Revival of the Gods

Chapter 1047: Love between time and space

"Hey..." 萩 拍 拍 拍 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Yanmo was overjoyed. He hurriedly raised his hand and took the crystal box. He opened it and saw that there was an ink fairy and several blue fruits. These fruits flashed a faint light.

"Hey, thank you, my brother..."

Yanmo was very strange and didn’t speak to the ground. Instead, he shouted at the empty space next to him, and even hugged his hands, as if holding a man in his arms!

"Cough..." Xiao Hua showed his body shape, and some of them looked at the road. "What are you doing?"

"Adults, adults..." Mengmo can't think of Xiaohua so entangled, panic-stricken, "small...small..."

"Who is the black boy?" Jiang Meihua also appeared next to him, and asked with a smile, "Your little couple?"

Yanmo face blush, hesitated and nodded.

Xiao Hua looked at the panic and shyness of Yan Mo, and there was a trace of embarrassment. No matter what the cause and effect of the past and the 萩 , , but the present world is the end of the autumn of this world, her choice has no right to interfere, and has no right to change anything.

The wish of the last autumn is to be an ordinary immortal in this world. To live an ordinary day, there is no need to have any cultivation, and there is no need to have any magical powers.

Now, look at the small shyness of Qiu Momo, isn't it the life that people want to eat? Didn’t you come to be a disciple?

"Hey..." Jiang Meihua smiled and said, "Can you tell the old man about your black brother? The old man wants to see which handsome boy can deserve such a beautiful and unparalleled 萩!"

Yanmo’s face was redder, but a “beautiful and unparalleled” praised the joy of the blossoms, she shyly answered the ins and outs of the matter.

It turned out that as early as a few years ago, the road to the Momo road was occasionally stopped. It was not intended to rest next to this big stone. It was found that there was a crystal box under the big stone. There were Moxian and Qinglei in the crystal box. After writing some words, after seeing it, it was a very strange discovery. This is another fairy who stayed in time and space. There is also an identical fire peak and exactly the same long river in that time and space.

So Ms. Mo was even more curious. After taking the green rai fruit, he also wrote some words in the ink fairy, still in the crystal box, and then the crystal box disappeared under the land.

Who knows, but for a long time, the crystal box appeared again, and there is a new message inside. The 萩 更加 is more curious, so I chatted with the other person named the black child for a long time.

After leaving the peak of Huofeng, Yanmo has the heart to tell the family about it, but the sunspot makes it clear that he must not let others know, otherwise he will be dead, so he did not say it.

On the second day, Yanmo brought the fire squid from the Changliu River, and the sunspot also sent the Qinglei fruit again. The two men talked through the ink fairy.

In this way, Yanmo has been dating the sunspot for more than four years.

Yanmo and sunspots have also been discussed in the environment in which they lived. The two felt that they might be in two different time and space. After all, the surrounding environment is exactly the same, and only the immortals living in it are different.

Sometimes the time of the two people will be a bit confusing, and the two time and space will be one or two hours.

Of course, the intersection of these two time and space is the time tunnel under the big stone that the human eye can't see.

Sunspots and glutinous rice tried to send the ink fairy directly, and the living things were given to each other, but these were all annihilated by the time tunnel, which also dispelled the idea of ​​meeting through the time tunnel.

However, both of them carefully kept the secrets of their hearts and protected this time and space intersection, because this is the only way for the two to be contacted, their fate, and the intersection of their emotions.

"I am going to..." At the end of the hearing, Jiang Meihua couldn't help but cried. "This fate, through time tunnels, love in different time and space, really have you."

Xiao Hua frowned: "Yu Mo, if you say, you... you may never meet, are you willing?"

"I am willing!" Yan Mo bite his lips, as the answer of previous lives.

"Crap!" Jiang Meihua said with a smile. "The two children have already exchanged the things of their love, and they have vowed to stay together for a lifetime.

"Good!" Xiao Hua smiled and took out a hundred-nine bag and handed it to the road. "There are some elixirs here, um, there are some superficial exercises, Xianjing, etc., you take it, take it yourself. Ok, let’s take it to your mother and brother, and give it to your black-skinned brother, but you have to remember, no one can say...”

"Adult!" Mengmo was shocked and hurriedly waved. "This...this is not appropriate..."

"Have it safely!" Jiang Meihua stretched out a finger and patted Qiu Momo's shoulder. "He is one of your old friends, and you are more distressed than your black brother!"

"Ah?" Yanmo heard inexplicably.

"Let's go..." Xiao Hua said that he would fly back in the air without head back.

Slightly humming sounds: "The soul of the sunset at the end of the autumn, the purple Xuanyuan people do not know, see the fire in front of the sky, the heart has a glimpse."

Yanmo naturally is puzzled by Xiao Hua’s poems that can’t be rhymed, but the last two sentences she understands, knowing that they are with the sunspots, and hurriedly stumbled again: “Thank you adults...”

"Hey..." Jiang Meihua caught up and smiled. "It's a bit weird. There are actually two time and space."

"I don't know if you didn't explore..." Xiao Hua asked faintly. "What did you find?"

"It's a space whirlpool..." Jiang Meihua said. "I didn't see anything. If you want to find the truth, you have to look at it..."

“No need!” Xiao Hua shook his head. “When a space vortex is destroyed, isn’t it a cut off the fate of others?”

"This kind of ending is also very good!" Jiang Meihua said to sacrifice the star boat, said, "Let's still busy with us!"

Xiao Hua set foot on the star boat and contacted the ritual with the rhinoceros.

Seeing that Xiao Hua was turning again, it was very happy to be greeted. With the 10,000 demon disciples coming forward to see each other, Yan Zhan changed his new body, but he still stood with a sword and did not speak.

Xiao Hua gave a general question about the time of the ceremony. The ceremony and the disciples all said that there are too many mainland China. It is not easy for them to gather the scattered disciples.

Xiao Hua thought for a moment, simply sent Lu Shu, Zhou Xiaoming, You Zhongquan, Ruthless and other disciples from the space to let them meet each other.

When a group of disciples meet, they are naturally happy. In particular, Lu Shu and Xiao Ming of the state know that they are ruthless. Disciples such as Li, Cui Wei, You Zhongquan and Chang Yuan are disciples of Xiao Huafan. They are also seen as a teacher. Ruthless and so on, see Lu Shu and so on are Yan Xian, where will be a brother? I’m rushing and deducting. Both sides push me to let me see Xiaohua’s mood.

Afterwards, Xiao Hua waved his hand and said: "I don't want to use strength to talk about strength. I only want to learn from the disciples in the long term. Let's take advantage of the disciples of the world! However, there is no strength, or no strength. Don't intervene."

The words of teaching the great master are naturally the golden rule, and the disciples smile again and again.

Next to Jiang Meihua, he was very hot, but he did not go through it. He only had the Taoist inheritance and knew that he would have another disciple in the future.

The disciples were scheduled and stood up separately. Xiao Hua traveled four times and said: "I have made a fortune in the Kunlun Wonderland, but there is no foundation in the fairy world. It’s good to gather the disciples first. I don’t know what advice you have?”

Ruthlessly look at the disciples, go one step and say: "Teach the grandmaster..."

"Don't!" Xiao Hua hurriedly waved. "When I face, it is still good for my brother! You are teaching the great master, I am afraid that you know me!"

"Ha ha!" A group of disciples knew that ruthless relationship with Xiao Hua was a big laugh.

Feeling ruthless for a moment, nodded: "So, the disciple is still a brother!"

"Very good!" said Xiao Hua. "You are a leader in the world, and there is a certain amount."

"The disciples first came to the fairyland. I don't know what conditions are needed for the opening of the celestial world. If it is the match of my creation, it is good to stand up directly!"

Xiao Hua looked at Jiang Meihua, Jiang Meihua smiled and said: "The opening of the sect is naturally to have strength, inheritance, merits and so on, but if you only gather the disciples, you can directly raise the banner, as long as there is no family around, Xianmen sees you not pleasing to the eye, how long you love to stand up!"

Said, Jiang Meihua also looked at Xiao Huadao: "Moreover, with Xiao Zhenren so powerful, in the Qinglan mainland to get a small fairy door to be a landlord, who dare to say something?"

“Made the door, make the door...” Xiao Hua’s thoughts turned sharply, and he recalled his experience for a while, knowing that the door of creation had not followed his own appearance, and he would not attract attention from others. He laughed, “That’s a good idea.” Gate, but you can't open a sect with the name of the old man."

Xiao Hua looked at Bao Jian and asked Jiang Meihua: "Can this fairy friend?"

"The strength is still poor..." Jiang Meihua just said four words, holding a sword and turning his eyes. Jiang Meihua feels like he has been swept by the sword and hurriedly changed his course. "Absolutely!"

"Haha, then there are laborers and brothers sitting in the town of my door!"

Hu Jian said: "Well!"

Afterwards, Xiao Hua sacrificed the fairy to see and Jiang Meihua ruthlessly discussed and decided where to build the door.

Then all the celestial beings took the star boat and rushed there.

Waiting to see, all the immortals feel appropriate, Xiao Hua has the heart to lay the fairy squad around, but the time is too short, Xiao Hua thinks or gives up.

However, Xiao Hua is still in the secret place where the stars are in the sky, leaving the stars and stars in and out of the crowd.

It is not good to have a good gate, but ruthlessly, it is recommended to send disciples to find other flying disciples in the Qinglan mainland. Xiao Hua also promised to let them formulate their own regulations, and they will hide into the stars and sacrifice their rhinoceros.

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The building gate has erected a big banner, will it be known by the nine-day mysterious girl? In the late autumn, I changed it into a glutinous rice...

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