Revival of the Gods

Chapter 1067: Purple star tiger

The sound of the drums gradually calmed down, and Xiao Hua’s ear only had the sound of “brushing...” like a leaf falling in the wind and rain.

"Damn..." Xiao Hua looked at the top of his head in a dim, low-pitched way. "It seems that the changes in this pillar space are not static. Oh, great..."

Xiao Huagang sighed and saw a slanting slant in the edge of the pillar of fire. There was a space passage in it.

Xiao Hua was overjoyed, and his body shape swayed into the space channel!

The space channel doesn't look big, but Xiao Hua is in the place where the space channel is big and incredible. Even if Xiao Hua's demon body is a thousand feet, it flies like a fly.

Naturally, the space channel is a sea of ​​fire, but this flame can't hurt Xiao Hua and Jiang Meihua.

However, just flew into a thousand miles, "hey..." a sound of tiger screams, a tiger with a star-studded streak will come out, this tiger's eyes will glow purple, fierce and abnormal!

"Purple Star Tiger?" Jiang Meihua saw, shouted, "Let me go, let me come!"

"If you want it!" Xiao Hua smiled and released Jiang Meihua.

Jiang Meihua's figure fell in the air, looking up at the head of the purple star tiger in the distance, cold and cold: "Let you see my means!"

Said, Jiang Meihua raised his front paws and flew over, but seeing the stars and flames along with Jiang Meihua's body shape also condensed into a torrent of water to the purple star tiger.

"吼 ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” 虎 虎 虎 虎 虎 虎 虎 虎 虎 虎 虎 虎 虎 虎 虎 虎 虎 虎 虎 虎 虎 虎 虎 虎 虎 虎 虎 虎 虎 虎 虎 虎 虎 虎The tiger's armor, protecting it from Jiang Meihua.

"Jiang Meihua is not the enemy of this purple star!" Xiao Hua knows it is not good at first glance. "This purple star tiger is the realm of the red star, equivalent to the Juyuan fairy!"

Xiao Hua thought about it, Jiang Meihua's unicorn has been fighting with the purple star, the two roaring like thunder, the flames are splashing like rain, but for a moment, Jiang Meihua's body is already bloody.

"Poor Jiang Meihua..." Xiao Hua suspended in the high place, watching Jiang Meihua's strip of muscles being torn apart, and smiled bitterly. "The first time I will fail with the law!"

"Boom..." Jiang Meihua was beaten up by the purple star, and the flames were broken!

"Hey..." Jiang Meihua’s unicorn law suddenly gave birth to a dragon scorpion, and the dragon pattern hidden by the unicorn method appeared suddenly. A dragon-shaped phantom grows out, and Longwei has scared the purple scorpion. fly.

Jiang Meihua immediately rushed on, and for a time pressed the purple star to the tiger, crazy biting, but unfortunately, for a moment, Zixi Xinghu was aware of Jiang Meihua's external strength, and the purple light in his eyes began to counterattack!

Xiao Hua knows that he will not wait any longer. He screams and slams down. The phoenix claws are pierced by the purple phoenix star and the star marks. "嗷嗷 ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” Huaxia abdomen!

Xiao Huafeng sneaked a sneak peek, "噗 ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ”

"Oh..." The purple star tiger mourns the struggle, and the blood flowing out carries a red flame!

"Rolling..." Xiao Hua saw the shape, the chicken feet rose, and the purple dragon star tumbling and falling in the air, then it rolled its tail and fled to the depths of the space passage.

"Why don't you kill it?" Jiang Meihua flew, and his body was bloody, he asked with hate.

"I am afraid that it is the nest of the Purple Star Tiger..." Xiao Hua smiled. "You and I came here to take refuge. It is normal for people to attack us. Why is it necessary?"

"With you..." Jiang Meihua did not want to say more, look at the space and say, "The change outside should have passed."

"Well, go..."

Xiao Hua spread his wings and flew out of the space channel.

Beyond the space channel, the undulations and the light have passed, and the surrounding area is completely broken. It looks like a rotten piece of meat that has been broken by a palm. The large and small space fragments overflow the inexplicable water stains, and some **** flutters.

"I always feel that the moon is too fierce! Just the power of this seal can kill Juyuanxian? If you don't find a space channel, you and I will fall!"

Jiang Meihua said that when he first rushed into the abyss, his whole starlight kept the space debris out of the body surface!

"Always look at your heart!"

This is Xiao Hua’s answer.

After the two people flew far away, within the space channel, the purple star tiger slowly explored his head, and a pair of purple eyes were even more embarrassing.

"Oh..." Suddenly, there was a beast of the beast coming from behind him. The purple star tiger hurried back to God, but in the distant fire, a pair of red eyes slowly flew.

After another 100,000 feet, there was an icy fire-colored crystal filament in the broken space. The unspeakable weight covered Xiaohua and Jiang Meihua. Xiao Hua looked up at the top of the head, and had a dim space, sighing. : "There is no other world here, only cold, even the fire is frozen, with the ability of the moon, even if it survives, it is absolutely impossible to return, the golden triangle is afraid that she left before she fell... ”

"Go back?" Jiang Meihua was also frozen, but he did not expect it to be so cold under the sea of ​​fire.

"Go back!" Xiao Hua nodded. "You and I have different skills. You can't do it here. How can you live in the moon?"

"It's a pity!" Jiang Meihua flashed Jinguang in both eyes and looked around. There is no regret that "the bamboo basket is playing with water..."

"Oh, here..." After waiting for Jiang Meihua to finish, he exclaimed and rushed to one place.

Xiao Hua is somewhat inexplicable, but when Jiang Meihua "呜...", it spurts out the pillar of fire, and a fire-colored crystal filament flashes and the flame gradually melts. "Boom..." The sound of broken glass is Only the small moon with a small half of the fairy fell from the inside!

"Damn!" Changyue's body has just fallen, and immediately snorted, and the fairy marks in the eyebrows flashed, seemingly to sacrifice the fairy.

It's a pity that in such a cold, even if it is the constant moon of Juyuanxian high-order, the eyebrows are like lights and candles, and the light and dark are gone!

"Changyue..." Xiao Hua hurriedly said, "I am Xiaozhen, see your message, and come to save you..."

"Ah?" Everlasting, she looked at Xiaohua's phoenix incredulously, and couldn't believe her eyes.

Jiang Meihua opens his mouth and squirts the broken triangle!

Changyue suddenly wet in the eyes, cried: "More... Thank you, Xiaozhen!"

"You are hurt, first hide in my sleeves!" Xiao Hua's claws raised, and the shadow of the robes appeared to cover the moon.

"Xiao Zhenren, beware of Yuchen..." Changyue was about to fly in, suddenly thinking about something, and hurriedly said, "I was tricked into him here..."

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There is a problem with Hao Chen, and Chang Yue meets Xiao Hua, which is a big fat...


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