Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2062: Sky pupil, explain, cut

The "click" is not in contact, the space between the two objects immediately produces a crazy light purple thunder, and the two objects also produce white light and black light at the same time, attacking each other!

"Isn't it too urgent to fry with the same root?" Yudie Xiaohua said with a smile, just about to raise his hand, "brushing" the black ball edge and the white ring edge are all producing golden light. Blocking, at the same time, the gold thread is more than two things, and merges with each other, sweeping the light purple thunder away.

"Dashan ~" Yudie Xiaohua was overjoyed, watching the black ball and the white ring merge together a little bit.

"Boom," the moment the eyes of candlelight and the pupil of Youying merged, the entire space was shaking, and unspeakable fluctuations began to oscillate throughout the space.

The wave fell on Yudie Xiaohua. He watched the white ring turn into white eyes, and the black sphere into eye pupils. Between black and white, there was gold wire flashing, within black and white, there was blood like silk, jade Die Xiaohua sighed; "Isn't this just an eye? There is actually a majestic name ... Tiantong!"

How to use Tiantong, Yudie Xiaohua is not clear, but with the experience of Xi Yuxiyu, Yudie Xiaohua will send this Tiantong into his bloodline and warm up with Orange Crystal.

Looking at the pieces of dead wood that have withered like dead wood, Yudie Xiaohua pouted: "It also looks like a poor product! Huh?"

Just as Yudie Xiaohua was about to wave his hand to seal the dead wood fragments of the resting child, he lighted his eyes again, raised his hand gently, and within the trace of dead wood texture, a stele engraved with weird totems flew out.

When this thing flew out of the room, Yuya Xiaohua's familiar breath rose into the sky. At the same time, in one of the spaces, the dilapidated stone monument sealed by Yuya Xiaohua actually shook extremely.

Yudie Xiaohua was taken aback for a moment, and hurriedly raised his hand to catch it, imprisoned the object, and hurriedly looked there.

But seeing the shabby stele emits a dazzling white light. Among the white light, a sword-like spirit rises into the sky, and the white light condenses into a sword shape with the sword-like mind!

At the same time, even if Yudie Xiaohua had imprisoned the stone tablet in front of him, there was also the yellow cloud Xia which Yuyu Xiaohua felt terrified on the stone tablet. The remains of the twelve golden immortals are almost identical!

Yudie Xiaohua was somewhat enlightened. He stared at the broken place on the green monument. The totem should be a word, but the word was the same as the sword-boiling stone monument. I could n’t see what it was. Yudie Xiao Hua only knows that this stele should be of the same level as that stele.

Yuya Xiaohua was thinking that several strokes were engraved on the white stone-enclosed stele, rising into the sky, countless fluctuations fell into the strokes from all around, and turned into a text that Yuya Xiaohua had never seen before.

But the word fell into the eyes of Yudie Xiaohua, and he knew clearly that it was a "cut" word!

The stone tablet next to Yuya Xiaohua is also unwilling to fall behind. In the yellow cloud, the weird totem rushed into the air, and weird fluctuations came from all directions to complete the incomplete part.

"This ..." Yudie Xiaohua was shocked. "Is this an interpretation?"

The two handwritings are white and yellow, reflecting each other, comparable to the sun and the moon.

"The two seniors," Yudie Xiaohua thought for a moment, and said, "The juniors have seen the ceremony. This is the space for the juniors. I also invite the two seniors to temporarily rest the wrath of the thunder, the heart of the battle, and the juniors are grateful."

"Om ~ Om ~"

The words of Yudie Xiaohua are naturally the will of heaven and earth in the space, and both stone tablets can be perceived. With the implementation of Yudie Xiaohua's voice, the two handwritings dissipated, and the white sword and yellow jade Ruyi fell into the stone tablet.

"Offended ~" Yudie Xiaohua smiled and still sealed the two stone tablets.

"Where did the son of the quiet breath get this thing?" Yudie Xiaohua frowned a little. After all, he didn't find the origin of the stele from the memory of the son of the quiet breath. "From the hidden point of the stele alone, the son of the quiet breath knows this thing." Important, after all, the secrets there are almost impossible to find.

Seeing that the space has not changed, Yudie Xiaohua urged to pass on the merits of Xiaohua, but any disciples contaminated with ghost marks and tai chi halo came in to the seal space, allowing the heart of the doctor to continue to explore and enlighten , This is just out of space.

"Yifu ~" Xiao Hua opened his eyes and asked Xiang Zhili concerned, "Your old face is pale, is that all right?"

"It's okay ~" Xiao Hua actually felt a little tired. This tiredness was exhausting. After all, the battle started, after dozens of yuan, although the time was not long, but the situation was abrupt and a lot of sinister. Nowadays, most of them are stable. How can Xiao Hua feel at ease when the sudden catastrophe of the fairy world has not been eliminated?

"That's it, uncle Shi should continue to rest!" Cui Yingying said, "Brother Lu has already said the specific situation, and the disciples and ruthlessly urged the disciples to urge Lei Zhou to return to Immortal Realm.

"No way!" Xiao Hua stood up and said, "Although Shumi Tian has been closed, but the inside is the captain of the team and Yue Xiao, the worst is Bu Yao, Tenteng. Even if there is Joe reincarnation of their starry sky Yuluo Hunyuan Great Formation, even if there are sixty-four long vault commanders under the master Zhou Chenzhou, I am afraid that it will not be stable, and the old man is going to suppress it !!! "

After talking about it, Xiao Hua looked around and was quite relieved: "Yu Leizong has this momentum, and merciless you are the leader!"

"Younger brother does not dare!" Ruthless humility, "Both brothers' credit."

"Let's order," Xiao Hua laughed, "Bring you back to the fairy world for your brother, and when you want to rest for your brother, I will send you out again!"

"Follow Brother Brother's order!" Xiao Hua rushed to Lu Shu et al., Ruthlessly said, "You wait to discuss countermeasures on Lei Zhou, especially the isolation of the pivotal days. There must be no omissions."

Then I have a look at Cui Hengdao: "The battle report you wrote, the old man has been under Zhou Chen's command, Guan Fan Bao Yu, Zhou Zhou and Bingshu Gong, I hope they can pay attention to it."

"Unfortunately, Shu Mitian can't directly send a message to Bingshu Palace," Cui Heng sighed. "Otherwise, the record of the adults and the early warning of the fairy world should be sent soon!"

"Relax ~" Xiao Hua smiled, and he was confident. "The old man already had their own seven star boats, but whenever possible, the old man immediately sent a message to the King of Sound."

"Let's go!" Seeing that the disciple of Yu Lei Zong had already packed up, Xiao Hua rose to the sky, rolled up his sleeves, collected the Thunder Battle Boat, and walked away directly.

Not to mention that Xiao Hua ’s technique of light escape returned to the Privy Council with all his strength, and arguing that beyond the Privilege, the Starry Sky Ten Thousands of Heluo Hunyuan Grand Array has not been fully deployed yet, Zhang Jian and Wu Zhong have whispered in a low voice: "Master Wu Although there are quite a few other team captains, but most of them are unreliable. They had hurriedly left Shumitian Sky in a hurry, but it was because of the imaginary realm of the realm. Nowadays, Xiao Zhenren's heavy army is besieging the siege. The realm of the realm can be ignored. Now they are still in the whole team. It ’s because of the inertia of thinking that they have n’t come to consciousness yet, so I ca n’t rely on them too much and must save myself. ”

"Xiao Zhenren couldn't hit it, fearing that he had already returned to the depths of the world," Wu Zhong's eyes turned sharply, even if he didn't let out his thoughts, and whispered, "but, since he can come once, he can definitely still For the second time, Master Zhang said that he would take advantage of this gap, so he would take action quickly! "

"When I get out of trouble, it should be unharmed ..." Zhang Jian smiled bitterly, "But what about those golden immortals with glory marks? How can we take them away? Don't forget, to take them into the space fairy, yes If you want to urge Xianli, Xianli will move, and I will also be contaminated with the mark of glory! "

"That's it," Wu Zhong said anxiously, "I should wait for the dozen or so surviving handsome long vaults to take the lead. Those Yue Xiao should also be contaminated, and by now, most of the warlords in the privy day should be contaminated? "

"Where do I know!" Zhang Jian replied, "Listening to Wang Yibai said, in order to do the secret, the master gave only one monster, and it is still one-time. As long as someone is contaminated with the mark of glory, the monster will be displayed. Now The ghost knows how many people are contaminated? "

After speaking, Zhang Jian yelled at Wang Yibai loudly: "Master Wang, Zhen Xiao is not going against it. He not only betrayed from the fairy world, but also used his own private soldiers to siege. Although he didn't say anything, it was obvious that he was going to take me to invite the demon alliance Previously, I thought that the world charm had killed my adult, now it seems that Master Yu is also killed by Xiao Zhenren! Xiao Zhenren behaves like this, how can I wait for him? The big **** tears apart! "

"Masters ~" Wang Yibai obviously also understands the situation at this time, he may not have the thoughtfulness that Zhang Jian considered, UU reading www.uukanshu. com, but he was better at fooling, so he took out his golden gun with his hands, looked at the distance like electricity, and then pointed to the crowd, and said, "Let ’s not talk about Xiao Zhenren ’s betrayal to the fairy world. Does anyone dare to lead the soldiers to siege? This kind of joke that slips around the world actually happened in front of our eyes. If we are really surrounded, no matter what purpose Xiao Zhenren plays, my name should be recorded in the Bingshu Palace On top of the war strategy, anyone who investigates the war strategy and sees the siege in the future will be surprised. What's going on? Isn't Wang Yibai handsome? How can he be besieged by the deputy long dome Xiao Zhenren? Question, is n’t this the slap that I ’ve been waiting for? Do you think it ’s unbearable, everyone, and kill with Wang !!! "

After finishing talking, Wang Yibai took the initiative to rush out of Qingyun!

"Masters," Zhang Jian also shouted, "No matter what happens, Xiao Zhenren cannot be besieged successfully. Even if we want to listen to Xiao Zhenren's explanation, we must first tear up his large formation. Lord Wang is right. , I ca n’t afford to lose this face! Do n’t believe it, adults look at his face! Kill! "

After talking, Zhang Jian also urged his body, and took a sturdy golden fairy to the starry sky and the vast world of Heluo Hunyuan!

Zhang Jian is really bad! His last sentence fell on the ground. There were really some handsome long vaults. Yue Xiaoshuai released Yan Nian to visit his subordinates. This Yan Nian was not released as soon as they were released. The ghost marks of Jin Xianbu's eyebrows also passed into their hearts!

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