Revival of the Gods

Chapter 1327: He is back!

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First of all, the human form opposite the sacred sacred sacred, the human figure is the outline, the sun is showing the silver body, but the person's body is full of silver, and everything is covered, and can not see the appearance.

When the sun fell on the stone wall, the stone wall first appeared in the nine colors, and the nine-colored overflowing place was born with a big "sacred" word from the stone wall. Isn't it the holy list of the Wan Yao world?

The sacred list is lagging behind, and the names of different sizes are revealed on the holy list!

At this time, the holy list has been slightly different from what Xiao Hua had seen before, and there are more handwritings on it.

"Silk..." When Xuan Xuan’s gaze fell to the center of the holy list, he did not feel a cold breath because he had seen several unforgettable names:

"Feng Fengfeng"


"Human Xiaohua"

"Ling Thunder"

"Ling Bodhi"

"Feng Phoenix Pong"

And the name of "Human Xiaohua", there are some faint shimmering flashes at this time!

"He is back!"

The silver human figure said faintly, "Are you ready?"

"This holy sacred is not ready, don't worry about your heart!" After the sorrow of the sacred sacred sacred, he couldn't help but ask, "How do you know that my sacred sacred list... has this effect?"

"What is the tens of thousands of years left in the Wan Yao community?"

Xuan Xuan is even more shocked. He looked at the holy list incredulously and looked at the silver human figure. He said, "Do you know that Xiaohua will definitely be in the lower bound??"

The silver human figure looked at the holy list. Xiaohua’s name gradually dimmed. He did not answer the sacred sacred sacred, but the name below Xiaohua’s name. Those who wrote the name of the Terran, said: “I don’t know if this is actually Important, what is important is them! Since Xiao Hua, most of the Great Devils of the Wan Yao World are human races, and the disciples of the creations accounted for 80% of these great saints. The Xuan Dasheng destroyed the gates of creation, and Xiao Hua’s lower bounds What is it for??"

Yu Xuan Da Sheng sneered: "It is not the power of the Holy One to destroy the door. Isn't you afraid?"

"Ha ha..." The silver human figure laughed. He seemed to hear the biggest joke in the Wan Yao world. After a while, he asked, "Xiao Hua is certainly a great sanctuary. Xiao Hua certainly has the power to save the world. Xiao Hua is certainly the door to creation." Lord, but... How long has he been flying up the fairy world, do you think that the ambassador will be afraid of him? The ambassador has never returned to the fairy world, and is here to catch it!"

烔玄大圣 silent, he had to say the liehuanguan liehuanguan, at this time seeing the silver human figure so proud, he swallowed the words.

"Xiao Hua is the embarrassment in the eyes of the lord..." said Xuan Xuan, faintly said, "Would you like to wait? Is it the bait in your eyes? When the red wolf king searched for the holy deliberation, why did this saint not think of him?" There will be such a big courage!"

"Haha..." The silver human figure laughed and said, "Even if there is no Red Wolf King, Dasheng is afraid that he will not let go of hatred in the heart? I heard the Red Wolf King said that the Great Saint was injured by Xiao Hua, which is more than 20 I have never shown up for thousands of years..."

"Not bad!" Yan Xuan Dasheng nodded, "Even without you, this holy will also start!"

"So..." The silver human figure laughed. "The enemy of the enemy is a friend. I am not working together now. Will Xiaohua, who is stepping into the fairy world, be killed in the Wan Yao world??"

"Is it not so easy to kill a fairy?"

"It’s not easy for Dasheng..." The silver human figure is proud. "For the ambassador, this is nothing..."

The mysterious heart of Xuan Xuan was eagerly turned. He had never thought of Xiaohua’s lower bound, but he heard that the silver human figure said that it was Xiaohua.

Although he hated Xiao Hua, he could be extremely jealous of Xiao Hua’s means. Seeing silver humanoid help, how could there be other ideas at this time? So he laughed loudly: "Haha, don't know what plans are there?"

"The value of staying has been lost here..." The silver human figure looked at Xiaohua’s name and was hidden in the darkness and got up. "And it is not the place where the deliberation is. The old man daring to ask the great saint to go to the wolf **** of the Red Wolf King." How does Dasheng think?"

"The immortal makes a statement, this holy courage does not kill?"

The sacred sacred sacred smile, the wings spread, "Boom and bang..." and the brilliance was born again. Although the light shines everywhere, the surrounding space collapses, but the collapse immediately turns into a ripple when the silver human shape is near, and the silver man is shaped like a rock, and does not move.

"Oh..." 烔 大 大 轻轻 轻轻 轻轻 轻轻 轻轻 轻轻 轻轻 轻轻 轻轻 轻轻 轻轻 轻轻 轻轻 轻轻 轻轻 轻轻 轻轻 轻轻 轻轻 轻轻 轻轻 轻轻 轻轻 轻轻 轻轻 轻轻 轻轻 轻轻 轻轻 轻轻 轻轻 轻轻 轻轻 轻轻

"Xian asked please..." Xuan Xuan Sheng said, when the wings first flew in, and the silver figure that had already got up slightly paused, he once again looked into the darkness, but still exudes a compelling holy list, silver light At the flashing place, a handsome face was revealed, and the person’s face was clearly disappointed, and then the human figure stepped into a meteor and followed the sacred body of the sacred sacred body, and on his dark silver track, heavier Weird twists, a dazzling glow of thunder!

This glow falls on the human form, but it is to dissipate the silver light, and it can not damage the human form!

"Silk..." Although Xuan Dasheng was flying in front of his head, he could see everything clearly behind him, and he couldn’t help but **** a cold air. He said, "The holy list space is the forbidden place of my Wan Yao, when the non-Sanctuary is born, other big St. can't enter. Even the immortal gods... I'm afraid I can't break into It's easy to get in and out, isn't it really?"

"It can only be the real world. Otherwise, how could I escape this holy exploration? I thought that when I was in the world of the demon, I was able to perceive one or two, and this would be like this... there is no sign at all. Feeling, otherwise you can't fall into this passive!"

"The immortal is really in the lower bounds, he must have the means to return to the immortal world, and it seems that the fairyland is really hateful to the creation of the door, ready to kill Xiaohua in the Wan Yao community!"

"It's just a little weird. Why don't they start in the fairy world, but they should be laid out in the Wanxie world? And they are even more fierce than the Holy Spirit, killing the 100,000 disciples directly."

"Well, as long as you can kill Xiao Hua, you will lose the heart of this holy heart, what is the reason for this holy!"

The mysterious heart of the sacred sacred sacred, the silver human figure is not good, he flew out of the sacred space, immediately aware of the erosion of the laws of the surrounding world, and hurriedly spurred a hint of force to strengthen the sacred body of the body, and his heart was low: "What is the fairy tales of the sacred sacred world? This essay has been used for more than 10,000 years. The surname... I can’t find it in the fairy world!”

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