Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2046: Moonlight vs. Breath

Zhou Xiaoming's routines are similar to those of Gu Sheqiu, but he did not wait for the military plan to be ready, and he has begun to issue orders. After the military plan was passed to Cui Heng, he let out a long sigh of relief and narrowed his eyes to see only 60% remained Team, I don't know what to think in my heart.

Xiao Hua's figure didn't say anything, but after seeing the military picture, he was also sad, and 40% fell. That's 200 billion fairy soldiers!

Living life disappears like this.

Xiao Hua's shadow body was unable to use the ghost force, so the shadow body could only see, and could not do anything. The darkness, the ubiquitous shouting, screaming, and firelight seemed like a nightmare.

"Sir," said Zhou Xiaoming, who was staring at the military figure, suddenly said, "Please invite Master Cui to send his soldiers. He should have spare power there at this time. This quiet family is too powerful. Wang Yibai's team has no power to reverse the situation. Rely on external force. "

"Okay," Xiao Hua Shadow promised, saying, "The old man will inform him!"

After another half-pillar incense, Zhou Xiaoming looked away from the military chart and looked at the distance, "Adult, the paper talked about the final feelings, the disciple wanted to go to the front to see and see!"

Xiao Hua shadow nodded and agreed.

"I'll go ahead and see," Zhou Xiaoming told the warlord before the military case, "If there are any abnormal military plans, notify me in time."

"Yes, adult!" Several warlords hurriedly bowed down and agreed.

Zhou Xiaoming urged his figure and flew toward the nearest shout.

Wuguang didn't know where he came from, but it fell on Zhou Xiaoming's body, and Zhou Xiaoming's hair fell upright, as if stared by Leng Sensen.

Boundary space is not stable, and the war has made the space full of holes, but at this time, under the dark light, this space is like crystal condensation,

Destroyed into the distance, Zhou Xiaoming could see clearly that dozens of star boats formed a fortress and surrounded the more than ten thousand breathing demon clan to attack.

Zhou Xiaoming's eyes fell on the quiet breathing demon clan, and he felt startled.

The quiet breath demon clan looks like a phoenix, but there is no order, and the location of the crest is replaced by a pale white ring. Although the ring is white, it has become gray in the dark light and can hardly be seen.

At this time, more than ten thousand quiet breathing demon clan also formed, their demon array is weird, looks like a ring connected together, the hairless phoenix body is hidden behind the ring.

"Booming" the Xingzhou fortress projected a beam of light. The beam of light that collapsed the pale green space channel fell into the darkness of the white circle. It disappeared instantly, and it could not cause harm to the resting demon clan. Instead, the beam of light did not know from that The black light in the center of the pale white circle shot out, and the sound of "boom" hit the other Xingzhou fortress, resembling the other way in the martial arts of the world!

Around the Xingzhou Fortress, there are some generals who lead the Xianbing to fight against some Resting Demon Clan.

The attack of the Youxie Demon Clan is similar to that of the Candle Fallen Demon Clan, but after the flame circulates on the white ring, it emits a dark light with a breath of death. Unless this dark light has no ghost blood, Xiao Hua's shadow will think this The black light comes from Jiu You!

"The Taiyin Youying Family is really powerful!"

Zhou Xiaoming watched it for a long time, and saw that the death and injury of the human race fairy soldiers were several times more than that of the quiet breath demon race. He couldn't help sighing and said, "If you want to be restrained, I'm afraid it's better to be from Yang to Gang!"

"Hey," Xiao Hua smiled and urged Kunlun Mirror to send Xun Shu out.

Xun Shu fell in mid-air, and the figure of Chong Xiaohua gave a little polite gesture: "Nan Wuda is compassionate and compassionate to the world goddess of Guanyin Bodhisattva, the disciples lead the life!"

Xun Shufei went to the place where he was trapped by the Xingzhou Fortress. The light behind his head rose like a moon, and the moonlight fell like water over a thousand miles away.



"Brush brush"

The weird thing happened, the moonlight shone on the quiet breathing demon clan, and within the white light circle, the dark place gave birth to reflection, and the light and shadow were as crystal as moonlight.


The light pillar of the Xingzhou Fortress just fell down. The light pillar did not fall into a circle like a full moon, but hit the white light ring directly. "Aoao Aoao" burst into a scream, and dozens of quiet breath demon clan were beaten down!

As for the rested demon clan who are fighting in array, no matter how they rotate the circle, no dark light is emitted. The demon clan has no choice but to hiss, hairless wings spread, and claws pounce!

"Nanwu Maitreya Buddha ~"

Seeing the Buddha light restraining the quiet breathing demon clan, Xun Shukou declared the Buddha, gently lighted the brain behind him, "buzzing" the bright masterpiece, and the moonlight illuminating Jie Chong again.

This time is not more than the previous, but the previous is not a temptation, but this time the moonlight bodhisattva is prestige. Moonlight overflows in all the quiet breathing demon ring, only a few breaths, the bursting sound of "booming" is constantly coming out of the ear, most of the quiet The ring of the breathing demon clan could not withstand the moonlight and burst, the headless and hairless phoenix demon body fell, and the black blood dripped along the storm.

"Dashan ~" Xiao Hua's eyes were unconscious when he saw him.

"No," Zhou Xiaoming followed Xun Shu and rushed to the left and right. The rest of the demon clan fell everywhere. He suddenly changed his face and exclaimed, "Master, the disciple is wrong, go, go back quickly ! "

The figure of Xiao Hua didn't know what Zhou Xiaoming discovered, so he quickly called Xun Shu and flew back to Xingzhou with Zhou Xiaoming.

Zhou Xiaoming fell in front of the military map and hurriedly looked at the places where the candlelight family had just retreated, and sure enough, two of them had already stopped retreating and faced the battle again.

"Master," Zhou Xiaoming hurriedly said to Xiao Hua, "Trouble to inform the younger brother quickly, there is a conspiracy of the defeat of the Zhuoluo clan. The previous disciples speculated that the Zhuoluo clan and the Youyi demon clan wanted the Qinggeer clan and The number of disciple teams is balanced. The younger team loses 30%, but the disciple team loses 40%. It is supposed that the candlelight family should step up their attacks and should not take the initiative to retreat. When the Moonlight Bodhisattva appeared, the disciple team stabilized After the attack, the Candle Fall Clan actually stopped and retreated, which is even more wrong. So the disciples think they are maintaining the number of the Fall of the Candle Fall Clan and the Resting Demon Clan ... "

"Damn ~" Xiao Hua's shadow body also sounded something. He scolded his figure and flew directly under the star boat into the chaotic space.

But for a moment, Xiao Hua returned to his body and gritted his teeth: "The blood of the quiet breath demon clan disappears strangely, and all the corpses are turned into powder."

At the same time, on the other side, another Xiao Hua shadow also heard a voice: "The white blood of the Zhuolu family also disappeared, and the corpses disappeared."

"Daoyou," the two shadow figures hurriedly called for the shadow figure behind Cui Heng, "quickly detect the corpses and bloodstain of Xiyu Xiyu family!"

"Every Dao friends," the shadow body immediately heard the news, "The poor Dao has been detected as long as you wait to leave. Most of the demon corpses have merged into the pale blue space channel, and they are not as good as the candle fall family and the quiet demon demon. As secret. "

"Weird ~" The two shadow figures whispered in unison, "What medicine are they selling in the gourd?"

The third shadow figure of "Why?" Smiled, "This matter is already known to Xiao Daoyou, and the team separated by Cui Heng reinforces the two Daoyou. Whatever tricks do he have, I will only change with the same!"

The shadow body is right. Xiao Hua faced Xi Yu, who was wearing a mustard armor. He already had a plan in his heart. He left the nail head and seven arrows book hidden, and the right hand took out the blue sword, and the mind entered Space, turned into Yudie Xiaohua's order: "Su Yao, Qian Yuhan, Zhan Xiu, Ran Ran, Qiao Samsara ... Hear the order, you wait for your mystery, and quickly send your own avatars to lead the Demon Team! More serious than previously thought, the purpose of the Candle Fall Clan and the Resting Demon Clan is unknown, and the Xi Yu Xiyu Clan is at a disadvantage. You do n’t have to divide 300 million immortal soldiers. The Xiyu family must be victorious in one battle !!! "

Said that Yudie Xiaohua's big sleeves waved, the military maps of the three teams, the virtual and real movements of the demon clan detected by Mobing led by Shuo Bing, etc., all fell into the minds of all warlords!

"Yes, lord ~" Qiao had already rubbed his hands in reincarnation, and at this time, it was so exciting that he agreed to agree.

Xiao Hua returned to his mind, squinted and looked at Xi Yu Xiyu, who was already gaining momentum. Now he was confused about Xi Yu Xiyu ’s plan, but he knew clearly that he only had to kill all the demon soldiers of the Xi Yu Xiyu family. All the truth must surface, so he quietly urged the military command to say: "Generals, wait for your prayers!"

"Yes, adult"

In the military card, Xiao Hua had already told the more than one hundred battles that he would promise at the same time, all praying.

Seeing more than one hundred shadow bodies appearing everywhere in Jiechong, Xiao Hua thought a little, and picked dozens of suitable shadow bodies, so that they would release Su Yao, Ran Ran, Qiao Samsara and other avatars.

The avatars of the four commanders and the seven warlords can't actually appear in the depths of the boundary. Although they have already performed the secret of the chemical gate, the infinite interface laws around them bombard their fairy bodies and spirits like the will of the world.

Su Ming and Qian Yuhan had earlier experience. They tried their best to restrain the fairy power. After suppressing the coercion, they immediately issued orders. Qiao reincarnation was more comfortable than Su Ming. They had cultivated their gods since childhood, and their breath hiding has arrived. To the point.

"Kill, kill, kill !!"

In an instant ~ ~ Jie Chong's already raging war was hot again, shouting killing, screaming, Jie Chong storm's roar came from Xiao Hua and Xi Yuxiyu all around.

"Ah?" Xi Yu xiyu was stunned. He turned around and looked at him in wonder, exclaimed, "You ... Where did you get the team from again?"

"you guess?"

Xiao Hua laughed, "Aren't you already confident?"

"Xu Cheng, Zhang Jian, their teams are not near Shumi Tian ..." Xi Yu xiyu frowned, and after counting his interest, he came to understand and scolded: "Damn, this is Feng Ming's remnant army !!"

"Haha, that's right." Xiao Hua laughed, raised his hand and raised the blue sword, and said to Xi Yuxiyu. "You fought a battle with Fengming in order to deceive Yu Honghai. , Let Fengming remnant turn around. The old fox of Yu Honghai can't look down on these 100 billion residual soldiers, take them as a pill Xiao Xiao, but you and Yu Honghai can't think of it, these 100 billion residual soldiers are the key to reversing the battle situation! "

Finally, Xiao Huayang handed out the blue sword!

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