Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2069: Greed

Yudie Xiaohua smiled slightly, raised his hand on the heart of the healer, and said softly: "You are in a hurry, there is still much time, you just have to find a way to rescue them, they will not die."

The doctor's heart seemed to understand Yudie Xiaohua's words, his blood was introverted, and his beating gradually slowed down. Yudie Xiaohua felt the anxiety of the doctor's heart, and after a little thought, he raised some fairy wine and sprinkled it on it.

The "Xia Wei" Xianjiu seems like the spring water poured into the heart of the doctor, the doctor's heart calmed down immediately, and the six-color glow began to be in order.

"Master," Xiaoguo said suddenly at this moment, "Zhizhi found some fairy grass, but could not determine the effect!"

"It's easy to say," Yudie Xiaohua nodded, Ning Shen listened for a moment, and sent Zhizhi and Xiaoguo out of the seal space with a wave of his hand.

Yudie Xiaohua also knew that finding the detoxifying elixir was not easy, and he was not in a hurry. After a little thought, Guan Tianyue was brought to his eyes.

Guan Tianyue is now a high-level real immortal, half-step immortal. It can be said that this is the biggest harvest of the more than three hundred times of retreat. Shuo Bing didn't enter the country very much, leaving all his energy and gain to him.

"Master ~" Guan Tianyue saw Yudie Xiaohua hurriedly bowed down and politely said, "Are you going back?"

Yudie Xiaohua looked at Guan Tianyue with a smile, and did not immediately answer, but instead asked: "Tianyue, how long does it take for ordinary fairy to reach half a step from the first stage of a real fairy?"

Guan Tianyue immediately understood the meaning of Yudie Xiaohua's words, but he didn't say something grateful, but answered seriously: "Teacher adults know that in general, from true immortals to heaven immortals should be a thousand years. But in fact, 60% of the true immortals can't open the sky successfully, only 40% can open up the Xuan Yuantian and set foot on the heavenly immortals, and the thousandth century is the least time to consume. "

"Presumably Shuo Bing has already told you," Yudie Xiaohua nodded and asked, "Now the fairy world should only be more than ten years old, do you think how to answer it?"

"The disciple has already thought about it," Guan Tianyue nodded. "There is a dangerous place in the fairyland. When the disciple came, he had already reported to the Tianzun Mansion. He also asked the master to give some magical powers so that the disciple could pass through the investigation of the Tianzun Mansion."

"Cultivation of more than three hundred years is down-to-earth," Yudie Xiaohua laughed. "This is undoubtedly, so there is no need to change too much, but it is just taking some care to conceal the ins and outs."

"Yes" Guan Tianyue laughed with him. "The disciples have made this entry because of Binger's credit. The disciples don't dare to say that there will be no problem with Binger's life."

Yudie Xiao Hua was overjoyed in his heart, he stroked and said: "What the old man wants is you, as for your gratitude to the old man, the old man disdains to listen."

Guan Tianyue, who can stand in Tianzun Mansion, naturally knew what Xiao Hua thought, so he did not say these words at all. At this time, he bowed with a smile: "The appreciation of the disciple to the lord is just like the world and the world. From the bottom of your heart, do n’t say anything! "

"Well," Yudie Xiaohua said, "you have the heart, the old man will also be completed, and at this time, the power of greed is handed over to you."

Guan Tian became bigger and bigger, and he didn't like to be surprised. "Master, the great merits over and over again, I'm afraid it's not good for the disciples."

"If it's other credit," Yudie Xiaohua shook his head, and said, "The old man doesn't dare to give you any more, but this credit is still related to Xi Yuxiyu. If you give it again, it should not be bad!"

"Xi Yuxiyu?" Guan Tianyue was startled, anxiously, "what kind of moth does this guy get? He destroyed a city of star towers with one avatar, would it be necessary to destroy another continent this time?"

"It's more than a continent ~" Yudie Xiaohua sneered. "He's going to destroy the whole fairyland!"

"How is it possible?" Guan Tianyue cried unbelievably.

After listening to Yudie Xiaohua's points, Guan Tianyue saw sweat instantly and gritted his teeth: "Yes, this kind of crazy contamination, if there is no precaution, the entire fairyland will be destroyed."

"However," Yudie Xiaohua added, "As the old man thought, when the fairyland is in crisis, someone will come forward. The fairyland is the fairyland of the human race. Those who cooperate with Xiyu Xiyu will not let the fairyland perish. of."

"Adult." Guan Tianyue smiled bitterly, "There is a saying called playing with fire. Such dangerous ghost marks are not controlled by the human race at all. Xi Yuxiyu is also sad and mad. If you are not careful, it may cause a disaster. . "

"So," Yudie Xiaohua said in a meaningful way, "You, the Tianzunfu fairy man who exposed Xi Yuxiyu's conspiracy in the city of Star Tower, will definitely be hated by Xi Yuxiyu, a condition of his cooperation with those people. ... should capture you! Xi Yuxiyu ca n’t wait for you to eat your blood raw and raw. You just came out of your experience and were captured by an unknown fairy and sent to Jiechong, and the old man killed Xi Yuxiyu, again You rescued, and then sent you back to the fairy world with all your strength ... "

Guan Tianyue's expression moved, and a smile appeared on his face, saying: "Yes, the disciple's dangerous place was near Jiechong. It was easy to be found by some intentional Jin Xianbu Yao. The disciple woke up and returned to the fairy world On the way, because the disciples knew each other well, the adults asked the disciples to pass back the news that shocked the fairy world ... "

Speaking of which, Guan Tianyue said anxiously: "So, Master, how to eliminate this ghost mark?"

"This depends on the means of Tianzun Mansion," Yudie Xiaohua said. "Although the old man already has some means, he can't use it on a large scale. There is no special way for the old man to face the upcoming Tai Chi halo. Of course, it is necessary for each to keep his eyes on the sky, and not release the imagination or the Yuanshen avatar. "

"Can Master give some Tai Chi halo, and have ghost marks?" Guan Tianyue asked.

"Tai Chi halo should be ok, but ghost marks and blue marks will not work," Yudie Xiaohua replied, "Vice Vice Chang Xiao does not have that strength."

"What about the dead body?"

"Do you need these?" Yudie Xiaohua asked with a smile.

"Yes," Guan Tianyue woke up and patted his forehead. "Just because there is tai chi halo, my Tianzun Mansion can naturally produce ghost marks, and naturally there will be corpses!"

"Well," Yudie Xiaohua raised his hand and handed a jade box to Guan Tianyue, and told him, "The inside is the sealed Tai Chi halo, as well as Moxian pupil, and some other things, you must not Open it at will. I will let someone return you to the fairy world. Fairy Shuo can't go back with you for the time being. She is still looking for these Tai Chi halo in the depth of the world. Only when I return to the world can I return her. "

Guan Tianyue took the jade box, hid it carefully, and nodded solemnly.

After commanding this, Yudie Xiaohua extended his finger, slightly modified Guan Tianyue's memory, and then directly sealed it.

After doing all this ~ ~ Yu Die Xiaohua got out of the space, still retreating, I do n’t know how long after that, Xiao Hua stood up and said to Ruthless and wait: "You need to be careful!"

After finishing the talk, Xiao Hua performed the shadow exchange again, and still went to Shumi Sky alone. After a few times, Xiao Hua had arrived near Shumi Sky. Because of Xiao Hua ’s orders, a shadow flew to the outside of Zhu Zhi and other teams to meet him. Xiao Hua showed his body shape. First, he sent the four commanders and Cui Heng to make sacrifices for his soldiers to send 200 billion fairy soldiers to escape. He flew himself to the sky, rubbed his hands, and thundered. The overwhelming fall entraped Zhu Zhi and other surroundings, and his mouth was as angry as a thunder god: "Zhu Zhi, Er and other rat generations, dare to collude with Zhou Chen demon clan, and see how Xiao Mou can help me to eliminate the evil team!"

Zhu Zhi is only in the junior middle school of the Ninth Palace. Where can Xiao Hua Dalu be comparable in strength?

Thanks to the fairy friends represented below, for helping Xiao Zhenren to stop the poison and save the fairy world: Immortal Fist, Lao Jiu, Xiang Qing, Nandi Beima, please call me Master Shi, Dun Yu, Loritin, Nuo Lunxi, Pride Shenzhou, loyalty to God, Mao Lingzi, once looked forward to the present, busy man, Zfwz666, stupid Taoist, vanilla flavor, old high, small section of flowers, singing flute, ruthless, Dao Zun, dragon blood, tea egg eggs, Mo Yan For defeat, coke and return, May 1 is ready to add more ... Chapter 32! ! !

Reward for something, keep up with it!

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