Revival of the Gods

Chapter 1061: Jiechong 167

At this time, he used his fingers to calculate, just less than a few years of ah, Xiao Hua actually went from the beginning of Juyuanxian to the impact of the mid-level of Juyuan, which... This is not far beyond the recognition of Jiang Meihua. Know!

"This... what is this?"

However, Jiang Meihua’s surprise is not here. When he just counted Xiaohua’s cultivation days, his eyes fell, and Xiao Hua’s broken gossip turned out to be an illusion he had never seen before.

The ordinary immortals are from the gossip of the early stage of Juyuanxian to the four images of the middle of the Yuanyuan, most of which are the illusion of Laoyang, Shaoyin, Shaoyang and Laoyin; the lesser part of cultivation is perfect, there are adventures, will Produced four dragons, white tiger, Suzaku and Xuanwu four; more powerful, will produce a star, like a four-phase spirit.

But Jiang Meihua has never heard of the four elephants will have two inexplicable band condensation.

But see a ten-color Hongqiao virtual shadow from the Xiaohua top door through the Xiaohua fairy straight until the soles of the feet, and then there are foot soles into the Xiaohua fairy body into the Xiaohua top door.

In addition, there is a shadow of the light band that condenses with water filaments around the waist of Xiaohua. The cross-section penetrates and gives birth to a full circle of 365 perfect rings.

Where does Jiang Meihua know that the ten-color Hongqiao is the other side, representing life and death; the light band that condenses the water filaments represents the cause and effect!

The four images of Xiao Hua are life, death, cause, and fruit, and the way of life and death and the way of cause and effect!

It is a pity that Xiao Hua’s four elephants have just been revealed, and there is movement outside.

Xiao Hua opened his eyes and the vision disappeared. He sighed a little: "How come so fast?"

Jiang Meihua also woke up, and smiled bitterly: "It's not fast, just four or five years, the adults are ready to advance to the middle of the Yuanxian, how to make the end of cultivation!"

"Predecessors laughed!" Waiting for Xiao Hua to open, Lu Shu smiled. "Everyone has different chances and the way they go is different. The predecessors are not my grandfather, naturally they can't compare with my grandfather!"

"Ginger brother..." Xiao Hua smiled, pointing at the semi-airway. "Xiao Mou is also a coincidence. He just flew into the land of this world. Xiao Mou felt that the law of space was different. Sure enough, Xiao Mou urged the exercises. At that time, the ubiquitous spurt of the surrounding sensation allowed Xiao to give birth to a strange sentiment. This sentiment promoted Xiao’s practice, and this changed.

"This..." Jiang Meihua was stunned and surprised. "Can you still practice like this?"

"Yeah, isn't this the chance?" Xiao Hua said faintly, and then the singer was banned, and Hu Feishan and other three people were standing in the air and whispering.

"Adult!" Hu Feishan hurriedly stopped the sound, and cautiously said, "There is about half an hour before the road to the 1967 boundary. The guardian of the boundary is Zhong Xiaohu. The adults pass by here, and they must say hello in advance." !"

"Good!" Xiao Hua nodded and said, "I will give it to you!"

"Well, no problem!" After Hu Feishan promised, he will fly to Xianzhoutou with Yuexi and other two immortals.

"It seems that the three of them have given up explaining!" Jiang Meihua said.

"It doesn't matter!" Xiao Hua smiled and answered.

Sure enough, after half an hour, there are huge clouds in the distance, some of the canals are shuttled in the air, and the fairy soldiers on the fairy boat will look at Xiao Hua and others.

When I was close, Xiao Hua saw it clearly. The cloud was actually a fortress. The fortress was as strange as a terraced field. There were many celestial soldiers in the middle.

"Hey..." The clouds spun between the clouds, giving birth to a whirlpool, and a small boat in the middle.

The boat was flying, and a hearty sound came out: "Which is Xiao Hu?"

"Adult, this should be Zhong Xiaozhong's tiger." Hu Feishan hurriedly said, "The adults must be rude!"

Xiao Hualang laughed and flew out, and said: "The old man Xiao Zhenren, I have seen Zhong Xiaozhong and Hu Wei!"

"Xiao Huzhen is really powerful!" Zhong Xiao flew out from the fairy boat, looked up and down Xiao Hua, and raised his thumb. "Zhong has already learned from the card that the three tigers are fighting, the previous month. When Zhongmou passed by here, Zhong felt that Changyue was already powerful enough, but I didn’t think she was worse than Xiaohu’s. It’s no wonder that Xiao Huzhen can win!”

"Oh?" Xiao Hua was surprised. Qidao said, "Chang Yue passed by here from Zhong Huo, is to complete the task of tiger fighting?"

"Yeah!" Zhong Xiao nodded. "Chang Yue brought nearly ten celestials to go to the alien sky and rain. Who knows that she will not return, fearing that it will be fierce and sorrowful. Beyond the rain and the sky, be careful!"

"Silk..." Xiao Hua didn't feel anything. Hu Feishan behind him took a breath of air and hurriedly said, "Adult, uh... we must be careful!"

"Oh, thank you Zhong Daren for reminding!" Xiao Hua nodded. "Xiao Mou just took the hand and went hunting. If anything is wrong, I will not go deep into the alien sky."

"Well, it should be like this!" Zhong Xiao smiled. "Although military power is attractive, life is more important!"

"Yes, yes!" Xiao Hua turned to look at the fairy boat, said, "Xiao Mou can not use the life of two thousand sage soldiers as a mustard."

Zhong Xiao smiled and immediately turned a face: "Zhong must be a routine, and also ask Xiao Daren to show the tiger seals..."

"Well to say!" Xiao Hua took out the tiger's seal and read it with Zhong Xiao.

Waiting for the tiger to seal the seal, Xiao Hua, Zhong Xiao said: "Xiao Daren, the land of the boundary can not bear the large fairy boat, but also ask the adults to income the soldiers into the fairy!"

"Good!" Xiao Hua promised, turned to the commander Hu Feishan and other humanities, "You wait for the two thousand celestial soldiers to receive, with Xiaomou into the demon alliance!"

Hu Feishan and other three people stunned, and his face was slightly relieved. He hurriedly said: "Yes, I will obey!"

Looking at Sanxian will go back to gather the Xianbing, Zhong Xiaosheng said: "Xiao Daren gave them two thousand fairy soldiers to carry them, afraid that it would let the adults vote for the rats!"

"Haha, no problem, no problem!" Xiao Hua laughed, and said, "Xiao has his own claim."

" That Zhongmou wished Xiao Da to be successful!" Zhong Xiao Gong handed, "When the adults revolve from the demon league, Zhong Mou prepares a thin wine for the adults to see off."

"Thank you for the big man's words!" After Xiao Hua's handing over the ceremony, Zhong Xiaofei returned, and the flag waved in his hand. A rugged vortex emerged from the dark clouds!

At this time, Hu Feishan and others had already received the Xianbing and sacrificed the boat. Xiao Hua took Jiang Meihua and other small boats and nodded at Zhong Xiao. The boat was pulsing under the pressure of Hu Feishan.

After Xiaohua’s boat disappeared, the vortex began to close. A thin fairy would fly off the side boat and watch the whirlpool. He whispered: “Adult, they will not affect our plans?”

“No!” Zhong Xiao replied faintly. “It’s just a gathering of the first squad, but it’s a thousand celestial soldiers. I can’t afford any big waves, and can they come back from the stars and rains. !"

"Okay, then you will be notified!"

Zhong Xiao held his hand and looked at the fortress of Sui, and said faintly: "Go!"

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What is the intention of Zhong Xiao?


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