Revival of the Gods

Chapter 1084: Counting military strength, all happy

Xiao Hua asked faintly: "Is the military power counted?"

"Yes, adults!" Xiang Qing looked at Jiang Meihua, first said, "As for the military strength, the end will not dare to say, can only be submitted to the Tianxianxian evaluation, the end will only have a rough estimate..."

"How many?"

"The adults explored the alien stars and the sky, and the 200,000 military merits were no problem!"

"The killing of seven hundred demon people, a demon family is about eight hundred military merits, this is five hundred and sixty thousand..."

"Adults lead the squadron to resist the squad, killing two thousand defensive soldiers, and the demon soldiers are about five hundred military martial arts. This is one million..."

"When the adults lead the troops, they will kill the 20,000 soldiers. However, as evidence, there are only about 10,000, and each of the five soldiers is five thousand military merits. It is five million..."

"There is a total of 6.7 million in this way. Xianxu believes that the military merits may be stricter. It should be six million in the early days. The adults take half of the military merits, the Mei Tongling, and Li Tongling, etc., and then divide them into half. It is necessary to divide 1.5 million military merits, and each singer has 1,500 military merits!"

"Adults..." The dozens of celestial soldiers who followed, heard this and hurriedly slammed the road. "Small thanks to the adults, and others don't know, the little ones know well, this is to send us military merit!"

The whispered voice said: "In fact, it is very difficult for the squadrons to get military martial arts. Although there are five hundred military martial arts to kill a singer, in fact, it is good to survive every battle. How can every singer take it? To the five hundred military merits? The adults let them earn 1,500 military exercises, which really made them happy!"

"Get up, get up..." Xiao Hua raised the celestial soldiers and smiled. "You don't want to go with the old man. The old man eats meat. You have to wait for the soup! You are welcome, or that sentence, There are more military powers waiting for you in the future!"

"Thank you for being an adult..." The sages were very grateful.

"And..." Xiao Hua smiled. "It’s good to take half of the old man’s military skills, and other military exercises are waiting for you!”

"No!" Xiangqing hurriedly stopped the road. "This distribution method is recognized by the military camp Xian Xian Xian. The adults will not be able to get the other fairy."

"Well, OK..." Xiao Hua took over a few hundred-nine bags and ink-stained sorrows handed over from Xiangqing, and casually said, "There are a lot of military skills after the left and right, let's slowly divide!"

Xiao Hua sent the Bai Na bag and Mo Xian Yu to the Tian Tian Xian to deliver the military merits. He did not wait for the specific military achievements, including the shadows of more than a dozen immortals in Xiao Hua.

Xiao Hua and so on, are all eager to say: "Qin Long rides the account, go quickly!"

Since even the Xiaohua team has more than a dozen cents will be appointed, then the Qin Xinjun account waiting for the immortal will be less? However, Qin Xin’s military account is extremely large. Hundreds of thousands of cents will stand in it and not appear crowded. Xiao Hua does not show the mountain and does not reveal the water. At the end, no one has ever seen him.

On the contrary, Qin Xin, watching Xiao Hua with Xiang Qing and other people standing in the military case, smiled: "Xiao Huzhen came back very timely, it looks good, but Hu Feishan, Yue Xi and Zhao Pingyi fell in Demon League, the strength of the team is somewhat weakened, Xiao Huyu wants to find a way!"

Xiao Hua’s heart was “squeaky”, but he didn’t expect Qin Xin to get the news so fast, and there must be Qin Xin’s eye line within his team.

"Yes, I will definitely find a solution as soon as possible!"

"Yeah!" Qin Xin nodded. "I know that you must have a solution. It is not like Yuchen, and you are eager to reward the military. This is going to be gone. I have to worry about the tigers and military positions he left!"

"Ah?" Xiao Hua is even more stupid, and this speed is too fast! I have just returned from the demon league, but my **** has not been sitting in the military account, and Yuchen was killed.

Is it what the family does?

Or those who do not accept the immortal will do?

Xiao Hua didn't know, Qin Xin didn't say it, and there were other fairy festivals coming in. Qin Xin had other topics, either encouragement, or knocking, watching Qin Xin's eagerness, and Xiao Hua was envious. .

When there was a sound of gongs and drums outside, the flames were raised over the military account, and the military account was closed.

Qin Xin stood up and looked around and said: "You, I will have said before that there will be a big battle. Now there are military orders. Although I don’t know the specific situation, the teams that have participated in the war have begun to dispatch. The three hundred and sixty-five teams are all within the ranks!"

As soon as I heard that I had to fight, all the immortals would be enthusiastic. Some people almost slammed their fists and had a flush on their faces.

"As the saying goes, raising soldiers for a thousand days..." Qin Xin still said, "The days when my team has been recuperating and training have continued. At this time, it is time for other teams to see the strength of my team! This will be Commitment, as long as the tasks assigned by this war are completed, the merits will not be left, and they will be given to you..."

"Thank you Qin Long ride!" The public will be overjoyed and Qi Qi will be in the body.

"You are pleased to start..." Qin Xin will raise the public and say, "Military power is just an incentive. I wait for the guardian team to be a human being. I have a sense of mission in my heart. It is the real purpose to kill the demon to protect the fairy world... ..."

Qin Xin was quite eloquent, and he said that he had a fragrant work. This was a filming of the military case, which made the arrow turn into a large Sunday and rushed into the air, and then fell to Xiao Hua and other soldiers, and said: This is a military order that is dispatched. It is limited to three days and the assembly is completed. Go to the waiting place and go..."

"The end will wait for the order!"

The public will take the token, and they will all be saluted and flow out of the military account.

Xiao Hua did not pay close attention to the military order. He only secretly complained in his heart. The Pioneer Army ordered him to send the strange empty cloth to the Xiaoyuan in the three reigns. At this time, there was a dragon riding command to let him lead the troops. Array, it seems that both have some difficulties!

Back to the military account, the public will have been waiting for a long time. When Xiao Hua ordered the Qing Dynasty to ride the adult's order, he took out the military order and looked at it. The military order was as simple as the pioneering military command of Qian Yuhan. Nothing special.

However, when the phase is finished, Xiao Hua takes a picture of himself on the military case, and rushes out a piece of light and shadow, while waiting for the arrow to be placed on the seal, "brushing" the **** spot on it. Moving, a rugged light filament appears in the light and shadow.

"All the generals..." Xiao Hua pointed to the light spot and said, "The dragon rider made my team ready for the ternary day. At a limited time, the limited route rushed to a limited location. I think everyone has become accustomed!"

"Yes, adults..." The generals will be in Qi Qi, "This is not necessary for adults to worry about, only to pass the military orders, I will wait for the natural team to go!"

"Good!" Xiao Hua nodded, and a little instincts ordered the arrow, which caused the arrow to fall into the army's arrow pot. "嗖嗖嗖" dozens of arrows flew out of the arrow pot, and fell to the eyes of the generals. After picking up the arrow, he said again, "The end will wait for the command of the tiger..."

Seeing that the public is about to leave, Xiao Hua suddenly raised his brow and smiled: "Wait a minute, Xianyu rewards it..."

"Oh?" Even the phase is a bit strange, "So fast?"

Xiao Hua took out the token and swept it to see it. Lang said: "The team of the 260th team explored the alien sky and rain, verified 200,000 military merits; the demon squad killed seven hundred demon, verified six hundred and twenty There are a number of stars and balances, a number of stars and spins... a total of 559,800 troops; the demon squad kills 12,000 squadrons, verifying 14,300, seven stars, some stars, star A number of ... a total of 6,472,300 troops. The team of Xiao Zhenren has a total of 7,262,300 troops..."

"... According to the list of the newspapers reported by Xiao Zhenren, Xiao Zhenren had 2.94,490,000 military merits, and commanded Meijiang's 635,600 troops. The long-distance Li Cheng was 36,300. Hundreds of military merits... The rest of the sacred soldiers have 2,200 military merits!"

Li Cheng and other longevity were shocked and happy. The 160,000 military martial arts, before the thunder was certainly cool, but never been so generous, where like Xiao Hua, suddenly gave so much military power?

"Thank you... Xie Daren!" Li Cheng and other knees squatted down. "The end will swear to follow the adults!"

"Oh..." Xiao Hua smiled and did not rush to raise them. Instead, he put the token on the seal, "brushing..." More than a thousand golden lights flew out, and Li Cheng and others were on the print.

"Wow..." The military accountant gave birth to cheers immediately, and then there was a sound of a mountain and a tsunami. "Xie Huyu is a gift from an adult!"

"Haha, get up!" Xiao Hua laughed, and thousands of hand shadows flew out of the hand, and the fairy and the fairy would be lifted one by one. "The old man can tell you seriously, starting from today, the military will be like When the water comes in, the old man has no time to assign it to you, and he will hand it over to the tigers..."

Clearly, he thought that Xiao Hua would let Jiang Meihua do such a crowded thing. He hurriedly wanted to say something. Xiao Hua rushed at him and gestured to him.

"The wills..." Xiao Hua waved, "As shown by the Dragon Riders Order, ready to open!"

The public will be happy to go out of the military account, and the Qing has not left. He hurriedly whispered: "Adult, you haven’t given Mei to lead..."

"Forgot!" Xiao Hua took a forehead and said, "I just had a lot of people in Qinlong riding, I didn't think about it."

"It's best at this time!" Xiang Qing said, "The adults have won military merit. According to the usual practice, they must be divided into three filial piety dragons and adults..."

"What?" Xiao Hua was Is there such a difference? ”

"Oh, can't talk about anything!" Xiangqing did not surprise Xiaohua's reaction, laughing, "the team is such a rule, otherwise the dragon rider will give our team a little bit of pain, but not 900,000 military merits can make up of!"

"That is!" Xiao Hua thought about it. It is a statement that he agrees to clear the relationship. Do you still want to ask others to give Jiang Meihua the space?

At this time, Xiao Hua also finally understood that it was the same tiger, why Liu Yunshu was only a million in the military.

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