Revival of the Gods

Chapter 1401: See also 13 bone columns

"Hehehe..." Undead beasts naturally can't understand, but they don't delay it to perceive the joy of Xiaohua's heart, and the undead beasts whisper again.

"Oh..." With the shackles of the undead beast, the soul beasts roared at the same time, apparently a little restless!

Undead beasts are furious, and Xiaohua’s palms are flying out of the air. “Hey...” The undead corpse is exploding, and the spurs on the back and the spurs under the body are unfolding, which looks like a bone-shaped giant!

"Oh..." Seeing the undead beast angry, some soul beasts whining around, but still not fully surrendered!

The undead snarl roared and prepared to pounce on the past. Xiao Hua smiled. He opened his mouth and made a strange sound. Although the voice was like a roar of sorrows, even there was lightning and thunder on Sunday, and thunder and lightning came out, but the soul beasts around him It is listening to the animal body shaking!

Because Xiao Hua is using the witchcraft, the mouth is green and swearing: "I am a million virgins, the murderous enemy of Mengshan is near, I came to save the blasphemy at the throne of the thirteen gods. I have Wushan Yijie, Naimeng Mountain The soul repairs the Terran and the ancestors and other hometowns, and I listen to my order, and I sneak into Wushan..."

Xiao Hua also does not care whether these soul beasts can understand, but also the mouth, the heart is the heart of the matter and the undead beast said.

Xiao Hua’s voice landed, and the surrounding areas were again ruined. Obviously these soul beasts understood the disaster!

"Hehe..." Undead beast flew, and nodded at Xiaohua. This beast had no eyes and no face. There was only a black hole in the beast. Xiaohua patted the beast and said: "The old man calls you a meditation. !"

"Hehe..." Happiness, nodded desperately, as if I like it very much.

"Look at the place where the old man is prepared..." Xiao Hua’s heart is released, and he will roll it up, and he said in his heart, "And then tell them not too late!"

"Hehe..." Nodded, although the animal body still struggled, but it was still Xiaoshan's income in Wushan space!

"Oh..." Seeing that the murder suddenly disappeared, the soul beast was smashed again.

However, Xiao Hua did not pay attention to them. When the soul beast was ready to rush, Xiao Hua will be ruined, and some soul beasts who had previously earned Wushan space will be released!

"Oh..." The soul beasts first fell into the surrounding area, and then began to scream and scream, listening to the sound as if it was extremely low, then the soul beasts flew to Xiaohua, surrounded by Xiao Hua howl!

Xiao Hua looked at the meditation in the midair without moving, and Nahan in her heart, I don’t know what to think about.

After about half a cup of tea, "hey..." Ming once again whispered, this time it was directed at the soul beasts surrounding Xiaohua. Sure enough, after dozens of soul beasts were smashed, they spread out and flew into the soul beasts. In the middle, these soul beasts are low-lying, as if they are saying something, while other soul beasts are high and low howling, which should be asking.

There is no far-reaching flight, but it is accompanied by Xiao Hua. From time to time, Xiao Hua’s “He He...” is called, and Xiao Hua is awkward because he does not understand what to say.

Xiao Hua thought of Xiaoyin and Xiaohuang, but he was afraid of disturbing these soul beasts, so he only smiled and patted the body of the beast, and did not release Xiaoyin and Xiaohuang!

About a scent of incense, surrounded by hundreds of thousands of miles, there are thousands of soul beasts of different sizes flying out, toward Xiao Huayong, the soul beast that was previously Xiaoshan’s income from Wushan is accompanying these soul beasts. Don't have to say anything, Xiao Hua immediately understands that these soul beasts are going to visit Wushan space!

Therefore, Xiao Hua released his mind and sent these Souls to the Wushan space!

"Hey..." Yuhua Xiaohua fell into the Wushan space. It was intended to be transformed into the shape of the thirteen gods.

I know, these soul beasts enter the Wushan space, and immediately make a low voice in the mouth, screaming at the sorcerer who is opening the Xuanyuantian, and the flames of the whole body are burning like fire!

"Yes, don't do anything to do nothing!" Yuhua Xiaohua smiled slightly, and took out the space, and sent these soul beasts!

"Hey..." Thousands of soul beasts flew behind, excited and low, and all the soul beasts began to boil.

The sound of low voices has come up one after another.

Xiao Hua saw things in his eyes, and he said in his heart: "Ming, tell them that they will not turn back when they go, let them pack everything, three... No, at this time the old man will send them to the new Mengshan!"

Xiao Hua wanted to give these soul beasts three days, but I was afraid that the fairy goddess of Tianzunfu would really come again, so I shortened the time to one day. He didn't know if these soul beasts were the same as the Terran... I needed to move and need to clean up!

I know, in the heart of Xiao Hua, I promised, and flying high above the air is a few low voices. Those soul beasts disappear like water, or fly into the void, or break into the earth!

Xiao Hua is a bit stunned, and really wants to clean up!

"Hehe..." Fei flew to Xiaohua's eyes, squatting at Xiaohua, and then flew forward and looked back at Xiaohua.

Xiao Hua listened to the call of the bottom of my heart, although my heart was puzzled, but still followed it to the former rushing out of the blood column!

"Hey..." The body of the meditation glowed with faint luster, and several green 篆 diplomas floated out to make strange sounds. "Booming ......" The emptiness of the sky, the blood of the Nether rushed out, and rushed into it, once again hitting Xiaohua low. Nodded.

Xiao Huachong swayed and waved, and his body shape fell on the blood of the Nether!

Although Xiao Hua’s figure is a **** wave, he has a twisted luster at his feet. His place is actually not in a space with the blood of the Nether!

"Oh..." Ming did not seem to know, snoring, body shape, the blood of the Nether was naturally rolled up, Xiao Hua followed the rush into the earth!

Xiao Hua released his thoughts and explored under the blood column of the Nether. Under the blood column of the Nether, it is naturally the blood of the Nether, but when Xiao Huayan sees the situation within the blood sea, it is not I was stunned!

But there are countless mountain peaks in the **** sea. There is a weird building above each mountain. Among the countless peaks, there are thirteen giant pillars that go straight into the blood, each giant. The columns are huge!

Whether it is a stone pillar or a mountain peak, it is exactly the same as Xiao Hua’s previous soul repair site in the spring and the sea.

But the difference is that on the thirteen giant pillars of the sky, twelve temples are entrenched in front of an undead beast. It seems that there is a phantom like the twelve gods appearing between the twinkles.

Seeing a heavy space fault and an inexplicable secluded light and shadow like an interface, Xiao Hua knows that this hidden place is hidden in the space that ordinary immortals can't explore!

The place where Xiaohua is located is the thirteenth pillar of the central government!

"Hey..." Not waiting for Xiaohua's figure to fall, the other twelve undead beasts got up, Qiqiu squatted, and twelve giant pillars gave birth to green and silver at the same time. A huge imprisonment gave birth to Xiaohua.

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