Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2043: Those who have offended my fairyland, although far away

"Xiao Zhenren is polite!" Xi Yuxiyu smiled faintly, and raised his hand with the same golden light.

"Om" As Feng Ming opened his eyes, Jie Chong began to collapse around, and a number of laws began to burst. Xiao Hua was about to raise his hand to imprison Feng Ming. Feng Ming opened his eyes in surprise and looked at Xi Yuxiyu, "Xi Yuxiyu! Dare to count the old man !!! "

Said, Feng Ming hurriedly patted himself on the top door, "booming" a golden cloud rushed out, and covered Feng Ming's body early. Although Jie Chong still collapsed, the bursting of the law has slowed down.

"Huh," Xi Yuxiyu sneered, "Feng Ming, you fall in, you can only show that you are stupid, if not for the purpose of attracting Xiao Xiaoren to come to the world to exchange you, I will have your soul!"

"Xiao Zhenren?" Feng Ming turned his head to look at Xiao Hua, with an inexplicable expression on his face, and said, "Xianyou is my warlord?"

"Master Feng," Xiao Hua beckoned Fengming, "It is not too late to return to the team and speak, you always seal the fairy body, otherwise Jie Chong collapses, Xiao, and Yuan Xi's team will all suffer!"

"Good!" Feng Ming promised, his hands clinging to himself, and saw the breath of the fairy body drop sharply, Feng Ming only urged his figure to fly from behind Xiao Hua, but even so, the large black and white space folds After being born, the folds caused countless vortexes to flow towards the Fengming fairy body. Even Xiao Hua's fairy body shook slightly. The fairy body of the Nine Palace fairy was comparable to a world, and it naturally had a great attraction to the fairy body.

Fengming saw this and waved his hand with a wry smile, as if pushing Xiao Hua, and said in his mouth: "Sorry, Xiao Xianyou ..."

"Oh, no worries ~" Xiao Hua responded casually, and also waved his hand, just about to speak, "Boom" a big earthquake in the distance, the pale blue space channel was exploded, although Xiao Hua was vigilant, Xi Yu turned around Looking at it, he naturally turned his head slightly.

At this moment, Fengming's swinging hand suddenly rose, and the sound of "Woo" turned into a 100,000 feet of golden light slap on the top of Xiao Hua's head. Under this golden light, Xiao Hua's left and right spaces were all sealed, even Xiao Hua Zhou's thunder and light all shattered.

"Haha ~" Xi Yuxiyu turned his head with a smile, just about to speak, but saw that Xiao Hua's right swinging hand was instantaneously red in the golden light, and on the red arm, a bone hand was grabbing the blood and golden light. 'S short knife!

With the wave of Xiao Hua's bones, this short knife "brushed" the blood shadow and the golden light faster than the lightning. Not only did it split the golden seal, but it also fell to the top of Fengming's head. The vast golden clouds, and even Fengming's fairy body that has once again revealed the texture of the Nine Palace Immortals, are divided into two under this blood shadow!

Fengming hardly had any screams, and then looked down at his fairy body inexplicably, a blood-stained line between his two eyes.

It's just that this bloodshot line with Xiao Hua's right hand was drawn back, and the surrounding rule of law impacted. The bloodshot line turned into a blood curtain, and Fengming's fairy body fell down from left to right in the golden light burst!

Until this time, the puzzling in Feng Ming's eyes turned into incredible fear!

Xi Yuxiyu was stupid, his smile condensed on his face, he opened his mouth and did not know what to say, Xiyuxiyu really couldn't understand, Xiao Hua came to rescue Fengming, how could he kill Fengming? ?

Study ...... What happened? ?

Xiao Hua ’s robe showed off the Fengming corpse, and said coldly: "A long-nine middle-aged and handsome long-vaulted man who went to the depths of the world in a frustrated and crazy way to throw himself into the net, except for betrayal, Xiao Mou could n’t think of it. What is the reasonable reason !!! "

"Roar ~~" ​​Xi Yuxiyu was angry, his head was screaming, and the broken boundary around the surrounding space was violently oscillating like boiling water. Xiyu Xiyu couldn't help crying, "Dare you play me?"

"I'm just playing with you, what's wrong?"

Xiao Hua smiled at Xi Yuxiyu's eyebrows with flashes of blue light and countless blood spots rapidly condensing. He said lightly, "I'm coming to the boundary, not for Fengming, I'm invited to fight! I not only If you want to destroy your avatar in the city of the star tower, you will also kill your body here! "

"Roar ~" Xi Yuxiyu shouted again, "Whoosh" But seeing Xi Yuxiyu's pale blue armor, countless quiet blue spots flew out like nebula, falling into the boundary and screaming "buzzing", The violent fluctuations that must be raged by a starburst, and the chaos immediately became tens of thousands of miles away, not to mention that some nearby Xingzhou fairy soldiers, that is, the demon clan and the space channel are all transformed into nothingness, which makes them most embarrassed. The fleeing fairy soldiers are shocked that these light spots are really nebulae. The countless stars inside not only flash the starlight, but also give birth to a killer!

"Hum ~" Xiao Hua snorted softly, patting the beast of the armor lightly, "roaring" a phantom phantom came out of the air, a big mouth with smoke spewing out, and the star palace screamed out in this smoke!

Xiao Hua's hand-knotted immortal tactics were printed on the star palace seal, and he said the truth: "Suppress!"

"Booming" countless columns of starlight clouds torn the void and penetrated the boundary punch, just like the Wanjun iron column bombarded into chaos, the tyrannical demon clan star was rolled by the starlight cloud column, and screamed!

Xi Yuxiyu's complexion changed slightly, and a thick blood mist was sprayed out with a frown of **** eyes!

"Aoao ~" Blood Mist plunged into the stellar column with a scream like a ghost's head, or fell into a few unshaped boundary rushes, or rushed into the stars that the stars were rolling, and for a time the nebula turned into a blood cloud. Thousands of miles of the world is flushed with blood!

Xiao Hua was shocked and was about to sacrifice the Demon Sword. There was a sudden breeze in the "Woo" realm. The chaotic space suddenly had a layer of light smoke rising strangely, and with this light smoke tens of millions of miles Jie Chong is like unveiling a mysterious veil, a black and white world appears in front of Xiao Hua!

"Xiao Zhenren ~" Qingyan gathered in front of Xiao Hua and condensed into a handsome humanoid figure. This humanoid figure smiled, and a ghostly star flickered in the eyebrows, and said lightly, "The human race has a word, the enemy should be solved. Knot, I ca n’t wait to turn it into a jade silk ~ "

Xiao Hua also smiled at the corner of his mouth, nodded and said: "The young master knows that my human race has a word, whoever commits my immortal world, even if it is far away!"

With Xiao Hua's voice landing, Xiao Hua's eyebrows suddenly produced a silvery white vortex, "Whoosh" shooting Japanese arrows shot extremely abruptly!

"Boom ~" Shooting a sun arrow ignores the distance between Xiao Hua and Xi Yuxiyu, and just revealed the body of Youbi Arrow, that point Zhengyang is in the middle of Xi Yuxiyu's eyebrows and star marks!

"Ah ~~" Xi Yu xiyu screamed, a round of sun burst out of Xi Yu xiyu's head like a reborn, and the sun was more like a thousand swords torn Xi Yu xiyu humanoid demon body!

"Haha, haha," the demon body was scattered like clouds and fluttering, but the laughter of Xi Yuxiyu was flying in the clouds, "Xiao Zhenren, it's not easy for you to fall into ambush! Unfortunately, you have a lot of calculations, you still can't think of ... … "

During Xi Yu's xiyu laugh, Xiao Hua looked around, but when he saw that the previous world had long disappeared, it was replaced by a black and white world. There were **** clouds around the world. The blood was full of Xi Yu's xiyu's laugh, Xi Yu Xiyu's voice came from countless ghosts.

Xiao Hua sneered and said lightly: "This is a cultivating soul realm secret in your soul department?"

Xiyu stunned for a moment, and said with a strong smile: "Good, do you know?"

"Haha, Xiao Mou knows more than that ~" Xiao Hua laughed and raised his hand to pat the top door. "Booming" a splendid glow of light from the top door instantly dyed the surrounding black and white world!

And Jiu Cai fell on Xi Yuxiyu, a blaze of light also spawned, but only in three colors!

Seeing Jiu Caixiaguang fall into a robe to protect Xiao Hua, and Xi Yu ’s three eyeballs are about to fall off, he could n’t help but exclaimed: “Jiuhuan (yingyu)? You? How is it possible to complete the cultivation of Jiu Yuying (yingyu)? Is it true that what Xiuyu Xiuyu said ... is it true? "

"Humph," Where will Xiao Hua answer Xi Yu? He snorted coldly, and raised the red dust to mourn the sacrifice!

Seeing that the book-shaped red dusty confession exhibition was showing 129,600 rays of glow, Xi Yuxiyu sneered, "Human God Soul is really a bit interesting, even the attack of the Soul Soul must transform the fairy, you think this is the fairy world ? "

In a word, Xi Yuxiyu's figure flickered, and ten tentacles were transformed into three-color serrated splits to cover his face. This is Xi Yuxiyu's use of the soul system of black magic to phantomize the space. These ten tentacles came out as if the sky collapsed.

"Interesting ~" Seeing the sudden changes in the surroundings, Xiao Hua was in a state of chaos ~ ~ said lightly, "This is the soul realm space that the Soul Demon Race is good at? It looks not as good as the mysterious territory of my human race. what!"

Said, Xiao Hua did not urge the red dust to record, but in the hand, a nine-color glow came out, turning into a huge lotus and blocking it above his head.

"Booming" dozens of tentacles grabbed it, it was really shocking like heavenly creation. Everything around Xiao Hua turned into nothingness, only Jiucai trembles in the wild, and the lotus lotus condensed by the glow of Jiucai also shattered Make hundreds of millions of broken firefly.

"Haha, sure enough," Xi Yu xiyu laughed, smugly, "You certainly got nine yingyu (yingyu), but unfortunately the fire is still shallow, how could it be my enemy? Xiao Zhenren, honestly handed over nine "Yingyu", I will protect your soul into the reincarnation! "

"Fengming should be defeated by your mystery of the soul realm?" Xiao Hua asked thoughtfully as Jiu Caixiaguang was born and died around.

"Guess what?" Xi Yu xiyu laughed, and then opened a mouth, "Woo ~" A gust of wind blew, actually blowing Xiao Hua's figure, and the nine-color glow gradually became unsustainable and began to wither and fade. .

"Xiao Mou was still a little strange before," Xiao Hua looked at Xiaguang and some ghosts began to emerge, and said leisurely, "You are a demon clan comparable to Da Luo, and a clone can't compare with Xiao Mou, but how to say There is also the power of a battle, how could it be killed by Xiaomou! Xiaomou is still proud of his strength. Now I want to come, you are afraid that you will use this soul realm frequently when you pass by the intensive sky, which has created the strength of avatar. Recession, so that he was killed by a certain sword. "

"You?" Xi Yuxiyu's face changed dramatically, exclaimed, "How do you know?"

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