Revival of the Gods

Chapter 1394: In the dangerous 0 million Mengshan

Xiao Hua asked again with interest: "Where do you think she should be?"

"Small moon's life experience is actually very poor. She was taken by Bai Fei, and she used it as a pet. It is occasionally advantageous. She couldn't practice it before. She only used the white flying side to secretly absorb the aura, and then followed the child, she can really practice. It’s impossible to say that it’s flying to the demon league.” “The child is thinking, if he can meet, the child will ask the righteous father to bring her back to the fairy world and still be a child. Fox pets can be!"

"Cut..." Xiao Hua snorted and said, "This is just your wishful thinking. Who knows that Xiaoyue is not happy!"

"Definitely happy!" hurriedly argued, "When the child swears to fly to the fairyland, Xiaoyue is not willing, but must keep a vow..."

"If you are willing!" Xiao Hua smiled. "I stayed in the Wan Yao community to find Xiaoyue. When the righteous father returns to the fairy world, how come to find you?"

The gift to the first is a hi, then shook his head: "Still forget it! Don't say that the righteous father needs the child to be around, the righteous father just said yes, who would like to be a slave to others? Say no one can enjoy the present freedom! ”

"Oh, ......" Seeing the space channel in front of him, Xiao Hua brows and says, "Since your heart knot has been solved, it is still awkward to return to the fairy space! After all, it is the world, staying more It is harmful to the casting of your fairy body..."

"The righteous father?" asked the court.

"The righteous father has his own ideas!" Xiao Hua smiled and robbed a robe, and said to him, "You go back!"

"Oh..." He did not say anything to the ceremony, but smiled, but his heart was like a mirror. It must be that the Xia Dajun division was cured, and the righteous father suspected that he was in the way.

It’s true to think of the ceremony, and Xiao Hua sent the gift back to the fairy space, turning his face and sending the nine summers out of the space.

Nine summers fell into the Wan Yao community, and I saw Xiao Hua at a glance. Her first reaction was to look at Xiao Hua up and down, and then patted her chest with her hand and said, "Fortunately, my brother-in-law is innocent..."

"Oh..." Xiao Hua was hot in his heart, but his mouth was cold and cold. "But how can the five elements of the district be injured?"

"That is, that is..." Jiu Xiabian said that he was exploring his own injuries. This investigation did not matter. Jiu Xia first had a horror on his face, and then he was as charming as a silky road. "Brother, you are small." What did the girl do?"

Xiao Hua’s heart, thumping and fluttering, shunned the hot eyes of the nine summers, said in the mouth: “What? What did I do? What can I do?”

"Hey..." Nine summer laughed. "Small sister remembers clearly, Shenjiaxian people are angry with a blow, and the younger sister is very hurt. How can this be healed in a blink of an eye?"

"Yes!" Xiao Hua took the heart and asked, "This is also Xiaomou wants to ask you, you went to Xiaomian fairy space, not what Xiaomou did, how to hesitate himself?"

Nine summer eyes turned around, and after a moment, smiled and said: "Is it a mistake to be a young girl?"

Xiao Hua was helpless and retorted: "Yes, since it is your own healing, why bother me? I have nothing to do!"

These two, one hidden space secret can not be revealed, a heart hidden in the shame of the fit does not dare to explain, just like this kind of dumb puzzle!

"Okay, okay..." Nine summer stretched out and said, "I want to thank my brother-in-law. If it is not a brother-in-law, the fierce five-line fairy will want the life of the younger sister..."

"Nine summers..." I don’t know how to wait until the end of the nine-summer, Xiao Hua smiled, not to look at the enchanting of the nine summers, a serious way, "Sister husband really wants to thank you! If not you, you may be fallen Although my brother-in-law will have some means, but after all, it will make me feel ruthless, and my brother-in-law will have a knot in my heart..."

"Hey..." Nine summers smiled and said, "Look at my brother-in-law, we are a family, why bother to say two words! Hey, what is your old means of squatting behind? Can you... Did the little girl talk about it?"

"There is nothing!" Xiao Hua said a little, said, "It is just the method of the soul and soul. You are not doing enough now. After you have been able to, you can teach your brother-in-law!"

"The law of the soul and soul?" The smile on the face of Jiu Xia solidified, and it was absolutely shocked and lost. "The brother-in-law has no sister-in-law! The so-called soul-body gel... It’s not white..."

"Not what it is" Jiu Xia did not say, and said it is really amazing!

Xiao Hua understands what Jiu Xia said, and he hurriedly waved: "It’s still far from the level you said, but it’s just a bit of a trick, and you’ve gone half a step on the secret of the immortal body!”

"Hey..." Where did Nine Summers know Xiaohua’s low-key, she grinned again, "What is stealth, it’s clear that it’s a secret, and this little girl is far from being able to snoop."

After that, Jiuxia looked around and changed the topic: "Isn't the brother-in-law said that the killing of Shen Jiaxian immediately turned the fairyland? How is it still in the Wan Yaojie?? Is there something happening..."

“Not bad!” Xiao Hua nodded, and said that Jiang Jiaxian and Shen Jiaxian’s things, as well as the smashing of the millions of disciples of the sacred door, said that Jiu Xia was not surprised, but some of them were fresh and eager to interface. My brother-in-law is right, there must be another lower fairy, otherwise it is impossible to do so seamlessly!"

"The key is..." Xiao Hua scratched his Xiao Yiju killed several big saints and killed a five-line singer. He has already stunned the snakes. Even if the immortals stay in the Wan Yao world, they will shrink. Not out! ”

"Xiaomei thinks that the purpose of the immortal is the blood of a million monks. He is afraid that he will return to the fairy world long ago, because he has no reason to stay in the Wan Yao world..." Jiu Xia did not want to say, "And the brother-in-law is still in a hurry today. Millions of Mengshan's soul repair, they have been exposed, Tianzunfu, the penalty palace or the palm palace will definitely send people to explore the lower bounds, once found, the consequences are unimaginable!"

Speaking of this, Jiu Xia looks at Xiao Hua, which means profoundly: "Sister husband, you have now got the Shenjia's broken fairy boat, as soon as you push, you can return to the fairy world, but you still have the heart to repair, for Everyone in the realm of life wants to die, the little sister really admire, you are such a fairy..."

"Hold and stop..." Xiao Hua hurriedly waved. "Xiao Mou said that he is not so atmospheric, but it is a million Mengshan and Xiaomou..."

Speaking of this, Xiao Hua hesitated a bit, and then said: "Millions of Mengshan has Xiaomou precious, can take life, so Xiaomou can not go!"

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