **** China's military aid. He couldn't help but his eyes widened: "China's military aid?"

Jiao Quncai, a member of the Coalition Party who had been connected to Bu'anshi, asked, "Weird?"

Bu Anshi calmed down his emotions and asked: "China supports our coalition party?"

Jiao Quncai: "Always support it."

Bu Anshi wondered: "That's not right. I remember that when I came to Africa last year, I detoured through Gansu and smuggled into Burma. How can the Chinese government support the Narnia revolution?"

Jiao Quncai: "When did you come to Africa?"

Bu Anshi: "Last July."

Jiao Quncai was a little surprised: "Oh, it's earlier than me."

Bu Anshi: "When did you come?"

Jiao Quncai: "I only came to Africa in August last year."

Bu Anshi: "Then you were earlier than me. I set off in July and only arrived in Africa in September. Later, I have been learning how to communicate with indigenous people and work with the masses in Zimbabwe."

Jiao Quncai smiled and said, "We guys are really destined."

Bu Anshi: "There is indeed a fate."

Jiao Quncai: "I'm talking about destiny more than when we came to Africa. The information the organization gave me, is your hometown in Wuhan, Hubei?"

Bu Anshi: "Yes. How about you?"

Jiao Quncai: "My hometown is Xinyang, Henan. We can barely count as half a fellow villager. It's a good fate."

Bu Anshi smiled and said: "When you come to Africa, where you are unfamiliar, the entire country of China is a fellow."

There are less than a thousand cups of wine every confidant, Jiao Quncai and Bu Anshi are talking more and more farther and farther: "My family is a railway man, my grandparents are railwaymen, my parents are also railwaymen. After graduating from university, I was assigned to Railway Construction. The organization listed me as a result. To build technical talents for railways, the scope of work has always been limited to railways. How about you, how are you assigned to study mass work, and it takes more than a year to study?"

Bu Anshi thinks of studying for more than ten months and is depressed: "I am a soldier..."

Before I finished speaking, Jiao Quncai had already realized: “It turns out that you are listed as a reserve officer, so it’s no wonder that you have to study mass work in depth. Speaking of which, the framework of our coalition army is very similar to the colonial army, indigenous soldiers, and coalition parties of the last century. Party members and officers, in order to ensure that the indigenous soldiers are willing to follow the Alliance Party and move forward bravely, all officers must more or less learn some mass work skills."

Bu Anshi felt that the emotional connection was almost done, and slowly spied on the information he really wanted to know: "By the way, did you just say that China has always supported the Alliance Party?"

Jiao Quncai explained: "Strictly speaking, it cannot be described as'always'."

"At the beginning of the revolution, the Huaguo government hated, boycotted, and hated us. It also accused us of being pawns for foreign powers to blacken China's international image. It is a pity that the Huaguo government and our efforts to clear the relationship between us have been ineffective. Hua The more the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China explained sincerely to the southern African countries, the more they doubted China’s intentions. From July 2010 to March 2011, China’s influence in southern Africa declined sharply, and it was because of the presence of the East African Liberation Army. Tanzania, known as Tanzania, also tends to close the window for cooperation with China. At that time, a large number of non-Chinese people were deliberately made things difficult by southern African countries. African indigenous people frequently rushed to the gathering places of Chinese people and shouted: "Get out of our country." '"

"The Huaguo government realized that peace was not in exchange for respect, and because the coalition army was fighting vigorously, it hesitated to start trying to cooperate with our coalition party. Chairman Du Qingjiang raided Botswana's capital Gaborone in a blitzkrieg in June 2011. The goal In addition to the announced smashing of the joint blockade of multinational intervention forces, it is also to demonstrate the combat effectiveness of the coalition forces, showing that the coalition forces are qualified and capable of cooperating with the Chinese government."

"The lightning raid on Botswana won the friendship between the Chinese government and the Chinese government and opened a strategic channel for Chinese military assistance. With the raid on Botswana as a sign, the North Industries and other arms dealers provided massive military assistance to the Union army. The long-awaited bullet reserves include bazookas, bazookas, armored vehicles, anti-aircraft guns, and many other manufactured equipment. Without the logistical support of arms dealers such as North Industries, Chairman Du Qingjiang would not dare to venture into the hinterland of South Africa and kill rampantly. 50 kilometers away from Tshwane, the administrative capital of South Africa."

"In other words, in the self-defense counterattack on the southern border, South Africa called our Union army a group of bandits. All that can be taken away are taken away, and all that can be destroyed are destroyed. The reason why the Union army is so invisible is also because of the Union party and the Chinese government- The government’s arms trade owes huge debts. Almost all of the non-strategic materials robbed by the Union army are sold in the form of debt repayment and commissioned by arms dealers, and they truly become the gold medalists of arms dealers.”

"Marked by the self-defense counterattack on the southern border, the southern African order is moving towards a new process.

"The subversion of Botswana and the border war in South Africa have caused widespread panic in southern African countries. For example, last year, a militiaman just approached Zimbabwe and almost fleeing to other countries by frightening President Mugabe of Zimbabwe. Because of the Coalition Party and the Chinese government. -The government’s cooperation has turned the Alliance Army into a disciplinary club for China in Africa. Whoever dares not to give China face, the Alliance Army will rush to its home to harm it."

"In just a few months, China's influence in southern Africa has not decreased but increased. Compared with the beginning of 2010, China's market share in southern Africa has increased by at least 50%. Facts have proved that'a sweet hand Jujube, the influence established by a big stick is far more conducive to gaining profits than the promise of non-interference in each other’s internal affairs. The existence of the Union Party and the existence of the Union of Republics are all conducive to China’s management of southern Africa. This is also China. The core reason for the willingness to continue to provide military assistance to the Coalition Party."

After hearing what Jiao Qun said, Bu Anshi slowly sorted out the development context of the diplomatic relations between the Union of Republics and China.

Thinking of his own mission, Bu Anshi is a little confused: "Do other countries know the China Aid Alliance Party?"

Jiao Quncai: "I should know all of them."

Bu Anshi: "Should?"

Jiao Qun extended his little finger: "Russia must know it. In fact, the Union Party and Russia cooperated earlier. Before the lightning raid on Botswana, Russia had indirectly provided several batches of bullets and other consumables to the Union Party. Just talk to the old Maozi. Buying and selling-it's a shame. Not to mention the military aid that Russia is willing to give. The price is often two or three times higher than the average price of the international arms trade. It almost treats our coalition army as a triumph. Even, many times the money is not given. , The soft threat forced our coalition forces to spend an extra expedited fund. With China’s military assistance, the coalition’s military equipment will mainly adopt Chinese standards, and considering pacifying Russia’s emotions, will they intermittently allocate a small amount of orders. "

Jiao Quncai stretched out his ring finger: "The United States must know it too. In early 2012, the U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton listed the Union of the U.S. Republic and Syria, Iran, and North Korea as the four evil axis nations. Then the United States announced sanctions against the China Precision Instruments Import and Export Corporation, The reasons of North China Industries and other companies also violated the'Iran, North Korea, Syria, and Uzbekistan (Union Republic of Uzbekistan) Non-Proliferation Act.'"

Jiao Quncai quickly extended his middle finger, index finger and thumb: "The United Kingdom, France, and Germany must also know it. In order to solve the chaos in southern Africa caused by the Narnia Revolution, Germany recently initiated the establishment of the United States, Britain, France, Germany, The Nine-Party Talks jointly participated in by South Africa, the Union of Uzbek Republics, Narnia Bohamaba Government-Government Army, China and Russia. It is said that during the Nine-Party Talks, the United States, Britain, France, Germany, South Africa, and Nani The government of the Yabohamuba government-the government army and others demanded that Russia and China stop military assistance, while Russia and China choked to refute that the right of free trade between countries should be protected."

"Chairman Du Qingjiang doubted the strength of China and Russia's support for the Union of the Uzbek Republic, and was afraid that nights would be long and dreamy, and other accidents would occur. Therefore, Chairman Du Qingjiang resolutely launched a strategic decisive battle and decided to create a big victory for the Alliance party before the outcome of the nine-party talks. The established fact of victory."

Jiao Quncai's explanation is one after another, which is very logical.

However, the clearer the logic, the more doubtful Bu Anshi.

In Bu Anshi's understanding, the military assistance of China and Russia and the game theory of the great powers of the Nine-Party Talks should belong to the discussion materials of the coalition party's senior leaders. Based on his feelings in the Zimbabwe base, ordinary Union Party members or members of the Preliminary Union Party are ignorant of the international situation. It is often something that happens, and the above will explain why it is so after the fact. How can Jiao Quncai know so clearly? The attitude of the countries during the Nine-Party Talks is nothing more. Du Qingjiang is afraid of China abandoning the U.S. Republican alliance and launching a strategic decisive battle. Jiao Quncai dare to speak out?

Bu Anshi tentatively asked Jiao Quncai's details: "Your position in the party?"

Jiao Quncai: "Member of the basic-level party organization of the Ministry of Railways. The rank of seniority is from the seventh rank, which is about the equivalent of a deputy in the mainland."

The Uyghur Republican Union almost completely copied the Huaguo system. In order to distinguish it from the Huaguo government, the senior leaders of the Coalition Party have adopted the name of the nine-grade Zhongzheng in the civil service level system. Take Bu Anshi as an example. After completing his mass work, he formally became a member of the Alliance Party. His seniority rank is positive 9th grade, and his status in the party is equivalent to a member of the Chinese state.

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