Revival of the Gods

Chapter 1345: I am compassionate, and my child is blessed with peace!

Xiao Huagang wants to say it again, suddenly looking up and looking in one direction, but seeing there is a faint Buddha light shining like a star, that Buddha light Xiaohua is very familiar, is not the Buddha light of Xiaoling Temple?

"Nan no Maitreya Buddha..." Washing the dust also sensed the Buddha's light. He shook with excitement, and his hands fell to the ground and began to walk step by step!

"Nan no Maitreya Buddha..." Xiao Hua also folded his hands with his mouth.

Nine summer hands tight, biting thin lips, it seems a little scared that Xiao Hua will be shaved!

It seems that no matter how intelligent and wise the woman is, in front of the person she loves... she will lose her mind!

"This... This is the resident of the Kunlun School??" The Buddha Light is getting closer and closer, and the nine-summer look has suddenly opened.

"Kunlun School??"

Xiao Hua is somewhat puzzled. He does not know what the relationship between the young monk and the Kunlun faction is.

After walking half a cup of tea, in the distant clouds, a dilapidated temple appeared in the eyes of Xiao Hua and others. Although the hall was covered with fog, the word "Kunlun" on the forehead of the temple door still had some compelling momentum. !

“Sure enough, Kunlun Road Palace!” Jiuxia whispered, “Kunlun’s disciples were here at the earliest. Later, the gates moved into the Wanxie world. Kunlun Daogong could not accommodate all the disciples. Oh, the younger sister said that not only It is the Kunlun School, and the other sects, including the creation gates, are the same, so the Terran created three other cities. After the first move to the Optimus Peak, the Kunlun School also moved out of Nian Xiaocheng, where... I haven’t noticed..."

Kunlun Road Palace is no better than the Taoist Palace, and there is no monk guard, almost ruined, and Xiao Hua and others flew into the temple. As the Buddha light grew, Xiao Hua found that many gangsters sat in the Buddha's light, or sang Buddhist scriptures. Or tapping the wooden fish, the end is the meaning of the Buddhaland.

Xiao Hua is really curious, but he really can't think of the Buddha's Bodhisattva's two-turned golden body, the heartfelt horror, and the extreme accident!

The Buddha statue of the Buddha is not in the center of the Kunlun Road Palace, but in an extremely small courtyard, under a bodhi tree, a squatting single is standing there, licking the right hand and licking the stick, the left hand backhand on the eye, looking In front, the Buddha light spread out from the heart of the eyebrows, and the whole Kunlun Road Palace, a kind of thorns and thorns, a courage to shoot straight out from the eyes!

Looking at the Pingtian stick in the hands of the cockroach, then look at the 猢狲 three points like Ananda, the three points like the sky, the Ming, the four points like a small monk, Xiao Hua gave birth to a kind of understanding!

When he saw the Kunming Houming in Kunlun Mountain, he was afraid that Ananda was the reincarnation of the six-eared macaque, and he felt that he had a cause and effect with Hou Ming. It was not Hou Ming, but Hou Ming’s life! This latter life of Hou Ming is the second turn of the little monk!

However, why is the little monk not a golden body after the second turn? But the birth of a child, reincarnation into the descendants of Cangwu Houming?

This is going to ask the young monk's second turn to the golden body!

However, Xiao Hua vaguely knows that the golden body needs to be washed by the lotus pond. The Wan Yao community does not wash the lotus pond, and there is no Leiyin Temple. Naturally, it is impossible to condense the golden body. The young monk must only use the reincarnation method to create the demon world!

It is precisely because the young monk reincarnates into a shackle, so no matter whether it is the Heavenly Man and the Wu Dao, or the disciples of the martial arts, they have not said to Xiao Hua, and even the Buddha of the Jade Buddha may not know the blasphemy!

Of course, since the Kunlun faction has been cultivated into a Buddha's fruit and spread the Dharma in the Wanxue world, the Taomen is naturally happy to take advantage of this. The Buddha is the Tao! Let the Wan Yao demon family come to Sanctuary from all directions to worship the Buddha's true body, but also the honor of the Taoist!

"This little monkey... is the Lord Buddha?"

Nine summers were also surprised for a moment, could not help but ask.

"Not bad..." After washing the dust nine scorpions, he got up and said, "The Buddha Lord that Xiaoxiao saw in the past is like this! The Buddha said, I can become a Buddha, why can't you? So Xiaoyan is here!"

After that, washing the dust and smashing Xiao Hua’s body: “Nan no Maitreya Buddha, thank you Tan Yue points, Xiaoyan is preparing to bury in the Buddha’s holy place, leave!”

"Farewell!" Xiao Hua smiled, and watched the dust go to a corner, sitting cross-legged and chanting.

However, after Xiaohua turned around, he was stupid and eagerly said, "What are you doing?"

I saw that Jiu Xia also came to the front of the shackles, and Yingying bowed down and whispered something in his mouth.

"Oh..." After nine summers of meditation, he got up and smiled. "I tried this Buddha's main spirit, and I just read a wish..."

"Cut..." Xiao Hua was a bit disdainful. "Your wish is to tell him, it is better to tell me!"

"Hey, let's go..." Jiuxia still smiled. "I just try it. If it is a test, I will give him another gold body. If it doesn't work, it doesn't matter..."

"What do you want to say?"

Nine summer faces are red, whisper, "Don't tell you!"

Xiao Hua’s heart was swaying, and he just had to reach out and hold the hand of Jiu Xia. “Boom...” There was a thunder in the distance!

"Damn!" I heard it in the afternoon of the nine-summer, and whispered, "It’s a thundering demon..."

"Go..." Xiao Hua smiled. "Is there a Xia Dajun division here, what is the thundering demon bird?"

"Oh, it should be... Xiao Sheng is here, avoid evil!"

Nine summers said a hand of La Xiaohua and flew away. However, when flying out of the small courtyard, Jiu Xia could not help but look back at the Buddha statue, and said in his heart: "I am compassionate, and my child is safe and sound!"

Xiao Hua didn't know what meditation in Jiu Xia's heart. He didn't even know that Jiu Xia re-entered millions of Mengshan after he flew into the fairyland, found Ziming, and learned from his son Ming's situation after he left.

When I knew that my son was a million-year-old Wu Hanming, and my son had not been formed, it was suppressed by the Buddha, and I did not know where it was, and the heart of Jiu Xia was broken.

Jiu Xia once said that a close relative is not divination.

However, for his own blood, Jiuxia would have given up his life and wanted to see the future of Wu Wangming.

Paying the price that others don't know, what Jiu Xia seems to see, Wu Wangming's fate seems to be more than even reincarnation and dangerous! But it seems that I have not seen anything, as if everything is a mirror flower, and Wu Wangming is the rock in the water!

Nine summers confused, confused!

Because she has never seen such a vague future.

However, in this ambiguity, Jiu Xia clearly saw himself and Xiao Hua, and even the shadow of the Wu Dao.

Nine summers are not sure what this accident is, but she knows clearly... I want to meet with Xiaohua and rely on the sect.

Therefore, in the summer of September, I decided to go to the Wudao people. Sure enough, the Wudao people disappeared when everyone did not know and took her away.

When she woke up in the summer, she smiled in front of her eyes.

In this case, Jiu Xia certainly understands that his future is with Xiao Hua, and his child Wu Wang Ming... will appear in front of himself and Xiao Hua some time in the future!

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