Revival of the Gods

Chapter 1382: Evil, bad, good, good

The nineteen immortals, such as ruthless and gracious, are of course standing on the sidelines, except for the first evil, others are not worth their shot!

"What about them?"

Nine summers looked at Xiao Hua's face and asked carefully.

"They should go to the spiritual world!" Xiao Hua said faintly. "In addition to Tianmeng, there is a demon sage!"

"Right..." Jiu Xia saw Xiao Hua opening, knowing that his heart was angry and asked, "What does Meng Pingqing mean? Is the dragon **** killed by his brother-in-law?"

"No!" Xiao Hua replied, "Dragon God is like this Meng Pingqing. There is a dragon blood in his body. When he fights with Xiao, he has a tendency to enter the devil, so Xiaomou will take him, but in order to keep him face, So Xiaomou left an illusion, seemingly killed by Xiao..."

"So..." Jiu Xia said with some words, "The brother-in-law’s kindness is still less good..."

"The benevolence of the enemy is cruel to yourself!" Xiao Hua said coldly, "Xiao has learned enough!"

Speaking, Xiao Hua took a look at the millions of low-ranking monks, and smiled in his eyes. He said: "However, there are so many monks who have almost no hands-on power to dare to face the Terran, Xiaomou Very gratified..."

“How?” Jiu Xia Dao, “Do you want to make them alive?”

"Yes!" Xiao Hua nodded a few words on the ruthless voice.

Then I looked around ruthlessly and said: "Zhuzi, I am waiting for the lower bound of Xiao Sheng's life. I will revenge for my disciples, and discourage my disciples. I will kill and love my disciples." I am waiting for the gift! Today, the fairy tales make the door to teach the grandfather's life, and ask you, can you follow me and leave the Wan Yao world to go to a land that is not a fairyland??"

After that, the **** monument that just disappeared flew out, and its blood was shining.

"A monk who has just sacrificed blood can follow, but if you don't want it, please take back the blood immediately, but don't sacrifice the blood, wait for other disciples to take back the blood and say no later..."

"This..." Long do not hesitate, the cultivation environment of Wan Yaojie is too bad, he really does not want to stay here, but the ruthless words can not be understood by others, but the dragon does not understand but it is a ruthless fairy. Space, as for Xiao Hua, it is impossible to resurrect!

"I will wait..." The refining and building-base disciples cheered in the distance.

"Dry..." When everyone cheered, they ruthlessly asked Yu Leizong to call the door. "Doing so many disciples do not affect the development of the Wanren community?"

"No, no..." Cognac replied hurriedly. "Most of these disciples are scattered, and there are billions of monks in the three major cities of my family. Millions of disciples are nothing..."

I’m ruthless, and I’m rushing to Xiaohua’s words: “Master, cognac says no...”

Xiao Huagang had to answer. Suddenly his face changed slightly, and he hurriedly patted his waist. A message was sent to the fairy. But when the silver light flashed, the voice of Cui Wei came out from the inside: "Uncle Shi, save me." !"


Xiao Hua whispered, and refused to do anything. He hurriedly exerted his efforts to control the smoke of the yuan and let go of the thoughts in the distance!

Even the ordinary dust fairy can turn over the rain and the Wan Yao community, how can you forbid the full force of the real fairy Xiaohua?

A faint black sky without warning!

At this time, it is already dark, but two days and three months are still hanging in the sky, two days are dull, March is like water, and there is no cloud in the sky for more than 100,000 miles! The monks have long been secretive, and this dark night does not obscure their vision!

However, Xiao Hua’s thoughts came out, but all the monks felt dim around, an irresistible darkness infiltrated into their mudball palace!

"This... What is going on here??" Even if it is a dragon, it is dizzy, and I don't know what happened!

And then, "嗡嗡嗡..." The whistling sound of the surrounding whistle sounded, and the sea tide that was stronger than Lei Zhen’s sound rushed to the end of the world with lightning speed!

The sky is shaking, the ground is shaking, and the peaks of the sky and the pillars of the people are shaking vigorously!

"Master..." was ruthlessly shocked, and even he could not stand.

“莺莺 莺莺 ...... ...... ” ” Jiu Xia hurriedly said, “You wait for the clean up, go to the spiritual world with the master!”

"Hey...hey..." I ruthlessly heard it, and suddenly I felt that my heart was empty, as if I had lost something! Uncomfortable like a cat catch!

Since I was sensible, I have followed the little tail like a ruthless person. Apart from flying up the fairy world, the two separated. The ruthlessness has barely felt the existence of Cui Wei. At this time, when I heard Cui Wei’s affairs, I was ruthless. The feeling in the heart is different!

Qing Tianfeng's sword array is not ruthless and other immortal enemies, Meng Ping Qing long and other immortals have not arrived, so Cui Wei since the distress, ten have met the lower bound of the immortals!

After ruthless awakening, it is even more heart-wrenching, and I can’t wait to fly to the spiritual world!

Xiao Hua is also anxious, but he has fully developed and has surpassed the limit of Wandejie's interface. The place where the Qingtianfeng Terran is located is still good. Xiaohua is slightly cautious. In addition to the gathering of Terran, Xiao Huayan has already been a landslide!

"Well, even if it is the control of the smoke, the law of the extraordinary world can withstand..."

Seeing the towering peaks falling down, dozens of monsters mourning and fleeing, some cubs rolling in the gravel, Xiao Hua smiled and appeased the cubs, placed in a safe place, slowly relieved Read, raise a hand and a **** monument, and swear in the mouth: "The sons, and listen to the old man's arrangement, later I will be the doorman..."

Xiao Hua did not reveal his body shape, and did not reveal his voice. Everyone listened to his ear, which is a ruthless accent.

"Yes..." All the monks were ecstatic in their hearts and hurriedly prayed.


With the blood of Xiaohua, Xiaobei’s voice has turned into millions of blood, and Xiao Hua’s heart has been covered with bloodshots, and millions of monks have been wrapped up!

"Receive..." Xiao Hua thought about it, and millions of monks were divided into dozens of incomes for Shenhua!

Li Nianxiao and Cognac did not sacrifice the blood. At this time, the voices of Xiao Hua were heard in the ears of the two people: "Li Nianxiao, cognac, old man Xiao Hua, I have seen it before, you are the old man, Can you wait for the old man to leave the Wan Yao world?"

Xiao Hua’s words sounded He said immediately that he knew that Xiaohua was seen in Shengxiao City on that day. He was unwilling to wait: "The disciple is willing to go to the fairyland with Xiao Sheng!"

"Haha, you want more!" Xiao Hua smiled. "You can fit together, how can you enter the fairy world? And with other disciples, you will be able to wait for the robbery, and then come to the fairy world!"

"Where the disciples are willing, as long as they can follow Xiao Sheng's footprint!"

I have to say that the dry **** and the dry Di Heng!

As the dry voice landed, his figure disappeared.

As for Li Nianxiao, there is some hesitation. He whispers: "The younger generation is very willing to follow the predecessors, but...the younger generation still wants to see her mother..."

"Come on!" Xiao Hua smiled. "Li Zongbao is afraid that he has already risen to the fairy world!"

"Yes..." Li Nianxiao nodded slightly.

Xiao Hua received Li Nianxiao and Cognac, and did not send it to Shenhua mainland with other people, but stayed in the void!

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