Revival of the Gods

Chapter 1378: The accountant of 4.32 million monks! !

"I will go and see..." Cognac looked around and said, Zhuo Yizhuo said.

"What are you doing?" 巽 卓 艺 艺 拉 拉 骁 骁 骁 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

"I am a genie of the demon world!" Dry anger and draw out the sleeves, 巽 Zhuoyi helplessly let go, voiced, "But wherever there is, come find me, the head has a magic weapon..." ァ新ヤ~8 ~1~中文网ωωω.χ~8.~1zщ.còм

"Oh..." Cognac snorted and flew away without head.

"You..." Cognac just flew out, and the Yuan Ying female repairman named Xiaomei had already taken the blood monument and flew up. He said, "This is a magic weapon that a Taoist friend has obtained. It is said that this magic weapon is fully inspired. At the time, it is comparable to the Yuanli nine-character monk. I know that I am waiting for the low-ranking monks to be small and small. In the eyes of Meng Pingqing, they are just ants. However, I am also a genie of the demon world. I have to wait for the happiness of Xiao Sheng. I also have to make a door to expedition to the demon world. I want to ask Meng Pingqing why he killed the door and why he sacrificed millions of disciples!"

The cognac stopped and his heart was touched. It’s good. Although these monks are very weak, they can shoot hundreds of slaps, but they are not inferior to themselves. What qualifications do they have to stop them? What qualifications do you have to ask them? ?

"We want to tell Meng Pingqing, don't think that he wants to achieve the great human sacred, don't think that he is a real supreme, I will be able to listen to him! In front of justice, all monks are equal!"

"We still want to tell Meng Pingqing, don't think that 30,000 years have passed, no one will ask the truth of the year, no one will think about the past kindness, time may dilute hatred, but it will definitely make anger more brewing! ”

"We are ants, we are weak, but our hearts are not weak, our hearts are still huge..."

"Brush..." The dry eyes were awkward, and the tears couldn’t help but rush. Yes, he just complained about his weakness.

"Come on..." The Yuan Ying monk named Qin Mei raised his hand, and the blood monument flew in the air. "Hey," she spurted the first blood, and cried in her mouth. "Put our blood, let the blood The monument saves the wishes of all of us, we want to hear, Meng Pingqing, why do you kill the door, if you feel that you can cover the sky with one hand, then... Come on! We are not afraid of death, we are afraid of such unclear life! !!" New August 1 Chinese website first

"Yes! We are not afraid of death, we are afraid of such unclear life!!!" Dry and tight fists, tears in his eyes slipped quietly, he felt that Qin Mei’s words said his heart!

"I am coming, I am coming..."

"Hey..." Around Qin Mei, one monk rushed to the front, and the blood of the slap in the face gradually grew bigger, and the blood of the blood monument became thicker and thicker, a quirky rune. Gradually rudimentary.

"Haha, haha..." Meng Pingqing, who was condensed in the distance, was laughing. He waved his hand and thirty-three of the Allies were up, and they sounded like a thunder. "It’s just a group of small ants, dare to The old man is arrogant in front of you, you don’t even know what the Terran is!”

"We don't know what the Terran Sacred means!" The dragon does not sneak out, cold and cold. "But we know that killing the gates means betrayal, blood sacrifices and disciples mean extinction, and you, there are The dragon's blood, this means that you...not a pure human race!!"

"Ah? Demon Dragon, Dragon Blood??"

Li Nianxiao and others were shocked and hurriedly looked at the blood lines on Meng Pingqing!

"Haha, a small refining disciple, what do you know?" Meng Pingqing did not panic, but laughed aloud. "The old man has a dragon in his blood. This is something that all Tianmeng lords know. How could it be a dragon?" ?"

"I said that you are the dragon's blood is the blood of the dragon!" Long did not scream and shouted, "Your dragon's blood is just being ... the fairy is covered with fairy law!"

"Roll!" Meng Pingqing whispered, "Hey..." The dragon did not burst into the body when it burst.

"What are you doing!" Qin Yu rushed out, and the dragon that fell in the air would not catch it. He yelled at Meng Pingqing. "You are angry and angry. If you are not afraid, why not let him finish?"

"Non-speaking!" Meng Pingqing no longer cares, continue to spur the dragon's body!

Cognac will come over, will help the dragon do not sneak, feed a spirit, the dragon does not rush to him nodded, still standing stubbornly in the air.

I don't know if it was harassed, or I encountered a bottleneck. The dragon pattern condensed to Meng Pingqing's abdomen and stopped. The thunder was still in the sky, but Meng Pingqing's face showed anxiousness. He couldn't help but look at the sky.

The sky is as clean as the sun, the sun has not yet fallen, the moon is still not rising, but the two suns and three moons are hanging in the sky at the same time.

"Hey..." When the last blood was injected, the blood monument was more than a hundred feet in size. The dragon didn't make a difficult flight. A **** hand came to him and said, "It's me!"

"You... you still forget it..." Qin Hao hurriedly blocked him and said, "You have been injured, and then use the blood, which is not good for the road!"

"You don't have to!" Cognac raised his hand to block the **** monument. Under the big hand, the blood monument slowly narrowed down. He rushed to the dragon and sneaked. "You come with me!"

"Good!" Long did not think about it nodded and promised, then he turned to the millions of low-ranking monks and sweared, "Long sinned, but Long also assured all of your friends. The blood monument is in the dragon, and the blood monument is broken!"

After talking about the dragon, do not take the courage to fly to the edge of the sword array!

"Meng Pingqing..." Long Do not stand in the sword, and raise the hand to pay for the blood monument, watching Meng Pingqing say, "I, the dragon does not dive, on behalf of 4.32 million monks, but also represents billions of billions The Terran who can't come to Qingtianfeng asks you, why do you kill the door, why do you sacrifice millions of disciples!!!"

"Hey..." Meng Pingqing gave birth to lightning in his eyes, cold and cold, "Hey, wait for Huangkou children, the old man would not want to open, but you wait for such a big girl, if the old man does not say, it seems that the old man is guilty! The old man did not The blood sacrifices millions of disciples, and even if the old man kills the door, how is it? The building gate at this time is not the building gate of Xiao Sheng, but it is a one-piece school..."

"Shit..." Meng Pingqing hasn't finished yet, and a roar has come from another direction, but see a broken arm monk holding a flying sword!

"Chen Mengxiao is Chen Mengxiao..."

"The door to the door, he... how did he appear?"

"Meng Pingqing said that he wanted to seal up the stern of Qingtianfeng a year ago. Isn't this a gauntlet? How could Chen Mengxiao not come?"

"How is it possible?" Even Meng Pingqing was surprised. In his heart, "The day is here, the old man and Chen Mengxiao are almost both defeated! Chen Mengxiao's head, left and right feet are destroyed by the old man, oh, yes, his right The eye was also caught by the old man. He... How could he recover so well? The old man is organic, he won’t?"

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